Joined January 2015
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123.5 lb
Lost so far: 15.0 lb

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138.5 lb
Performance: losing 2.4 lb a week

Goal Weight
112.4 lb
Still to go: 26.0 lb

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DIET and TIPS: How to lose weight and control sugar addiction
It's been one week since I started my diet on chicken, fish and vegetables. I haven't touched bread, pasta, potatoes, coca-cola, sugar.. you name it. Basically my everyday diet is more or less the same.

The reason of starting this diet is to get back into shape for my work as a model.
-But I wish to do it in a good way, keeping a nice physic and also boost up my body with what it actually needs -and cut out the things I don't need. My plan will eventually be very strict, but this time doing it I'm actually doing something good for myself too -getting rid of my sugar addict. (keep reading because I'm getting there).

First of all;

I start of the day with 500ml cold water. I wait for around 30-45 min and then I start to prepare my breakfast. (This week I'm gonna add 30min PW or HIIT before I eat my breakfast, just to speed up my metabolism and fat burning.)

The breakfast contains usually one fried egg (fried in olive oil) and topped with red hot chili pepper. On the side of the egg I usually have 100g salad with few cherry tomatoes and one avocado.

Health benefits of eating egg;
1. Studies have shown that people who start their day by eating an egg feel full much longer and less hungry for their next upcoming meal.
2. People who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight. And the proteins and fat in eggs helps sustain your energy levels.
3. Protein! Whole eggs are one of the most complete sources of protein, meaning eggs contain all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diets.
4. Eggs help with brain development and memory, as well to protect your eyesight

Read more here:
Adults who eat eggs for breakfast lose 65 percent more weight

In other words; eat an egg!

-Sometimes if I don't feel like eating the egg in the morning, I choose yoghurt topped with blueberries, raspberries and avocado, maybe some toppings with pumpkin seeds etc, just for the extra healthy fats. (FYI be careful with seeds, even tho they are filled with healthy fats, they still contain a lot of calories. So eat it in small doses).
-If I start my day with either of those two options mentioned above, I choose the other meal for later on as a healthy snack, usually in between lunch and dinner.

For lunch I have been mixing it up and these have been my options;
* Chicken breast with sallad
* Tuna with sallad
* Chicken chili soup x 2
* Vegetable chili soup x 2

The chicken and vegetable soup is all made by hand and not bought in store. So I know exactly what ingredients has been used, and approximately how many calories each dish contains. Only thing added to the soup is olive oil, water and a cube of broth. So there are no fatty creams and no unnecessary calories added. The vegetables used are broccoli, carrots, beetroot, cabbage, kale etc. I could post a how-to-do if someone wishes for it. It's really healthy, and it leaves you with the feeling of being full and satisfied. So I highly recommend it.

For dinner it's usually the same as it is for lunch;
* Chicken breast with sallad
* Tuna with sallad
* Chicken chili soup
* Vegetable chili soup

However, I will from time to time add meat, fish and prawns in between my menus, so I will have some sort of variation to it all. I believe it is important to keep a bit of variation, especially since I cut out on all sugar. So proteins -and especially healthy fats should prevent me from having a really bad sugar-crash. I have always loved coca-cola and sweet drinks, not to mentions lots of sugar for the coffee and tea. What's funny is that even tho I am craving for sugar, I never really liked any candy, cookies, cakes and bakeries. I would never buy any of those, I just really dislike it. But sweet sugary drinks are my all time weakness. And by major weakness, I mean that sometimes I would get headaches if I didn't drink anything sweet, or feel unrest, have anxiety or even get angry. Which came to my thought, how much longer would I keep on doing this? Because it didn't make me feel better over all. I had low energy levels from time to time and lots of headaches. And we all know that sugar can give you diabetes, so the benefits of quitting sugar definitely speaks louder.

So 7 days ago, I stopped to eat or drink anything containing sugar, and to my surprise I haven't had any cravings for sugar yet, and no real sugar-crash.. -Which was on one hand a bit unexpected.. But so far, it does seems somewhat that it has been working pretty well since I haven't experienced any hard-core cravings, YET.
But, in case I would feel cravings for sugar, I have made sure to add frozen raspberries and blueberries to my freezer. Whenever I feel for a sugary-drink I put lemon in my big glas of water, that sort of kills my desire for sugar for that moment. If I feel any cravings in the evening I would go for a few raspberries or blueberries.

I would like to add, that although the previous week hasn't been super strict accordingly, and I feel like I haven't really been able to put my exakt measures on my diary list. -Some of the things I search for isn't there so I just put in something else that has similar calorie intake. -Which on one hand is wrong because it looks bad and it doesn't really give me the right foot intake report.
Guess I still have to figure out this app accordingly.. Seems as if samsung users have a better availability to the app, compare to us apple users. However, I do plan to be super strict this week with the diet and really follow through.
I could go more deep into nutrients etc. from everything that I'm eating and why I eat exactly those, but this log really became long enough. So maybe next time.

Feel free to ask questions, (or) any tips and ideas are appreciated.
posted 20 Jan 2020, 04:14
Nathalienada has submitted 1 post

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