Katokar's Journal, 05 January 2013

A LOT of stress. Wednesday, at the doctor's, I weighed in at 187 (clothed, morning, hadn't had breakfast) and this morning I weighed in at 180 (nude, morning, no breakfast) I realize they're different scales and allowing 2lbs for the gym clothes I was wearing (being generous) and a 1lb margin of error, I lost between 4-6lbs in 2 days. Hopefully it's fat and not muscle, I doubt it's water weight as I have been drinking fluids... I really don't know much about stress weight loss. It's happened to me before, but at the time it was late spring/summer and I was working 60hr/wk on my feet, walking my dog twice a day for 3 miles, and biking on the recumbent bike for at least an hour- not to mention I was eating very little (mostly vegetarian to boot) and drinking mostly Sugar Free Rockstar Energy Drinks... I'm kind of surprised I didn't die.
Anyway, I have no idea how stress plus dieting plus semi-regular (2-3 times/week) cardio exercise works. Is it fat loss? Muscle loss? So confused.
180.0 lb Lost so far: 9.0 lb.    Still to go: 30.0 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
losing 2.1 lb a week


When you lose big in a small amount of time, it's mostly water. Losing actual fat takes time. Make sure your get enough protein in your diet (because that helps us maintain our muscle). Balanced healthy eating is the way to go. Focus on lean protein, lean dairy, fruits and veggies. Processed foods contain a lot of sodium. Google "why the scale lies" to learn about water weight fluctuations. It's also good to be proactive and learn about fat loss, nutrition and exercise. Knowledge is power. There are some good fitness magazines out right now that give you lot's of information and many sites. Of course, you have to sort through all the information and take what applies to you and your needs. I love Oxygen magazine (don't let the chicks on the covers scare you), Muscle fitness hers, Fitness Rx. They all offer info on fat loss, nutrition and exercise. Your exercise helps you relieve stress. Cardio mainly burns calories, which helps with fat loss. Strength training helps build muscle, burns calories and helps with fat loss. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest, the more weight you lose, the easier maintaining becomes (hence why men lose faster than women and can eat more and be skinny). It takes women months of hard work to build muscle. I do a combination of cardio and strength training. Good luck! 
05 Jan 13 by member: Suzi161
It's not often I completely agree with someone but Suzi161 is spot on. I weigh first thing in the morning which is when I should be my lightest (and of course most dehydrated) - a couple of hours later after a juice, couple of mugs of tea, breakfast and of course a few clothes I have found myself on occasions. Good luck and realise we're all here together. up to 6lb heavier. 
05 Jan 13 by member: RollyDude


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