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17 January 2009

Today is my 12 hour day at work. Oh, how I do not look forward to Saturdays. "I enjoy my job and I look forward to going there. My job opens up doors and opportunities for me. I am a positive person and like to share laughter and fun with others while I work."

I COMPLETELY blew the diet last night. Now why can't I get through one whole week without a screw up??? I went to MY BLOODY VALENTINE in 3D with my sister last night. I even planned this cheat - I knew I'd have popcorn there. Well, I got the popcorn and it sucked. About 6 or 7 handfuls in I'm like, "Why am I wasting a cheat on this????" and I put it down. You know, that is one thing that I've noticed that has changed drastically for me. If I'm going to eat bad, I want it to be worth it. There was a time where I'd eat about anything in front of me. No more. Now if I want to have something like that, it better be worth it.

So we leave the theatre and stop for gas on the way home (we had to drive an hour to a theatre where it was showing!! - I know, we have a strange way of entertaining ourselves!!!), and my sister gets some M&Ms and some licorice. So I had about 47 handfuls of licorice. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration....and then about 10 M&Ms. Now THOSE WERE WORTH IT!! Yummy.

So I'm paying the price today with a sugar hangover. I did drink a lot of water last night, so I think that helps a little. Still, I was glad I didn't show any damage on the scales....yet it might show up tomorrow. Bad girl! Bad!! I know I'll be really good today...I have to work 12 hours.

And see, just like that, I brought this whole conversation back to my original premise.....genius!!! ;) (did I spell that right???) ha!

Have a great day everyone! I see that the east is now getting that awful cold weather we had here all week. My best advice, having lived with it for an entire week - STAY INSIDE. Til March!!

Its a balmy 23 degrees here today!!


5 dill pickles = 5C

1 s/f ice cream bar = 2C

1 chunk of brie cheese = 1C
2 eggs scrambled with salsa on top = 3C

2 cups of iceberg lettuce with veggies, cheese and ranch dressing (planned for dinner) = 8C

1 ounce pepperoni (planned snack) = 0C


17 January 2009

Weigh-in: 237.0 lb lost so far: 28.0 lb still to go: 38.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment steady weight

16 January 2009

Down a little again. I'm so happy!!

Just TWO more pounds until I've lost a total of 30 lbs. I see my YEARLY goal is in sight. When I started on FS in February of last year, my goal was to lose 30 lbs before February of 2009. I'm so close!!! And I have kept that same goal. I want to lose another 30 lbs before February of 2010.

It has been a good couple weeks. My pants are all a little baggy, I feel good, have energy and feel in control...well, unless you lay a lemon bar in front of me. ;) Had a couple weak points this week, but managed to snack on low-carb stuff, so I feel pretty successful.

Oh and about yesterdays journal - that's a great idea about carrying an Atkins bar with me!!! Now why didn't I think of that. I am going to do that every day. I think Kimbulie might be right about the sugar thing - I'm not sure I have the stuff out of my system quite yet. I forget about that after not having it for a week or so!!! But the sugar has been bothering me a lot these last couple weeks. Gotta keep an eye on that.

And Sara, no, my boss does NOT have a boss. Its a small place - and she owns it!! Some of her "regulars" have told me that she's awful at training. But I talked to her last night a little. I just said, "Am I really that bad? I feel like you think I'm awful at this and I am trying the best that I can." You know what she said? She said, "Well, you're no worse than anyone else would be." HA!!! I actually laughed out loud!! Is that a compliment???? REALLY?? Anyway, we talked a little - it was a little strange. But I made her tell me a couple areas that she would like me to work on and I think that made her feel better. Funny how I have to make my boss feel better!! But whatever, it also made me feel better. After that, she joked around with me and I actually had fun with her!

I'm going to try to be a better team member this week. I have felt a little overwhelmed with my own world these last two weeks. But now I'm starting to feel a little better about the job and about school, so I think I'm ready to be there for others!!! Sorry about being shellfish everyone!!!! ;) (typo intended!!) (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

1/2 cup of ceasar salad = 2C
2 cups of coffee with h/c = 0C

1 s/f pudding = 4C
Weigh-in: 237.0 lb lost so far: 28.0 lb still to go: 38.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) losing 3.5 lb a week

15 January 2009

SOOOOO COOOOLLLLLDDDDD!!! Actual temperature is -17 right now. Windchill is -35!!!!! And I have to walk about 1/2 mile to class and back in this!! THREE TIMES!! Its no wonder I'm losing weight!! Just to keep my body warm is taking a lot of calories!!

By the way, I've decided that I'm not going to worry about getting in extra exercise on the days I have school. I just don't have time and I already walk a lot on those days. So I'm not going to stress about it - and just concentrate on school on those days.

Speaking of stressing - I'm really freaking out!!! How do people make it through graduate school????? I have so much homework. I shouldn't even be on here - but I can't help it!! I'm FS addicted! Plus, the stress of the bartending job is now weighing on me heavier - I have to work this evening and I woke up this morning with a pit in my stomache about work. I mean - I don't go to work until 6pm and I'm already dreading it!!! I can't live like this. I'm going to have to do SOMETHING to resolve the conflict with my boss. She is so different - I just don't even know how to address this. I mean, the woman throws FITS!! Who does that in a work relationship? I am usually pretty good at dealing with conflicts at work, but this one is just WAY OUT of the ballfield. I have no idea how to address her. But I'm going to have to figure it out soon because I can't live like this!!!

Which leads to my little "binge" last night. You know how Dr. Atkins encourages you to eat every 3-4 hours???? Well, there's a reason behind that. I had a night class last night and I didn't eat before I went. So I ate something at about 2pm, and then I had class at 5pm and didn't get out until 8pm. Because it was so DEATHLY cold, I decided that I needed to go to the store, too. I needed eggs for this morning and I wanted something fast for dinner. Thought maybe I could find some soup or something. So I bought this AWFUL chicken soup - it really was! - and then I reached for a slice of cheesecake. I really wanted that. Then, I thought, "NO!" I don't want to ruin a good week. I'll buy a legal treat. So I put it back, bought some sugar free pudding, some sugar free whipping cream, some sugar free ice cream and about four other "treats". So I get home and I had one of everything - and two ice cream treats. And because the soup was awful, I only had about 1/2 bowl. I felt DESPERATE as I scarfed down those treats. Although everything was sugar free, it still was not good for me to have all that sugar substitute and I never really had anything good for me after 2pm. I think its a little stress related!!! (do ya think???!!!) Oh, and I forgot the eggs!!

So I'm going to try to make sure I eat every few hours today. I hope that will prevent a binge!!!

Have a good day everyone!!! Whew.....I'm exhausted after this journal!!!


9 slices of bacon = 0C

1 s/f ice cream bar = 2C
1/2 cup cauliflower puree = 2C

5 dill pickles = 5C

2 cups of ceasar salad = 7C

TOTAL = 16

I know, I shouldn't have bacon the day before a weigh in day on the challenge!!! But it needed to be used....and I forgot to buy eggs, etc, etc. I'll just have to drink lots of water for the rest of the day!!!!

15 January 2009

Weigh-in: 237.5 lb lost so far: 27.5 lb still to go: 38.5 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 1.8 lb a week

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