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22 April 2011

Hiking this weekend... decided to eat up my calories to a more conservative deficit. between 1600 - 1800 calories. Have already entered all the food into the food database. Going 2 b an awesome weekend! Feeling the burn!

So I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning, and i was UP .9 kgs! Almost had a HAT ATTACK! was SO disappointed. And 2moro is actually weigh day :( Then I got my period. Back on a 21 day cycle it seems. Which would explain the bloated feeling this morning. I was gutted because I LOOKED so good at gym y/day. Was wearing one of my XTRA tight outfits and I looked good :). So that's that then. Im not going to weigh until Tues morning. Thats incentive to stick to the programme over the weekend... im especially worried about Sunday when I'll be doing nothing and its going to be raining. Maybe I'll sleep all day? That would be REALLY kewl :) I wish I could actually DO THAT!

I decided to change my weigh-in day to Mondays. So Im going to have my weigh-in after Tuesday Mon 2 May. Public holiday.

Was SO close to quitting and just pigging out on the barrel of cookies and cakes. But i said my mantra to myself and stuck to it.

Im very tired today. sleep deprivation. I should have slept this morning. But hopefully I'll get a good night's rest tonight. Have to be up early tomorrow.

Going out in a bit. Ate a HUGE lunch. Stuffed almost for the day.

16 April 2011

Today I weigh 64.4 kgs.

My TDEE is 1376

Activity Level:
Sedentary: 1651
Lightly Active: 1892
Moderately Active: 2133

Calorie Cycle: 3 high; 1 low

High: @ Maintenance
Sedentary: 1651
Training Day: 1900

Low: (20 - 30% below)
Sedentary: 1300 (20%)
Training Day: 1493 (30%)

Now do I use the traing day figures or the sedentary figures... how do I average that out if I want to calorie cycle this week? Or should I just try a straight deficit this week?

If I do an aggressive deficit this week and my TDEE is 2133, then my calories are:

10% deficit: 1920
20% deficit: 1886
25% deficit: 1600
30% deficit: 1493

Alternatively I can eat 1493 on sedentary days & 1886 on active days?
Too many options is the problem...

Maybe I should just try sticking to 1600 calories for the next 2 weeks and take it from there? 1600 is a 25% deficit. Or 1600 till I hit a plateau.


Will have to adjust my TDEE every week.

16 April 2011

Weigh-in: 142.0 lb lost so far: 1.3 lb still to go: 16.3 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 0.8 lb a week

15 April 2011

Most human problems are created by our inability to properly feel and express our feelings.

Example: addiction. An addiction from my point of view is a way of distracting yourself from yourself. So, instead of feeling your feelings you're: eating, drinking, working, sexing, drugging, being violent, etc.

Addicts from my experience and point of view are not just homeless bums on the street looking for drugs and alcohol. Addicts are people who run from their feelings and suppress them in unhealthy ways. I'm not a psychotherapist or doctor. This is a definition I've come to through my own experience with addiction.

Another way to think of it is this: an addiction is an unhealthy habit that takes you further away from your Soul and the presence of The Uni-verse in your life.

My life's aim has been to, one day at a time, replace unhealthy addictions for healthy habits. I've found the root of my success has been my ability to feel and express my feelings in constructive ways.

Now, most of the time, when I feel a negative feeling, an impulse to consume, chase or fill up a void inside me, instead of going outward, I go within. I stop, focus on my breath and let my feelings come up. Then I write them down, or get creative and write a poem, draw or exercise. I just channel the energy differently.

And what happens is that instead of keeping them down and needing to cover them up (my favorite way to cover up my emotions is with sugar), I have space and distance from my emotions. Day by day I begin to understand the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions that trigger my "addictions" and instead of letting them rule my life, I see them just as thoughts.

Then, the more distance I get from these thoughts, the greater my ability is to choose a new thought and new action that is healthy, constructive and going towards making my dreams come true.

In today's download, I'm not suggesting that you buy some brand new product, surrender your life to the teachings of a great master, or require that you declare yourself a member of any religion. Today, all I ask is that you get brave enough to get quiet, meditate on your breath and FEEL your feelings. Then, once they come up, embrace them and give them expression in the written word. Don't judge or think about your feelings, just let them flow. Once they are out and on paper you will have a different relationship with them - one where you are a little more in control than you were a moment before.

There is nothing fancy about this exercise, it just takes a little courage to peek beneath to surface and see what's there. And remember, as Joseph Campbell says, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek."

12 April 2011

After I lost the weight, my life as I knew it was over. I got divorced from food as a coping mechanism. Food was, for a period in my life, my best friend. I had to mourn that loss. I had to spend time figuring out who this new person, who would rather go for a walk than for pizza, was. I lost friends in the process (I made new ones after a while). I had to re-learn how to cope with emotions. I had to learn that it was OK to cry rather than eat. I had to learn that it was alright to say I was upset about something out loud, using words rather than food. I had to learn that it was perfectly well and good to stand up for myself rather than eat. I had to learn how to do a lot of things rather than eat. If your change is true and lifelong, you will most likely go through this process, too. Accept it as part of the journey you’re taking. —Vivia Kieswetter

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