Joined August 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
155.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
155.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
140.0 lb
Still to go: 15.0 lb

birdybrain's Weight History

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  1400 Calorie/day until Christmas
status: Completed
ended: 27 Dec 10
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  Binge free for 30 days
status: Completed
ended: 20 Sep 10
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last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up

birdybrain's Latest Posts

What's your workout?
I did very structured workouts for about 2 years and built up a good base level of strength. Now I do whatever I feel like doing when I get to the gym, and I tend to get better results (at least strength-wise). Sometimes it feels like a deadlift day and I pull 280; if I'd tried the day before I wouldn't have had it in me.

The workouts I usually rotate between are:
Bench press (includes shoulder mobility and whatever accessory exercises I feel like)
High jumps/plyometrics
Back squats
Overhead squats
Push presses
DB snatches

Sometimes those are combined if I have the energy and inclination, or I might only stay at the gym 20 minutes and wear myself out doing snatches. I've also started doing yoga recently. I bike everywhere so I usually don't do cardio.
posted 10 May 2011, 23:19
So what's the deal with carbs??
Marlboro Man wrote:
exactly! thank you sbutler. my point exactly. i didnt say fats and proteins were carbs, i said they get coverted into them. everything has to be turned into glucose (a carb) to be used as energy.

That isn't true. Ketones are also used for energy. Even if you're not on a ketogenic diet, your body turns fats into ketones for energy when you only have enough glucose for the parts of the brain that require it. Some parts of your body actually prefer ketones, like the heart. On a low carbohydrate diet your body does produce some glucose, but only enough for the brain. Most of your body gets along just fine without it. There's a pretty large cost to using amino acids for energy so your body tends to avoid doing so if there's another energy source that takes less ATP to convert into a usable form.
posted 10 May 2011, 17:36
So what's the deal with carbs??
If having a high intake of carbohydrates doesn't stall your weight loss then you're probably fairly insulin sensitive and it isn't a big deal for you.
posted 08 May 2011, 15:19
I look like a bodybuilder and I don't like it!!!!!!
If you reduce weight and increase reps you'll start switching the muscle fibers you have over to endurance fibers. They're smaller and stringier - like endurance runner muscle. If you decrease reps and increase weight, you'll keep the muscle you have and just get stronger - think of olympic lifters like Sarah Bertram, who are very strong and have nice looking muscles but aren't very big. They usually don't train more than 1-5 reps per set. It's just a matter of which one you want.

I hope this isn't offensive but it sounds from the outside like you might have some food issues (being afraid of eating) and body dysmorphia going on. I'm not a professional at all but I don't see how you could be big and muscly at 5'2" and 115lbs, or too fat but still have veins popping out.
posted 28 Apr 2011, 11:59
I look like a bodybuilder and I don't like it!!!!!!
If you're happy with the size of your muscles currently, then drop reps to below the hypertrophy range (so 5-ish and below) and just maintain. If you think they'll be too big even if you lose fat, then just stop working those muscles until they shrink down to a size you're happy with. Though, if you have veins popping out, it doesn't sound like you have a lot of fat to lose.

200g of protein on a 1200 calorie diet is way too much but I think you know that. If you dropped it by 1/3 or even 1/2 I bet your appetite would go up. Maybe that, plus fewer boyfriend-binges Wink, would add up to some consistency and help you find something maintainable.
posted 27 Apr 2011, 23:41
birdybrain has submitted 5 posts

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