Joined August 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
172.0 lb
Lost so far: 2.0 lb

Current Weight
170.0 lb
Performance: losing 1.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 20.0 lb
What can I say. I was born into a family of Southern Rednecks where eating vegetables meant dipping them into a batter and frying them. Food is the center of not just our lives but our culture. If you were eating at someone else's house you had to eat at least 2 big plate fulls or you would offend your host. My family not only loved to eat, we would spend hours and hours talking about food. So many health problems run on both sides of my family, high cholesterol, colon cancer, heart disease just to name a few. A few people in my family decided a few years ago to change their eating and made a lifestyle change. The biggest change I saw was my cousin who have always been big and ended up losing 150 lbs and is still today continuing on that journey.
Although this has inspired me, I have wanted so many time to join in but have failed each time. My personality is all or nothing in everything I do. I go big or don't go at all. So I'll go strong but then when I mess up one time, I give up.
I'm now a 35 year old mom of 2 very energetic boys (5 and 4). I don't have a lot of time on my hands. My husband and I work in Siberia, Russia as humanitarian workers. Obviously, we are very limited to what we can buy here. We can get basic fruits and vegetables but no specialty foods. It's easy in the sense that there are no restaurants to go to and we walk everywhere. But, I always have to have sweets in the house as it is the culture to give guests tea and sweets when they come over (which is a drop by visit since they do not believe in calling ahead).
So, to sum up: I can't refuse food because I was taught that that is rude, I have to eat big plate fulls of everything served me, I always have sweats around me, I do not have access to a lot of variety of healthy foods, I do not have a lot of time on my hands, I have no idea how to cook healthy, and I LOVE to eat and fill full.

thewanderingfamily's Weight History

thewanderingfamily's Latest Member Challenges

  20 lb Weight Loss challenge
status: Completed
ended: 06 Nov 12
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  no carbonated soda
status: Completed
ended: 08 Oct 12
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last weighin: losing 7.0 lb a week Down
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thewanderingfamily's Latest Posts

How fast is too fast to lose weight?
Maybe you guys can help settle an argument between my husband and I. I'm really stepping up and getting serious about eating healthy and exercise (and of course losing weight). I'm burning around 2500 calories a day but am only eating around 1100 calories a day. The calorie count is low because I'm eating a lot more vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. I feel like I'm eating enough by not skipping meals and eating until I'm satisfied. As a result I've lost 5 lbs in the last week. Is this a bad thing? My husband says that I'm starving myself and my body will start burning muscle and storing more fat so in the long run, I'm doing more damage. Is he right? I feel like I'm eating a lot but just more low calorie, healthy meals. My average is around 30% protein 35% carbs and 20% fat. Your thoughts.
posted 19 Sep 2012, 20:43
PMS and cravings. HELP!
So, I'm starting the cycle again which happens 3-4 days before I start my period. I have really bad periods accompanied by really bad PMS. I want to eat everything in site, all day long. It doesn't help that I feel so miserable and tired that I don't hardly move around on these days. I crave (as in pregnant crave but I'm not pregnant) chocolate, chips, and Coke/Mountain Dew. Vegetables and fruit actually make me feel worse so that is out. Then comes my period which puts me in bed for 2-3 days. So, I basically don't move for about a week while eating horrible things. First, does anyone know why this happens? Second, how can I fix this (I do not have access to birth control pills to regulate my hormones)? Thanks for any advice.
posted 21 Aug 2012, 08:28
thewanderingfamily has submitted 2 posts

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