Joined June 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
182.0 lb
Lost so far: 45.0 lb

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137.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
145.0 lb
Still to go: 8.0 lb

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Fox News and HCG Diet
I had plenty of energy for sex, exercise, and everything else while on hcg! Because the homeopathic hcg acts to release stored body fat, you're actually operating on around 2000 calories a day - 500 calories plus your resting metabolic rate plus whatever you burn in activities. That's how you lose so much weight so fast. It is the same as if you were JUST on a VLCD only in terms of pounds of weight lost, but on a VLCD your body would be pulling the extra calories from both muscle and fat. The hcg is what makes it pull from only fat stores.

I too kept track of my body fat %age and of the 20 lb or so that I lost, 17 lb of it was fat. My body fat %age went from 42% at the start to 37% at the end, and if you do the math, those are the numbers you'll get. You will see that my ticker and weight loss history ARE public. No, I didn't gain 20lb back overnight and then lose it again in a day; there was some error with my ticker so in order to "see" the progress I've made on my ticker, I had to put that number in there. It had something to do with going to phase 3.

The quotes from that doctor are just plain wrong in so many ways. First of all she's commenting on Trudeau's protocol - not what everyone does - IMO he's an idiot and I would never buy his book. I'm doing the original protocol, not what Trudeau recommends with the cleansing etc first.

And then she says this:
"And recommending coconut oil is downright unhealthy -- no matter how organic or pure, it is still a saturated fat that can raise cholesterol and increase risk for heart disease."

Um, she's sadly completely misinformed. Coconut oil is very healthy, and the link between saturated fat and heart disease has been THOROUGHLY disproven. In fact, intake of processed carbohydrates and sugars is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

So, thanks but no thanks - I don't care to listen to the opinion of someone so clearly misinformed.

I've mostly stopped replying to these threads, because no matter how many times I say these things, no one who's against hcg seems to hear them, but here goes:

*I ate healthy, whole, unprocessed foods before hcg. I was still obese. Yes, I got to be obese with unhealthy eating habits (although truly, a lot of it was due to being on birth control pills and then, after I lost that weight, being unable to lose extra pregnancy weight due to major life stress such as having my child diagnosed with several life-threatening disorders), but I stayed that way despite cleaning up my diet, counting calories, trying WW, and simply trying "eat less move more" over the past 5 years.

*That's right. Eating reasonable portions of healthy, whole foods, and exercising (running 5 times a week for up to 60 minutes each time) DID NOT result in weight loss for me. Why? I don't know for sure, but I suspect I was developing the early stages of metabolic syndrome. My fasting blood sugar was right around 100 and my cholesterol was very high (although good HDL and triglycerides).

*HCG has a very healthy maintenance phase where you reintroduce foods and up your calories to a reasonable maintenance for your weight. This is where you either learn how to eat healthy, or regain the weight. I can't comment on anyone else but for me, this part is easy because I already know how to eat healthy.

*Why would someone do this diet? I can't speak for others, but for myself, I felt the health risks of remaining obese were greater than the health risks of a VLCD for a month - even if the hcg did nothing. And although there is no evidence that hcg "works" - absence of evidence is not evidence. I read up enough in PubMed to see that there were some definite effects shown of hcg on the hypothalamus and thyroid, and I felt that it was *possible* that it did some good. I also looked at the studies that disproved hcg and felt they had some major limitations and assumptions that led to the conclusions. I was skeptical that it did work, but equally skeptical that it had been proven NOT to work (it really hasn't...they have just said "there is no evidence" - but again, absence of evidence is NOT evidence).

*Would I recommend this diet to everyone? Absolutely NOT. I'm not proclaiming my results to my friends and family. I don't want to be responsible for someone else choosing what is, yes, an intense method of weight loss. I don't think it's a Miracle Cure. I think if people CAN lose some other way, they should do that. I do think that for someone who's tried everything else and has significant health risks, it can be a worthwhile option to investigate. Certainly it's no worse than other VLCDs, which ARE recommended by MDs to treat obesity, or bariatric surgery. And certainly it isn't worse than developing health problems from remaining obese.

*While on the 500 calorie/hcg phase, I was not hungry. I was not exhausted. I was not dizzy, weak, or miserable. I felt fine. My fibromyalgia symptoms actually went away. I slept normally. I walked several miles a day (it is a myth that you can't exercise while on it).

*I'm now more than 2 weeks into the next phase, eating 1500-1700 calories of healthy, whole food each day - a primal diet, essentially, which is how I ate before I started the protocol. I'm maintaining my weight nicely. I don't have an eating disorder, and I never did. I enjoy food, and I enjoy life.

I like justbreathe's post. I fully support everyone on whatever eating plan they're following, and I suppose I keep replying because I am hoping for the same level of respect and support from others who aren't on hcg. Maybe that's my mistake. For whatever reasons, you seem to be unable to give that.
posted 04 Jul 2010, 07:46
The Dangers of Very Low Calorie Diets
An alternative view, from the esteemed National Institutes of Health. VLCDs do NOT cause eating disorders, they say. Now, people with eating disorders or ED tendencies MAY be more likely to use a VLCD to lose weight. But don't mistake correlation for causation.

Dieting, defined as the intentional and sustained restriction of caloric intake to reduce body weight or change body shape, does not appear to cause eating disorders or other psychological dysfunction in overweight and obese adults. The National Task Force on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity reached this conclusion as a result of a comprehensive literature review. Empirical studies evaluating weight loss treatment, very low calorie diets (VLCDs), weight cycling, prescription medications, and “nondieting” approaches do not support concerns that dieting may lead to or worsen eating disorders in overweight and obese adults, the task force reported in the September 25, 2000 Archives of Internal Medicine.
posted 02 Jul 2010, 08:06
Disordered eating: The disorder next door
Interesting. My results:

0 to 9 points:
You are at a low risk for being a disordered eater, valuing healthy eating and exercise because they make you feel good. But you keep everything in balance; maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't keep you from pursuing other goals. You probably draw self-esteem from a variety of resources in your life, including work, meaningful relationships with friends and family, and other personal accomplishments—and not the size of your clothing. Sure, you enjoy looking your best (who doesn't?), but appearance is something you take pride in rather than obsess about. Continue to focus on the happy dividends of a healthy lifestyle and you'll have the energy you need to tick off every item on your dream to do list. Make eating nutritiously even more enjoyable with SELF's database of light, delicious recipes.
posted 02 Jul 2010, 07:59
HCG makes me sad
Not a drug peddler. Somehow my ticker has an error; when I look at my signature, it says:

Add a Weight Loss Ticker
Your ticker will not currently display as you are sharing your weight with your buddies.
You can change your weight sharing preferences on the account settings page.

Yet, on my account settings page, I am sharing my weight with everyone.

I started on May 8 2010 at 181.6 lb. Almost an obese BMI for my height (5'5"Wink. 42% bodyfat according to my Tanita scale.

At the end of phase 2 (the very low-cal diet and taking homeopathic hcg) I weighed 160.0 lb and had 37% bodyfat. That was on June 18.

One week later I am still within my stabilizing window of 158-162 lb (159.4 today) and I'm eating 1700 cal a day easily. Feeling fine. Smile
posted 26 Jun 2010, 07:38
biggest loser contestant says she developed an eating disorder
No, it doesn't change what happened to her (which we'll never really know because we just have her story about it), but it makes her story a little suspect since she obviously wants media attention, which would help her sell more of that stupid appetite suppressant.
posted 26 Jun 2010, 07:28
bodhimama has submitted 5 posts

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