Joined September 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
186.0 lb
Lost so far: 1.0 lb

Current Weight
185.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.2 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 35.0 lb
Since April I have lost twenty pounds mostly by following my own diet but I was a member of e-diets for the weekly weigh ins and to keep me accountable. I recently stumble upon this site and thought I would give it a try.

Tootie's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
last weighin: steady Steady

Tootie's Latest Posts

Same 60 Lbs
I turned fifty last year and thought I wanted to lose weight again on the Wieght Watchers plan. But When I actually started to work it I decided that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life counting points. So I decided to just start eating healthy--more fruits and vegetable--and exercising thirty mintues a day. I've been doing this since April and my weight loss has been slow, only about twenty-five pounds. But I feel so much better and I feel for the first time that this is something I can live with. I am basically creating my own weight loss program. If you've been on Weight Watchers before, I think you know how to eat. Don't make it an option of going on a diet and then going off, think of it as making daily healthy choices in your life.
posted 02 Jan 2008, 20:21
"Diet" buddies - Life changes
I am also slowly changing my eating habits--which means to me that I will lose weight very slowly. I started this change in April and I have lost 28 pounds since then. Many weeks I stay the same weight, however then I focus on how much healthier I feel. I exercise thirty minutes everyday--usually walking and I focus on healthy food choices, fruits and vegetables and portion control. For me its just been a mind change after a lifetime of being on a diet. I can always lose weight on a diet but i've always found maintaining my weight lose to be more difficult. I'm always ready to get off the diet and slowly I slip back into my old food habits. Good luck to you--I think it all starts in our thought processes.
posted 28 Nov 2007, 18:54
Over 50 with same 60 lbs
I walk 30 minutes everyday and I love it, now. But when I started it was a real struggle to get out and walk everyday and then slowly your body gets used to it, it becomes a stress reliever and you actually look forward to walking everyday. As strange as this might sound I suggest that to start with you walk by yourself--that way you can set your own pace and you can concentrate on your surroundings and enjoy your time alone. My husband also walks every day but rarely do we do it together. He's tall and naturally his stride is longer and I have a hard time keeping up with him, and that makes me feel like I'm also behind him and playing catch up. I hope this helps you and good luck.
posted 04 Nov 2007, 10:14
Atkins causing Colon Cancer??!!!!
I think the majority of people do diet for the wrong reasons--and I've been one of them. In April I turned 50 and came to the realization that I better start eating healthy and taking care of myself or I'm going to end up with a host of health problems. I devised my own plan and started eating more fruits and vegetables and I avaraged a one pound weight loss per week. While that isn't alot, it really didn't matter how fast I lost what mattered is how I felt and that I was continuing to live my life and not feeling deprived. I'm also walking 30 minutes every day and I can't tll you how much better I feel. I have about 20-30 more pounds to lose but if it takes me a year or longer it doesn't matter--the focus is on healthy food choices--not weight loss. Good luck.
posted 29 Sep 2007, 19:52
So I've lost twenty pounds and I feel like I just want to step back for a while and maintain--even though I still have a lot more weight to lose. How do I stay focused and motivated to keep losing?
posted 14 Sep 2007, 19:19
Tootie has submitted 5 posts

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