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04 June 2009

Had to go to a viewing of my old student's little 3 year old brother drowned in the backyard pool. I thought I held it together pretty well (once I start crying it is hard to stop and I have the red crying eyes that never leave) I thought I was going to lose it a couple of times but I kept it together. So many ppl crying and the big men crying really got to me. Saw some of my old students too. So sad. Well needless to say I didn't get in a workout b/c I had to come home from work and change and then by the time I got home from the viewing not really in the mood to workout. The stupid pants are feeling tighter so that is not making me happy. I thought you gained winter weight not summer weight. So I am going to try and wake up early and either go run or go to the gym. If it keeps raining, I will have to go to the gym. I will also do some ab work during so you think you can dance.

31 May 2009

My goal is to go running tonight. I missed a perfectly good morning to run b/c I wanted to clean the house. Now it is sunny and hot so hopefully tonight it will cool down a bit and I can squeeze in another run. I did some weights this morning too. I am going to try and get in a few here and there and see if that makes it less boring. :)

I am also going to try and eat some more veggies (even though I hate them) so if anyone has a yummy recipe that a veggie hater might enjoy let me know. I picked up a zucchini and I am going to try and grill with some olive oil and garlic (I have tried grilling them before and didn't like them so I hope the garlic does the trick) I also bought some portabella's which I do like on the grill. Oh how I wish I liked veggies...

I am off to eat some baked beans and hotdog (which I also don't like, but I needed a can for the grill so...)

Have a great day!

30 May 2009

29 May 2009

Went to the doctors and found out my triglycerides and cholesterol are high. The good news my good cholesteral is really really high b/c of working out. So now I feel like I am back at the same place I was last week. I don't know what to do. Lots of the things that I eat are what you are supposed to eat with cholesterol issues. I don't eat a lot of fast foods, I tend to eat skinless chicken breast and whole wheat bread...I am going to try and eat less carbs and up some of my protien and see where that gets me. ugh I just feel so lost. My doctor asked me if I feel healthy? I said yes, but I just can't get my weight to change. Her advice was to see a personal trainer. Anyone want to contribute to the personal trainer fund, b/c I really don't have extra cash laying around for that. I already pay the stupid gym a nice chunk of cash each month as it is. I am going to try and increase the weights...and up the whole workout in less carbs and then pray to the god of weight loss and health and then run around naked on a full moon and see if that helps. (ok, I don't think I will do the last one b/c I don't want to scare ppl or get arrested! lol) Well off to change and then head over to the gym (how much fun does that sound on my day off lol)

25 May 2009

Trying to go for a run right now. I know how can I be running and writing a journal at the same time. My stupid ipod has no power so I am trying to charge it enough to last throughout my run. Here is hoping it lasts. :P Looks like it is going to be a muggy memorial day. Thats why I am trying to get my run in sometime before the full sun comes out (come on ipod). Then I am off to my friend's house to make New Kids on the Block shirts. lol We are going to their concert in 2 weeks and we like to make our own shirts (so old school) This time we are going to attempt to do some shirts that are longer and then maybe tie them on the side like we used to do in the late 80's early 90's. lol I went to see NKTOB in Feb. and had so much fun at their show. They were the first concert that I ever went to back in the day and they really haven't changed much (well except they take a few more breaks since they are getting older. lol) Well I am now finally off to run wether the ipod is ready or not. If I wait any longer I will just sit around all day. lol

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