Joined May 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
216.0 lb
Lost so far: 10.0 lb

Current Weight
206.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.4 lb a week

Goal Weight
160.0 lb
Still to go: 46.0 lb
My name is Amy. I am 27, and married. I have a medical condition that effects my hormone levels in my body making losing weight even more of a challenge, to control my hormone levels I have to take a daily steriod which also adds to the challenge. I am a fairly friendly person and do not mind talking and sharing information, so if you would like to ask questions feel free to contact me. :-)

Kedria's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.6 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 1.8 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 1.7 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up

Kedria's Latest Posts

Hello, looking for support and buddies!
Honestly it's basically anything. And I haven't had much of an appetite for months, probably 8 or 9+. Monday I tried to have a chicken salad with nothing else on it, took two bites and couldn't eat anymore. it just make me so sick trying. Nothing for the rest of that day, my husband brought home a salad from taco bell and when I opened it, I had to put the lid back on it, or I was going to throw up. Didn't try on tuesday and never got hungry. at about 2am wed morning I made myself eat hotdog, but I got so sick I ended up having to take medicine I have for Nausea which puts me to sleep.

And I know about the starvation mode, it's why I have been trying to get my calories up to at least 1200 daily, but it always seems I fall back into not eating without even realizing it.
posted 26 Jul 2012, 01:20
Hello, looking for support and buddies!
I can't say it's from smelling them all day or even often. Im not around food at work or even at home really. Generally I eat when my husband says he's hungry. But for a while (the last few days have been horribly worse) smelling anything or even tasting food in general turns my stomach. Not sure why. It doesnt help much when you try to talk to your Friends or husband and they all get upset and say things that are not helpful.

I have a very good friend who has been very supportive of me and he trys to help.

And any time I bring it up with my Dr it's like they dont believe me or think I am making excuses for not losing as much as they wanted. Yet I go at least 4 times a week to curves and I work out at home when I cant go. Which logically yes it makes sense that if Im rarely topping 600 calories a day I should be losing a lot of wt quickly but I just don't. Only cooked/solid food seems to bother me, the shakes dont upset my stomach to much.
posted 25 Jul 2012, 18:17
Hello, looking for support and buddies!
I try to drink shakes when I remember, for me it's extremely hard to remember to eat or here lately the problem has been anytime I smell food or start to eat something I get so sick I either can't touch it, or shortly after feel like I'm going to be sick.

Drinking Shakes doesnt upset me to much, I use teh Curves shakes, (since I joined them not to long ago and was there) They have 120 calories, 1G Fat, 12G Carbs (5 fiber,2 sugar), and 15G protein, without the milk, it says to add skim milk but since Im lacking in calories I use 1% for just the added 120 calories.
posted 25 Jul 2012, 12:33
Kedria has submitted 3 posts

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