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03 December 2014

Weigh-in: 152.2 lb lost so far: 9.8 lb still to go: 17.2 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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02 December 2014

Today was the first time I weighed after Thanksgiving and I’m up a pound. Not bad, I’ll take it because I know it could have been worse because I didn’t just splurge one day, I had a whole weekend of it. I’m ready to get back on track, because I know there will be other splurge days due to more holiday celebrations over the next few weeks. 4 weeks until the New Year. I really wanted to be 145, realistically that will probably not happen… but I’m going to try to get as close to that as possible! Honestly, if by the end of the year I can be staying strong at 150 (down 2.5 pounds from now) I’ll be pretty happy.

My work situation is taking a big change. I’ve been working full time and now I’m going down to part time, only working 3 days a week. Financially it might be a little rough, but manageable, so I’m trying to focus on all the positives like more time for keeping my life in order (like exercising, cleaning, having more time to prepare healthy meals, etc.) and having a couple days of a break from the long hour commute each way (I really hate it). I’m going to continue to look for another job, been doing a little job searching prior to this, but it will be fine for a while and so I’m going to try to not stress about it.
Weigh-in: 152.4 lb lost so far: 9.6 lb still to go: 17.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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01 December 2014

Here we are on Monday after a 4 day weekend… the day is dragging! I had a wonderful time with my boyfriend’s family for Thanksgiving and the remainder of the weekend as well. Just returned home late last night. Overall, I think I did pretty well with calories. Thanksgiving I know I went over calories, but did a good job of not overeating and feeling overly full which would have been a problem for me in the past. I ate a few bites of everything and didn’t deprive myself of any items, but kept the extra bad things like sweets to a minimum. I ended up being bad and not calorie counting the entire weekend, but overall the food was relatively healthy choices even though it involved a lot of eating out and a couple too many alcoholic beverages. The weekend also involved a lot of walking, so I’m not too concerned about splurging a bit. Back on track today.

I thought about weighing myself this morning and decided against it. I’m giving myself today to get back on track and flush out with some additional water and I will weigh in tomorrow morning and see what the damage is. I’m thinking it won’t be too bad, fingers crossed!

26 November 2014

The last day before a long weekend is always torture. I’ve been at work for an hour and it already feels like forever. Very few people are in the office today, and they weather is miserable outside. Freezing rain currently that should be switching to snow later this afternoon. Probably going to leave early today since traffic will be extra bad due to the holiday/weather combo. I have an hour commute home, then a 3 hour drive to my boyfriend’s parent’s house. And that’s normal time, not counting the extra traffic. Definitely looking forward to the long weekend with family, but would like to just skip to the part where we’re there!

After today I probably won’t be checking in until Monday, but I’ll be tracking my calories to get back on track after tomorrow.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families! This is the time of year where we recognize all the things that we are thankful for, and I am very thankful for all of you and the wonderful support you give!
Weigh-in: 151.4 lb lost so far: 10.6 lb still to go: 16.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (4 comments) steady weight

25 November 2014

I find it amazing how quickly the water weight I tend to accumulate over the weekend falls off. Down almost a pound since yesterday, and I didn’t even eat very well yesterday (went out for a couple drinks with friends after work). Good news is that it brings me back to my Friday weight, which I can’t complain about too much considering I fell off the wagon a bit this weekend with my food choices. I really need to work on upping my water consumption on weekends, I think that would help me a lot. I drink it constantly during the week at work, but drop off a bit on the weekends.

Tonight’s a running day which is good, need to get a good workout in today because I’ve been feeling lazy. Tomorrow evening I’m leaving to visit my boyfriend’s family for Thanksgiving so won’t get my normal workouts in the rest of the week, but will try to get a good amount of walking in and work in some squats, lunges, etc. throughout the trip to keep on track. Thanksgiving will be a big splurge day on calories (but I will try to limit my portions of everything), so this will require smart choices the rest of the week/weekend if I’m going to break even by the end at the very least.

I need to buy new work pants, I’ve been holding off because I was between a 10 and 8, but my 10’s are starting to look pretty bad. They just don’t fall right and I have to always wear a belt so they stay up. I’m very excited about this, yet I hate having to spend the money on myself this time of year when I need to be thinking of my shopping list for others. Hopefully I can get some good deals this weekend from Black Friday sales, even though I’ll wait until all the crazy people go home to sleep before I venture out! Or maybe I’ll just shop online and avoid the crowds completely.
Weigh-in: 151.4 lb lost so far: 10.6 lb still to go: 16.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 7.0 lb a week

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