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02 August 2010

02 August 2010

Weigh-in: 142.0 lb lost so far: 7.0 lb still to go: 2.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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29 July 2010

I know I haven't really checked in very much in the last few days. I found myself hitting my 3 week slump like I always do when I start a diet/exercise program. I found myself not eat right, but I have continued with my exercise program. So, I hadn't given up completely.

Yesterday I was determined to eat right, and I did. I'm doing good so far today. I'm suppose to go out to eat with someone for lunch. I know that I can have self control and eat something that's within my right areas and range of calories. I can do this. I need some motivation and some pumping up (emotionally). Anyone have words of encouragement?

Well, I have been noticing my body getting more toned and slimmer even though my weight isn't really changing. My husband has even been commenting on it. Two nights ago he told me that I deserved a reward for working so hard to get back into shape and be healthier. He asked me to leave the bedroom so he could get on the computer and order me something (he said I wasn't allowed to see). Last night as he's commenting again on my slimming figure he stated that he really hopes that I like what he ordered for me. I have no idea what it is. Could it be clothes for my improving body? Can it be jewelry that will dangle around my neck and display my smaller neckline?

I also told Hubby last night that it's getting difficult to continue with all of this. However, I'm really enjoying the results I'm seeing. I feel more confident about my body and am fitting into clothes that I haven't for the last couple of years. So, as I told him, if I want to continue to see these results that make me so happy I must continue with the hard work. It's just hard to stay motivated. Keep my eye on the prize, right?

Here's what's interesting...
Since 7/22/10 I've only lost 1 pound. However, I have lost an inch around my arms, waist, hips and butt. I did gain about a half inch around my thighs. I don't appear to be retaining water, especially since my inches are decreasing. So, I'm pretty sure that my weight is staying about the same because of muscle. Hurray for muscle! Muscle makes your body look better, feel better and it increases your metabolism.
Weigh-in: 140.0 lb lost so far: 9.0 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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25 July 2010

I did horrible today. I tried to be good. We went to a Chinese buffet, and I got all healthy food, but then did go get dessert and some fried catfish. I felt I needed a treat for being so good lately. I did get my workout in this morning, went to the gun range (for my very first time, and that's quite the workout with your arms and being on your feet for a few hours). Then, when I got home I did some more exercise. So, I got 2 hours of pure exercise and some decent working of muscles for about 3 hours. So, I don't feel too bad about eating bad at lunch. I think overall, I've done well today. Plus, I know I'm doing good since my father-in-law who is a doctor asked me if I've lost about 15 pounds because I looked like I had. Since I've only lost 9 (well, shouldn't say only because that is a huge accomplishment) I think that just shows how good I'm doing.
Weigh-in: 141.0 lb lost so far: 8.0 lb still to go: 1.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) gaining 7.0 lb a week

24 July 2010

It's the weekend, and I'm doing surprisingly well. I ate a healthy cereal this morning and a cup of coffee. Then, I mowed our lawns (which aren't exactly small, not large either, 50ft x 50ft in front and 50ft x 50ft in back. Our grass grows abnormally thick and fast. So, even with having a self propelled mower it's quite a work out to mow the laws. It took almost 3 hours to do with no breaks.

After all that work I did eat a big lunch. I ate two tuna fish sandwiches. However, my calories burned are over 3000 and my intake of calories right now is still under 800. So, even though I will probably go over my allotted calories for the day, i feel as if I'm still right on track since I've burned a lot of calories today. Plus, I'm not counting the yard work as my exercise for the day. I figure once the baby falls asleep I'll get about a 45min to 1hr workout in. So, there's going to be some more calories burned. When I got on the scale I had even lost a pound. So, I'm doing good. Plus, I'm feeling good. I do feel like laying down and taking a nap instead of working out. I guess I could do my exercise later, but I hate to do it too late because then I can't sleep since my blood is pumping so hard after my workouts. Either way, I'm doing good today. I've lost a total of 9 pounds, so I'm definitely on the right track.
Weigh-in: 140.0 lb lost so far: 9.0 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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