Albright777's Journal, 12 January 2009

Well, last week was a pretty crazy week. (thank you in advance for listening to me vent!) As soon as I thought I was getting back into a normal routine, all hell breaks loose.

My Dad got some bad news about his heart. The doctors think he may have 1 or 2 leaking valves. He is going in for a heart catherization tomorrow morning. If they find something bad, they may take him right away for surgery. If there is only a small problem, surgery will scheduled at a future time. This scares me. My Dad's Mom died before I knew her at age 59, (she passed in February 1975 and I was born in September 1975) and my Dad will be 59 in March. All I keep thinking about is Abby, and how much she looks up to my Dad. I want her to know him and remember him for a long time. Abby must have heard me talking either on the phone or to my husband Jim about it, because tonight at bed time, she said her prayers and added, "Dear God please fix Pappy's boo boo heart. We need to wrestle and play. Amen." I almost couldn't keep the tears back. She is almost 3 years old and picked up on that? I couldn't believe it.

Abby ---- she's another one giving me anxiety lately. The closer to 3 she gets, the harder it has been to dicipline her. At least with things that work. We had to go to her first friend's birthday party at the Little Gym where they have gym class every week. It's not like she's never been there before, so she knows the place and the routine. BONKERS!!! Then after the kids played in the gym for 45 minutes it was time for pizza, cake, and presents. Keep in mind this started @ 6:00 pm, and the guests were 2,3 & 4 year olds. The girls running the party thought it was a good idea to serve these kids lemonaid is styrofoam coffee cups FILLED TO THE TOP!!! WHAT THE HECK? Abby hurried and grabbed hers and chugged before I could get to her. Sugar sets her off so bad, so I limit sugary drinks to 1 a day. This was like having 40 in 1. SUPER BONKERS NOW!!! Abby did eat a slice of pizza, which was amazing to me, then scarfed down a piece of cake while shaking. She was so absorbed in that cake, it was scary. Well, the birhday boy started opening presents and the guest whose present he was opening got to sit next to him. Abby's present was first. YIKES. Ater that, she thought she could open all the gifts with him. I tried to correct her, and even had to take her out to the lobby twice. The third time, Abby freaked out so bad that the veins in her neck started to pop out and her face turned purple. This is not my little girl. This is the first temper tantrum I have ever had to deal with. I put her coat on, and out the door we went without saying any good-byes. That was Saturday. It continued on Sunday. Just crazy. She hit me for the first time too, and as I was blocking it, she caught my fingernail, and broke it all the was down to the quick. So today Abby and I had our scheduled MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) meeting and I was expecting the worst, and she is a perfect Angel. Where was this girl all weekend? What is going on? I'll take this girl anywhere and anyday. How do you keep them nice? Anyone?????????

Well, this afternoon it kinda started to go down hill. Abby started to sneak around looking for something to get into. My husband was home and I asked him to keep an eye on her while I ran to a neighbor's house for a few minutes. I wasn't there 2 minutes and her phone rings. It's Jim asking me to come home, there is a situation. I get through the front door to hear Abby screaming. I asked what was wrong, and I hear Abby say, "There is so much blood all over me!" I about puked right there. She was jumping on her bed and fell off backwards. Hit her head on something and got cut. Well, my husband didn't know that for some reason your head bleads a lot for a little cut. Enough to scare even him. We found the cut and it was so small, washed her up and she was ok. Not 5 minutes went by, and do you konow what she was doing? Yep...jumping on the bed. I was so mad!!! I just walked away. I had to, I was crying.

Please don't get me wrong...I love being a Mom and I wouldn't trade even these bad moments for the world, I just wish I had more control than I thought I would have. Does that make sense? Somedays, I feel like I just don't know how to do it right!?! And other days it's a breeze.

So it's now 10:30 pm and I'm going to run on the treadmill for a while. Maybe I'll get to sleep aroung 1:00am or so.

Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate the ability to vent.

Your Pal,
Julie ;-)


Hi Julie! I do understand what you are going through... Do you notice anything other than sugar making her change? Red dyes, chocolate, or caffiene? Has she been on any medications recently like antihistimines or cough/cold medicines? My kids LOSE IT after they have had any of that. Is she getting any new molars in? With her age, it could be her just trying to challenge you. My kids are all sensative to the above things and we have gone round and round over the years. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  
12 Jan 09 by member: redone750
((((((((HUGS))))))) Hugs and sympathy are about all I can offer, not having any kids of my own. I'm sure the sugar had A LOT to do with Abby's behaviour. I give Moms and Dads of the world a TON of respect and credit. It's got to be the hardest job in the world, but it sounds like you are doing a great job even with the challenges. Hang in there! You still have the teenage years to deal with! :)  
13 Jan 09 by member: amryk
I opened my toaster and there was an instruction pamphlet telling me the nob numbered 1-5 was to darken my toast, 5 being the darkest. It actually went into detail about not prying food out of it with a fork and how to get the crumbs out of the bottom....but our children...oh how sweet it would be if one simple pamphlet could explain it all so simple. I'll be thinking of your dad today, please let us know as soon as you can, how it all goes. Thinking of you! 
13 Jan 09 by member: ImLuuvd with amryk...i have have my sympathies on all levels...i will be praying for your dad... 
13 Jan 09 by member: veggies yuk
oh honey!!! yikes! and i am lol. sorry. gosh someone out there actually named the 2s terrible. i think the 3s were worse! i remember it all too clearly. my girl is turning 6 thurs and my son is entering his 2s, i have to start all over again huh. actually he is hitting already. :( all i can tell you is routine. routine is the only thing that keeps them in line. well a crooked line! the one thing i did learn is kids meet your expectations, so let them know how to behave before say going into wal mart. and then follow thru w/ your consequences... but enough of me preaching its all a learn as you go! just like diets! lol. i am sure you make a really wonderful mommy too! your dad, i know its a tough situation, but the drs really work miracles! they have so much now, i use to work w/ cardiology. he's lucky to be aware of the issue now, so many go on w/out symptoms or diagnoses. i hope all goes well, let us know.  
13 Jan 09 by member: cindyshine
Hey Julie...the important thing is that you feel better after you vent. The sugar could have been a large contributing factor to her behavior. Another factor could be that she is worried about her Pappy - children act out like this when they are scared or worried. At night when she is asleep, just say a simple prayer over her and ask the Lord to calm her fears or worries and have a peaceful sleep and day. My oldest son reacted like this when my father was in the hospital - he was 2 going on 3. He and my father were always together, my parents neighbors thought he was my baby brother. lol. He was always and still is a very quiet and peaceful child, but when pawpaw was in the hospital, this kid completely lost it and we didn't know what to do. My pastor told me to pray over him every night because his little mind was worried about his "best friend". So, my husband and I did just that and he calmed down some. Know that as Red says you are not alone. We are all here for you. I will keep your Dad in my prayers. 
13 Jan 09 by member: SwtDivaHou
thats SWEET swtdiva. we can forget the simplest things sometimes. im sure the prayer calms the parents down as well. 
13 Jan 09 by member: cindyshine
You dad will be in my prayers tonight also. He is on top of things and Medicine/doctors do so much more now for heart conditions than they ever could in the past. he could be around for a long time. As for your kids, isn't it wonderful that they have a mother that is aware of their bad and good behaviour's and is trying so hard to do what is right (no one knows what "right" is... even the child rearing books disagree with each other). I do know that with loving parents that care about them and their social behaviour, they will grow up just fine.  
13 Jan 09 by member: Janelleas
Sorry I got here late to "help" with the Mom crisis. Sounds as if you have received lots of great advice. Hope all levels out soon! Did ya check out my pics from January 13? I probably already asked. I am so sorry to boast. I just love my family so much! Love ya too! 
14 Jan 09 by member: Cobra Fan


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