SugarFox's Journal, 11 September 2015

I was terrified to get on the scale after two weeks of chaos eating. So I kept avoiding the scale and eating more. And with my birthday in all of this I've been eating a lot of cake. Talk about a deserved (but highly demotivating) gain. And now I have to get our of the sugar and carb craving cycle again. Why do I do this to myself?

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we all go through that dont worry about it, I went through it so many times...What matters is making the decision to go back to what you know works for you  
11 Sep 15 by member: Ibiza122
Be strong. We all go through it many many times. The point is that if you are strong enough to brave the scale then you are strong enough to get back on "the bus". We are here for you!! 
11 Sep 15 by member: lesyarademan
don't be too hard on yourself. we all fall, we are only human. the trick is to acknowledge the fall and not to dwell on it, get up...learn from it and move on. look how far you have can do it. baby steps...remember we are all here for you:-) 
11 Sep 15 by member: nicki225
This is exactly why most people fall off the wagon so to speak. Weight loss needs to be sustainable and do-able. Most people can't give up cakes and junk food for long periods of time and when they give it up then have it again, they just lose control and giving up again looks like a huge task that they have no motivation to do again. Read my journal and learn how I managed to lose over 15kg without giving up cakes, pizza, burgers, rice, potatoes, etc. Don't let weight gain demotivate u :) 
11 Sep 15 by member: Big Boy Optimus
I dont think that comment is 100% accurate all depends what eating plan/lifestyle you follow :) for example your plan allows for such things whereas my plan does not and yet I've let go for 3 month on end and never gained more than 5kgs which melted away again lol 
11 Sep 15 by member: Ibiza122
I would say the biggest factor would be your motivation to want it bad enough 
11 Sep 15 by member: Ibiza122
Which part of my comment is not accurate Ibiza122? Some plans might not be sustainable for overweight people to stick to it for 3 months and some may just give up after a week or two. Whatever plan is chosen, it has to be sustainable to that person or else that person will just give up. Most people are conditioned to believe that one has to give up cakes, pizza, etc to lose weight but that's not true. 
11 Sep 15 by member: Big Boy Optimus
I think what Ibiza is meaning (but not saying) and please correct me if I am wrong Ibiza. Ibiza's plan makes for stable blood sugar as he doesn't eat very sugary or carby things. Therefore although he has deviated from the plan for the last couple of months, the weight gain is always a small amount, more than likely water retention due to the excess glucose, and if he "behaves' and follows the rules it goes again. BBO while I understand that your plan works for you and that you love it and I'm not having a go at you, I think with all due respect that many people might not agree with your plan because things like cakes and pizza's have very little if any nutritional value and there are many healthier alternatives and good substitutes. You only have to go online to see all the divine recipes, blogs and websites who cater for people wanting to try new things. I think for people who are striving towards a healthier lifestyle it seems to be a contradiction to be eating the types of foods that got them fat in the first place. Sugar and carb addiction is a very real problem. Diabetes and Insulin Resistance is on the increase as we speak. I'm not saying that anybody who has lost weight successfully, will never eat a "bad" thing again but surely it is better to feed yourself with good choices, (fast day or not) thereby providing optimal health. Just my opinion .... 
11 Sep 15 by member: SwoleMateBunny
yip basically what i was trying to say LCFF just put into i said I've deviated for months and I've actually done it on purpose for 2 of those months, I guess it comes down to how badly you want it though One thing I would like to point out...just because people lose weight doesnt necessarily mean they are becoming fitter and healthier ie you can become thinner but still consume things that end up clogging your arteries  
11 Sep 15 by member: Ibiza122
I totally get what you guys/girls are saying. In an ideal world, everyone would be able to make the right choices and be healthy and not overweight but unfortunately we live lives that are far from ideal so it just makes us overweight and unhealthy. I'm just being realistic with how overweight people battle to give up the bad foods to lose weight and that alone prevents them from even trying. If we can teach them to lose weight/fat without giving up the bad foods entirely then eventually they will reach that point of choosing better foods over the bad foods :) From what I've observed, overweight people who go on a restrictive diet that makes them give up cakes, pizza, rice, etc. can do it for a while but then when they mess up they just don't have the mental focus to get them back on track again and if the mind is not prepared to keep them on track then its already a lost battle. Whilst we all agree that different strokes for different folks, we need to consider what is easier, more sustainable lesser effort over longer period of time to keep such people from gaining weight rather than losing weight itself. Apologies to SugarFox for the long comments but I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading such viewpoints :) 
11 Sep 15 by member: Big Boy Optimus
I agree with you on that point over there BBO, its easy for sum1 for some very overweight to lose easily still by reducing the amount of current instead of cutting out and then move on to healthier choices from there and yip mental focus is important as ive stated be4....but coming back to my original comment, i said not 100% accurate because it is possible if that mental focus you just mentioned is strong, also note i never said it was inaccurate because to an extent i agree with what you said as mentioned in this comment above.It can also be viewed as giving a heroin addict less heroin until he finally decides to come clean (its still toxic and can lead to an over consumption if not monitored correctly) I dont think Sugar fox minds up debating....its really insightful when we give our thoughts and opinions as we can all learn from each other :)  
11 Sep 15 by member: Ibiza122
Just keep trying there r tyms u won't see much this is a cooling off period u will see all of a sudden the drop again just keep positive determined and keep trying  
12 Sep 15 by member: odetteinocencio
snap!!! exactly the same thing happened to me... :( we can do it, we just have too!! 
14 Sep 15 by member: Tanya49
Thank you everyone for the support! I'm super glad to be back already! :D 
15 Sep 15 by member: SugarFox
well done, you have taken the first step back on track, Now keep it up 
15 Sep 15 by member: JDBIsaacs


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