girlygirlatheart's Journal, 26 March 2009

I'm pretending yesterday didnt happen.

I guess I can do that for only so long though....

I over ate yesterday, and I lost track of what I ate because my day was so f***ing crazy.

I came home from a meeting with my counselor, and what do I find? My parents fighting, and she has a bag packed and is leaving.
I ask her why she is leaving, and she explains that the everyday responsibilities she has as a mother are too stressful for her.
So it sounds like to me, she doesnt want to be a mother and a wife anymore.
But the funny little thing is, she doesnt do half of what she is supposed to as a mother and a wife.
She has designated herself to be the one who takes care of the finances of our family, but she really doesnt budget anything correctly. We are always behind on bills or borrowing money because she has spent money on things we dont need, or on herself. Like getting her pedicures and manicures. I understand everyone needs a little "me" or "downtime" but she over-indulges. She even sits upstairs on her computer all day, either on the phone with statefarm bitching about her cars (which are ever-so-precious to her) or watching youtube videos and surfing the web.
I am like the puppet and she is the puppeteer. If bills need to be paid, she sends me to go drop them off. If we need food, i go to the store. I do the grocery shopping, I cook, I clean, I do her laundry, I make all her meals while she sits upstairs and avoids my brothers' teachers phone calls and listens to music. She neglects her responsibility to homeschool my brothers while my dad is out traveling for business, making a living to support her and her materialistic life style.
She loves her house, her cars, her Chihuahuas, and her pretty nails.

All she ever talks about with me is how "When I was your age (20), I was working, bought my own car with my own money, had so many admirers and tall, gorgeous boyfriends, and they had such nice cars! One had a v6 mustang and it was a convertible! and we'd go for rides, and they would all tell me how thin and beautiful I was at 120 pounds. Your father's friends would always be trying to kiss me and touch me, because I was so thin and beautiful."

You know how diet magazines are always telling you how thin is never thin enough? or you can never be too skinny? Yeah, well, I live with a walking/talking diet magazine. Only, its in the body of my obese mother. How ironic is that?
My fiance has heard my mom talk about being thin and my weight, and he says, "I wouldnt f***king believe it unless I heard it coming from her, of all people! No wonder you have troubles worrying about what you eat..."
My mom is always telling my brothers and I how she's going to be 120 pounds again (she recently had gastric bypass surgery), and she's going to buy a convertible mustang for herself (with my father's hard-earned money, mind you).

My family is tired of her taking us for granted. We cater to her day and night. My father busts his ass and treats her like a queen. He gives, gives, gives and she takes, takes, takes.

I feel early symptoms of an IBS attack coming on. I feel bloated and have gas, my stomach hurts.

I'm pissed off that I overate, but half of me doesnt even care. No, wait, I do. Its more like, I am choosing to just forget it. Pretend like it didnt happen. If i dwell on it, I get depressed, and that just makes me want to binge on junk food. No! not anymore. I dont want to. I feel great being healthy, and I dont want to give it up. I wont let this stress take it from me. Today is a new day, and i will treat it like one. Yesterday was yesterday and I will leave it in the past. I'm moving on. I plan on exercising today, and I will. I'll do my cardio and my strength training and crunches. I'll eat healthfully to nourish and take care of my body.

I feel like crying, but I think its just because my eyes hurt and I am tired. Its 6:30 in the morning, and I am going back to sleep. I'm exhausted.


Diet Calendar Entries for 26 March 2009:
1056 kcal Fat: 10.43g | Prot: 70.39g | Carb: 183.76g.   Breakfast: blueberries, light and fit. Lunch: starkist tuna in water, double fiber english muffin. Dinner: rotini pasta. Snacks/Other: trident, honey wheat pretzels, healthy multigrain oroweat, knudsen cottage cheese, double fiber english muffin. more...
2222 kcal Activities & Exercise: Sitting - 2 hours, Shopping - 20 minutes, Driving - 10 minutes, Running (jogging) - 5/mph - 5 minutes, Dance (fast step, aerobic) - 25 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours, Resting - 10 hours and 50 minutes, Desk Work - 2 hours, Calisthenics (light, e.g. home exercise) - 10 minutes. more...


Wow. Hey ... is it any wonder you have issues with food and taking care of yourself???? My goodness gracious girl! A very tough day yesterday. Yesterday was yesterday ... screw it!! Today is today. You are a smart, sensitive, caring, loving young woman. You have worked hard at trying to un-learn the hurtful lessons your mom has taught you. I'm sure she also has redeeming qualities and strengths but right now what you see is what you DO NOT want to be. Today will be better for eating and taking care of yourself. Breathe in and out, focus on what is good in your life, and know that already ... at your age ... you are becoming and are a GOOD woman. I hope you got some rest. Take care!!! 
26 Mar 09 by member: madaboutmoose
Oh, wow...I thought I was stressing this week! Take care of are not your mother. You are a good...GREAT person and you deserve happiness. 
26 Mar 09 by member: AlgaeGirl
You know what, my heart goes out to you. I have been there. My mom is a terrible person and for a long time, I listened to all the negative things she said to/about me. I let her negativity take over all that was good about myself. I dwelled on it, and if it could have killed surely would have. Most importantly, you are you. Not her. Eventually you will be able to realize that just because she is your mother, that doesn't mean she can control you forever. You don't have to take that. It's hard enough to make the decision to eliminate someone from your life that brings you down, but you never expect it will be your mother, someone who is supposed to be there and love you no matter what. But guess what....I've learned to love my mother because that's who she is, but I don't have to like her.....and I don't have to let her control who I am and what I will become. You need to convert the hurt feelings and angry outlook, and turn it into fuel to allow yourself to become something great. After all, you ARE great and I know you can do whatever you set your mind too!! You have had a hard life, and no person should have to grow up like you have. Be there for your Dad no matter what. It sounds like he is a great guy. That's how my Dad is....and I will never take him for granted. And hey...maybe you can even get to a place where you can help encourage him to live a happy life too!! Sounds like you all need it!! Hang in there!! If you ever need to talk, I am here!! 
26 Mar 09 by member: tabithahulett
So sorry for what happened in in your family yesterday. Perhaps this little time away will help her appreciate you and your family more. Armchair diagnosis: I think your mom is depressed. She's avoiding her responsibilities and buying things to feel good. Take care of yourself sweetie. 
26 Mar 09 by member: desertkitty
Wow, that's a big load of drama.. I'm sorry sweetie. :( I hope things get better for you soon.  
26 Mar 09 by member: Starladesiree
wow...tabitha - sounds like we had the same mom...mine finally died a couple of years ago...however i did have to learn not to repeat her mistakes because they were hers...girlyg...always be true to you..hang on to dad for dear life - and truer words were never her because she is your mom - but you do not have to like her or her life style...good luck - start today over and be true to you and the life you are building  
26 Mar 09 by member: veggies yuk
Taking care of ones self is hard enough, taking care of everyone around you the way you do is a miracle. I became a mom to my siblings at a young age while my mom malfunctioned too. What drove me to succeed in life was the dertimation to prove her wrong. SO Prove her wrong girl!!! You have come so far- i saw your progress and you are doing amazing. I cant wait to be your numbers!! you are an inspiration to us all! 
26 Mar 09 by member: sunbead27
Oh, honey. I am sympathizing with you so much right now. Mother/daughter relationships are so hard, especially because most all of them are dysfunctional. And no matter how hard we try to tell ourselves that we are not, we are always seeking their approval. It's so hard to have a mother abusively comment on weight. Know that she is just upset that she isn't her 120 pound self anymore, and is looking to take it out on you. Also-- suiters and admirers of her thin, beautful body? Times have changed, sweetie! Men love us for our minds (and yes, our wickidly curvy bodies) But being thin and beautiful is not the only reason a man should love you. You are a women. You have come into your own. You have a fiance (I think you are engaged?) and he loves you for you. Let your mother go. Let her fight her battles. It's hard to watch your brother and dad have to deal with it, but remember you can only control the actions you take, not the actions others make. Her consequences will catch up with her. You are not responsible for her. Please please please know that.  
26 Mar 09 by member: lgatzke
I'm glad you came here to vent. You take care of you, sweetheart. 
26 Mar 09 by member: Shia34


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