Joined November 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
172.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
167.0 lb
Performance: gaining 8.4 lb a week

Goal Weight
130.0 lb
Still to go: 37.0 lb

LenaHyena's Weight History

LenaHyena's Latest Member Challenges

  Couch to 5k in 9 weeks April 2011
status: Completed
ended: 06 Jun 11
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  Summer Swim Challenge
status: Completed
ended: 17 May 10
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LenaHyena's Cookbook

cals: 179kcal | fat: 12.22g | carbs: 8.17g | prot: 10.10g
Tapas Baked Tomato Egg Nests
A wonderful way to sneak some veggies into breakfast.
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LenaHyena's Latest Posts

These Diets Aren't Designed for my Lifestyle!!!
Thank you everyone for posting. As far my food diary jumping when I gave up calorie counting I started using it to figure out nutrition facts on new recipes I was working out ^_^ I should probably delete that stuff once I've got the numbers down.
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get my thyroid checked at the doctors office. I haven't had a physical since high school softball.
I'm not a huge meat eater, I probably eat meat 3-4 times a week. We consume a lot of fish and shrimp in this house and all of the meat we do eat is pastured and grass-fed. I feel our green-friendly localvore lifestyle is appropriate and it isn't something I'd ever want to give up.
Everyone's been really helpful! I'll definitely see if the library has a copy of that book everyone was talking about.
posted 04 Apr 2011, 12:20
Kettlebells are a main component of my daily CrossFit workout and I just love them. I came into fitness with bad knees and no idea what I was doing and being able to have both hands on the kettlebell forced me to learn proper form and gave me weight options for deadlifts that were more manageable than a traditional weight bar. It's a really great tool for a quick full body workout, especially KB swings which have done wonders for my back.
I hate that so many women shy away from CrossFit because they don't want to get "bulky". It's actually extremely hard to do and the benefits of an explosive weight workout every day have been enormous for me.
posted 04 Apr 2011, 06:52
These Diets Aren't Designed for my Lifestyle!!!
Thanks guys. I'm pretty healthy. I workout twice a day with my partner who is a martial arts instructor and I work outdoors daily.
I just can't get the weight thing under control for some reason. I've tried counting calories but it just never works for me. I've maintained 1300 calorie diets for months at a time without ever losing an ounce and if I so much as look at a piece of pie I gain five pounds.
I did Atkins for a while, but that just made me mean and cranky and I stopped losing weight after a few months and gained it right back when I started eating normally again.
It's just so completely frustrating to behave and feel like a healthy person but to have people look at you like "Yeah, whatever, you've never set foot in a gym in your life." when you try to talk about your hobbies.
posted 01 Apr 2011, 12:45
These Diets Aren't Designed for my Lifestyle!!!
I'm having a bit of trouble... I'm not significantly overweight but I have been trying really hard to lose with all kinds of different diets. The problem I'm running up against is that so many of these diets call for "no fat" "reduced fat" frankenfoods or just tell you to "throw this part of the food away." As a person devoted to living an all-local/holistic/urban-homesteader lifestyle I'm having trouble with this. Currently I'm attempting to follow the Zone diet. I've resigned myself to draining most of the cream off of raw milk (much to my partner's chagrin) and doing the best I can as far as making cheese/yogurt from this "reduced fat" milk. But I can't bring myself to just toss the egg yolks that my hens worked so hard to make for me (for a while I was giving them to the dogs but they can only eat so much egg-yolk) and we flavor just about everything with bacon and salt pork because it's available to us cheaply. I'd hate to think you have to be rich in order to "eat right".
I also tend to cook on a large scale to can things during harvest seasons and I'm having a hard time doing the math on my recipes!!! (How many slices of bacon can I use to flavor a pot of turnip greens and still be in the zone...ummmmmm....) Is anybody else running up against this wallQuestion
posted 01 Apr 2011, 07:07
LenaHyena has submitted 4 posts

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