infusedwithextract's Journal

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12 October 2007

Weigh-in: 113.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed N/A

02 October 2007

Well, I'm officially off the South Beach Diet. I suppose you could say I'm in phase III, but honestly, I'm doing whatever I please at the moment. This of course involves going to the gym 4+ times a week doing cardio and weights. I'm a size zero now which is great. I'm still about 10lbs away from my target weight, so I'm wondering what I'll be wearing then. I have plenty to go on the backside and thighs anyhow.

My newest diet that I plan to start in two weeks is called the Cheat to Lose Diet by Joel Marion. Basically, you go low-carb for two days, then slightly higher carb for two days, then even higher carb for the two days before your "cheat day" which is essentially when you carb-load (i.e. eat your heart out on foods that you crave - cinnabon rolls, cheesecake, pizza, frappucino's, you name it.) The concept is that you are manipulating your blood leptin levels. Leptin is what tells your brain to either slow down or speed up your metabolism depending on how much starvation you are going through. For example, on the South Beach Diet phase I, you are consuming far fewer calories by virtue of eating few carbs and closely monitored other foods. Now, under the low-carb rule, or even a low-cal diet, your body initially loses weight, but then your brain goes into survival mode telling your body to slow down the metabolism or otherwise you may shrivel up and die (okay, I exaggerate slightly).

Like the author, I had speculated about this theory before. Afterall, I had lost oodles of pounds (carb pun intended) on Southbeach only to plateau at 116.5 for quite some time and go back up to 117. It after a week back home when I threw caution to the wind and ate whatever desserts I pleased and lots of food. When I returned, I finally hit the coveted 115lbs. Then again, on a similar splurge a few weeks later, I went down to the even more coveted 113.6. Do you see where I'm going with this? Thought so.

So in two weeks, I start this fantastic diet. I have started incorporating the interval workouts into my routine, so it's almost like I'm started half the diet, only the part not related to eating. We'll see how it goes.
Weigh-in: 113.6 lb lost so far: 16.4 lb still to go: 10.6 lb Diet followed N/A
   (2 comments) steady weight

22 September 2007

Weigh-in: 113.6 lb lost so far: 16.4 lb still to go: 10.6 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.2 lb a week

02 September 2007

Weigh-in: 114.2 lb lost so far: 15.8 lb still to go: 11.2 lb Diet followed 100%
   add comment losing 0.5 lb a week

25 July 2007

I started a series of workouts and dieting about five months ago when I returned from two weeks overseas to find that I had gained about nine pounds. With a wedding roughly four months away, I had to hightail it to the gym and cut out the carbs. Talk about fun. I enjoyed the workout because in the midwest, the winters are brutal, and working out was a way to keep warm. This worked fairly well until my car got stuck in a pile of snow while trying to pull into the parking lot one evening. Needless to say, a blizzard threw off my workout schedule for more than a week.

So after a good two months of few desserts, no pasta, and little to no bread, I was able to drop down to 116.5 before the wedding day. Now, after our return from the honeymoon and indulgences, I'm back at the gym around 4-5x a week. The cardio helps with the occasional mood swings and overall well-being. But now that i'm down to a size 2, it's still not good enough. And so, I'm trying to re-adjust my weight goal from 110 to 105. I figure once I do get down to 110, i'll re-adjust down to 100. You can probably see where this is going.

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