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22 July 2010

I made a mistake in my journal yesterday. I had stated that I thought that my weight was holding steady instead of dropping because of the muscle gain I am experiencing through the exercises. I saw a comment/post yesterday stating that sometimes when weight holds steady on the calorie count program it can be caused by water retention. So, I did some research and reading on that topic yesterday afternoon. Some of the different things I read was to use something that is diuretic to help release the water from your body. I did just that. I drank two beers last night, and I miraculously woke up this morning 6 pounds lighter than yesterday morning. WOW! So, that makes a total of 8 pounds that I've lost since I started this almost two weeks ago. Talk about progress!!

I did really good on my food yesterday. I stuck to my calories and didn't have seconds on anything. I'm feeling better physically and emotionally. I'm loving this. I can see myself sticking to this long term, especially with the support of this site and people.
Weigh-in: 141.0 lb lost so far: 8.0 lb still to go: 1.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) losing 42.0 lb a week

21 July 2010

Hubby made such a delicious dinner again last night, but I had it under control this time. As much as I wanted to get seconds I didn't. I reminded myself about how uncomfortable I was after eating too much the night before. I also packaged up some of the left overs to take for lunch for today. It gave me something to look forward to instead of focusing on wanting more of the delicious flavors on my tongue last night.

I didn't get up and do my exercises this morning. I really needed the rest more than the workout this time. Plus, this is the first day I've taken off from the exercises since I started this about a week and a half ago. I have felt a little sluggish today because I didn't have that energy boost this morning that my workout gives me, so I stepped away from my desk for a few moments, hopped on the treadmill here at work, and feeling ready to face the rest of my day now. I know, I know, what happened to taking the day off? I guess I couldn't completely take it off, but a little walking/jogging on the treadmill for 15 minutes isn't as intense as the hour long workout I normally do in the mornings (and still do the treadmill in the afternoon).

I'm not looking at today as slacking off. I'm looking at it as getting the rest I needed. If a person doesn't get enough sleep then the metabolism slows down. So, the workouts aren't nearly as effective when your body is crying out for rest. So, tomorrow morning, I'll be right back at it at 4:30 in the morning.

I'm also doing really well on my calorie intake today.

When I weighed in this morning I was at the same weight as yesterday. I think this is because of the muscle I'm gaining with the loss of the fat. Hopefully, if this is the case then I will begin losing more weight soon. With the muscle gain then my body should begin processing calories more efficiently and hence the weight loss should begin again soon. We'll see what happens soon. At the same time I need to keep in mind that I'm only in my second week of this program. Weight loss takes time. I'm just ready to see more results.

Speaking of results, I am seeing some. I looked in the mirror yesterday and could tell that my face is thinning out. Then, last night my husband said that he can tell that my body is looking a little more toned compared to what it was looking just a few weeks ago. My clothes are fitting a little better. I still have a ways to go though.
Weigh-in: 147.0 lb lost so far: 2.0 lb still to go: 7.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment steady weight

20 July 2010

Good afternoon!

I didn't do that great last night. I finished my first helping of food on my plate, felt full, but still went back and got more (it's not helping that my husband is such a great cook!). I, of course, regretted it after I finished my 2nds. We make mistakes and move on.

I got up and did my exercise this morning (which was not easy). I wanted to stay in bed, but I forced myself to get up anyways. I was so happy that I did them. By the time I got to work I was feeling the benefits of them. I think I was just too sluggish this morning because of all the food I ate last night. That's okay because I've done better today. I've actually done REALLY good today. Plus, I went and got on the treadmill during my lunch break. So, good exercise this morning and some more this afternoon.

Today is my first day to report in on my groups that I joined. I'm determined to report in with good news.

I'm seeing the results of my diet and exercise. I find myself more and more pleased with my appearance when I look in the mirror. My husband tells me last night that I can set a goal for myself to look good in a sexy outfit for in a couple of months. He says he has big plans and a surprise for me for our anniversary, and he says I will want to look good for these plans (even though he doesn't understand why I'm doing this because he thinks I look great the way I am, but is being supportive since this is something I want to do for myself). So, I have 2 months to reach...hmmm...what goal will I set for myself? Well, I have approximately 10 weeks. Since my goal when I started this was to lose about 20 pounds, I think it would be safe to set my goal to have at least half of my original goal completed (hopefully more). So, within the next 2 months I will lose 10 pounds.
Weigh-in: 147.0 lb lost so far: 2.0 lb still to go: 7.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) gaining 7.0 lb a week

19 July 2010

Well, I didn't do as well as I had expected over the weekend, but I definitely didn't do as poorly as I normally do. I ate all healthy foods (veggies, fruits, cheese, grains, etc). I didn't give in to any junk food. I skipped my exercise on Saturday, but I was doing a lot around the house (cleaning up the back porch, taking cuttings from limbs out back, dishes, sweeping, scrubbing floors, and babysat and took care of (meaning chasing around) 5 kids (11yr, 8yr, 3yr, 2yr, 10mos). I took them swimming, played tickle monster while chasing them around, bouncing baby and lifting baby up into the air, etc. So, even though I skipped my official exercise time I didn't feel like I was missing my exercise for the day.

I did do yoga yesterday and a pretty intense routine at that. I forgot how much I really love yoga. I need to keep that in my routine every week. I know I said that in a previous journal entry, but I just feel the need to reiterate that to myself. I did an aerobics routine this morning for an hour (yes, I had to stop a couple of times in there, but kept right at it after catching my breathe).

Today I begin the two groups I joined for the next couple of weeks. One of them is to weigh every morning. Well, I weighed and guess what! I've lost 3 pounds since starting this diet and exercise last week. I'm definitely on the right track to getting to where I want to be. I was so excited to see that lower number. My hard work is definitely paying off. I just have to stick with it.

In the past when I've begun working out or dieting, I do well for a few weeks but then slide off of my routines and start slumping around and eating bad. It's kind of like a yo-yo. I'll do really good, then really bad, really good, really bad... I think this journal writing will help me stay on track this time. I need to have the determination and the will power as well, of course. However, I think this journal is a good way to stay motivated.

I have a feeling this week is going to be an awesome week. I feel energized. I'm loving getting my exercise again. I feel good about eating healthy. I'm losing a little of my weight and see the results.
Weigh-in: 146.0 lb lost so far: 3.0 lb still to go: 6.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 4.7 lb a week

16 July 2010

Well, I didn't do as well yesterday as I had the first day, but I'm not going to get discouraged. I'm just going to correct the behavior that I had from yesterday and move forward from today with better habits. The main issue I had yesterday was that I ate such large portions at dinner. Plus, I didn't get my afternoon walk in during my lunch break since I skipped my break to work through it.

Onward! Today I'm going to do better. I ate a banana at home then finished my other half of a burrito when I made it to work. I drank an extra cup of coffee since I'm going to skip my morning snack. With such a huge breakfast and going to eat lunch with friends today I'm cutting calories out in other areas (such as snacks). I started today off with a good exercise routine. I couldn't get my Wii remote to work (think I need a new one), so I turned the tv on to the Fit channel. The workout program that was on was a pretty intense one for someone such as myself that is so out of shape. But, I did what I could, stopped when I had to, and pushed myself as much as possible. I'm already sore, but I feel so energized today because of it all. Hurray me!!!

I know I'm going to be a little bad this evening as my husband and I are having date night tonight, but I will have some self control and eat light and decrease my usual number of drinks. Can't wait to check in with you in the morning to show how I stuck to my plan. I'm also babysitting 3 kids tomorrow, so I will have my 11yr old, an 8yr old, a 3yr old, my 2yr old, and a 10month old. I'll be running around for sure tomorrow. Exercise here I come! lol.
Weigh-in: 148.0 lb lost so far: 1.0 lb still to go: 8.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment steady weight

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