Ms Elizabeth's Journal, 26 March 2013

I'm afraid I may cuss in front of the amish while I stuff my pie hole with oreos. Ever notice when you're doing really well, eating well, getting workouts in, and everything seems to be going so well.. then wham! A frieght train goes through and messes up everything. Next thing you know youre in the bathtub with a bottle of wine and a pint of Ben and Jerry's.

Well the train is currently going through and so far I can't see the freakin end. It's gotta come sometime I just don't know when! My hips are officially wonky. I was able to feel better after a couple soaks in the hot tub but children have officially ruined me. The 9 yr old was doing some hug/excited dance/seizure thing last night and tweaked my hip a lil more. Now it just plain hurts all the time. So I have a chiropractors appointment for Thursday.

If being in pain isn't enough I have stress out the wazoo. Problems with family, problems with tenants, problems with easter plans, problem problem problem problem. It's enough to make you crawl into your bathtub! That is.. if it didn't hurt to crawl.

Ok.. I'm done whining. Now I need to figure out how to get through this rough patch and not cave to oreos, easter candy, ben and jerry, soda, wine or massive over eating. Tonight I'm implementing all the tricks. I'm going to do yoga. Or try.. I think the stretching might help. I'm going to clean the bathroom! Because.. who wants to eat right after they have cleaned their bathroom? I'm turning my cell phone off.. for about 5 minutes.. then it will stress me out because I will think I'm missing a call and I will turn it back on. I will do more things! I just can't figure out what they are right now. I will not cave to the oreos!!


Step away from the Oreos! You can handle all this stress without food. I know you are strong enough and have enough wisdom to know that you'll only feel more stressed if you give in today. Eating is something you CAN control in a time where everything else is a bit messed up, so give yourself this one positive even if you have to bite down on a piece of bark! You can stay in control.  
26 Mar 13 by member: Josie Ann
Self torture of OREOS! So, I didn't know people ate icecream in the bathtub! LOL. I took a bath last night to curb my cravings, and remembered I had another dang cup of broccoli i needed to finsh, and I thought, I am bringing it to the tub LOL.  
26 Mar 13 by member: Lizzygracemusic
Leave the rubber gloves on-you cannot open a package and select an oreo with rubber gloves on, and even if you can...seriously, would you want an oreo you just picked up with your bathroom cleaning rubber gloves? Can you...throw the Oreo's away? Give the kids a seriously sugar-crazed afternoon and get rid of them all in one go? If they're your trigger, maybe just not bringing them home for the time being is a good idea, especially if you're stressed. Maybe MAKE a batch of cookies instead-it takes longer, also works out stress, ends up with cookies and gives you time to get under control. A cookie in a package is far too easy to get to, if you have to work for it, possibly it will help you get on top of the stresses. Just a though-use what you can, discard the rest, I don't mind! :D@Lizzy-oh yeah, my mom used to only let me eat ice cream in the bathtub because I was apparently a rather messy eater. Still am, to be honest, but with a rack like mine it's difficult sometimes to steer the utensil AROUND the boobs and up to the mouth without dropping something. 
26 Mar 13 by member: CollyMP
NO OREOS! I have done the bathroom trick and it works so that's def in. You will need to let it all out tomorrow at lunch. And if that doesn't work then screw a reg tub, you and I will hit the hot tub with the ride and Ben and Jerry's! 
26 Mar 13 by member: thynes
Your weight history is so pretty. Look at it down down down. If you cave to those rotten oreos the next feast yo will have is self loathing if you're anything like most of us. Stress will always be there. Take a nap. Read a book. Watch a movie. Yap on the phone. Or better yet go sit in front of the mirror with a box of oreos in your mitt and see how much you feel like eating one of the buggers. :) You Can Do This without FOOD! 
26 Mar 13 by member: Merrywinkle
Oh and I love your cow. Mooo. 
26 Mar 13 by member: Merrywinkle
I've snacked on an Atkins treat in the tub,and Pork Rinds...That's where I go when I want to relax - a book or magazine, soda (diet, *sigh*) and sometimes something to munch...but NOT OREOS!!! LOL - and either Breyers or Dreyers makes really GOOD low carb ice cream *but it's only low carb if you don't eat the whole carton* lol - Hang in there kid... 
26 Mar 13 by member: kmkjmomma
Go yell at the cows. They'll look at you like you're crazy, but maybe you'll feel better, and they won't really care. You've got a good plan with the yoga and bathroom cleaning. You don't need those oreos, candy, ben and jerry, or anything else!! You are a strong woman, so kick the woman inside of you telling you to eat that junk's butt! 
26 Mar 13 by member: mars2kids
Hope you feel better soon..think happy thoughts..:O) 
26 Mar 13 by member: BHA


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