sngglebnny's Journal, 21 March 2013

I don't want to weigh myself yet. I took a five day break to heal my shin splint. Also, this was a non grocery shopping week that started out with spaghetti (which was fine until I ate all of the meat out of it), and I've been snacking on cheerios. My system feels slow even after I go. So, I don't want to record what I've seen on the scale.


what kind of diet do you have your self on. I'm on a low carb calorie counted no wheat diet. Didn't do to good yesterday try to keep my carbs no higher than 32 but was at 82 when I went to bed think I've done better today. Sorry to hear about your shin splint. i really haven't started exercisingyet except for some walking as soon I can afford it I'm going to join our rec center and use there pool and join the pool exercise classes. After I Lose my first 50 lbs I'll start regular weight lifting and floor exercise and the tread mill. Hang in there and keep in touch 
21 Mar 13 by member: no wheat for me
Don't laugh too hard, but I am on a "cook your meals at home"/"exercise 30 minutes a day"/"eat foods that make you poop" diet. I made it up myself, of course. I am trying to attack the physical and psychological issues that make me overweight. I over eat when eating out, but I don't usually over eat when I cook my own meals. I know that running 30 minutes/day is enough to counter 8 hours of sitting (for me anyways). So I run 4 days a week on my lunch break (it was 3 days until recently), and on the weekends I like to get out and walk or hike or something physically active for an hour or so. I also noticed that skinny girls don't deprive themselves of this food group over that food group, generally they have more self-control about how much they put in their mouths...and skinny girls seem to poop regularly. So, I eat foods that make me poop. The spaghetti was an emergency, I'm on a really tight budget and couldn't afford to grocery shop. I had whole wheat spaghetti and made the sauce with ground beef, some veggies that were about to go bad, and a cheap pasta sauce that I keep in my fridge. When I ate all the meat out of the spaghetti it was basically just a bowl of carbs...which stop me up. TMI I know.  
22 Mar 13 by member: sngglebnny
Hi I just got home we actually went out to eat tonight as my hubby got a few extre dollars for doing some driving for my sons business. didn't do too bad, Only thing is with the senior meals you get a small free dish of pudding. i told the waitress only a spoon full of pudding as they don't have the sugar free anymore, did'nt sell enough. Told her more whipped cream than pudding so she brought me a spoonful of pudding and a huge squirt of whipped cream. Had sea bass and broccoli with cheese sauce and a side salad with blue cheese dressing. Think thats the biggest meal I've had all week and I'm stuffed.Didn't even get to do much walking. Went to one of our department stores because my hubby needed socks and thy had 6 packs of socks for 2.99 a pack. We are on a pretty tight budget too. we'll be worse once I go on social security in June. then I"ll have to pay medicare and thats about a hundred dollars a month. well keep on the good work and i'll talk to you soon  
22 Mar 13 by member: no wheat for me


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