Psychodelic Rainbow
Joined January 2015
Weight History

Start Weight
226.2 lb
Lost so far: 60.6 lb

Current Weight
165.6 lb
Performance: losing 0.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
154.3 lb
Still to go: 11.2 lb
Mum of 4, mid 40's ~ I was feeling not so healthy & at the heaviest I've ever been. November 2014 - it was finally time to do something. I thought I ate pretty good - didn't snack, ate reasonably healthy - no takeaways, but once I started looking more at what I put into my body, I realised that - what I thought wasn't too bad - wasn't really that great either. I eat minimal portions now, really think about what I eat, before eating it. Food now - isn't just about taste & satisfaction - it's also about providing my body with the fuel it needs to survive, and not over indulging my sweet tooth. I've not had my usual black coffee with 2 sugar, or nightly chocolate indulgence since starting my new lifestyle, which were big downfalls. Instead now I have 1-2 cups of green tea each day. My biggest changes have been - cutting down my portion size by using a bread & butter plate instead of a dinner plate, no snacking between meals, and not eating after 8pm - I'm still struggling with the drinking 2 litres of water each day - but make a good effort. I now look at sweet things, and I'm not enticed to eat them ( most of the time ), and Sumo Salads are the only thing I will eat as a treat - if we are out shopping. I am now planning meals, rather than just grabbing something at the time. As I achieve my goals, I am feeling heaps better - and years younger. So glad I took that first step.

Psychodelic Rainbow's Weight History

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