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22 August 2022

I'm curious. You know those people who are super fit and live in the gym and always look like they have tons of energy and are excited to just live? How do these people exist? Ok maybe these are only fantasy people because I have only ever seen them online on Instagram or tiktok or in a blog post somewhere. If they do exist though how do they do it? How does someone not hit the snooze button so many times that they have to skip their workout in the morning in order to make it to work?

I've been looking for motivation all morning long and I haven't been able to find any anywhere. Right now my biggest desire is to crawl into bed and take a nap. Part of its because its wet and gloomy out. The other part is the fact that I did that yesterday and it was marvelous. I curled up on the couch with a book and I became a couch potato. I like being a couch potato. It could also be the Benadryl that I'm on. I'm jealous of narcoleptics right now.

Today is day 3 without working out in the morning. I need to find that motivation thing so I work out tonight after dinner. It's the tiny adults going away dinner so hopefully it doesn't go too late. I need my inner fit chick to find her coffee or her mojo or whatever. Right now I think she's face first trapped in between couch cushions. I think my couch potato self squished her.

18 August 2022

I feel like I should start each journal with "As the health saga continues.."

My head is no longer a balloon. The swelling is finally mostly gone from the bee sting. I have a chin again! I missed my chin. I tried Pilates for the first time yesterday. I think I peed myself a little when I tried to do some of the moves BUT I did it. Also.. I liked it. I probably looked like a elephant trying to look graceful but I did it! I might try the beginner Pilates program for the next 15 days then switch back to the weights or mix it up and do both. Either way things are sore so something is working. Today I discovered I have a muscle under my boob. Only my right boob. The left boob apparently does not have that muscle. Either that or the mini fridge I tried to put into our cart broke something else.

This morning I had the MRI done to see if there is really anything in my head or if its all in my head. I wont know the results until next week but at least I took the first step to finding out what new ways my body is breaking. The tiny adult and I turned the rest of the morning into a shopping for college spree. I broke my wallet. I think she feels better about being slightly more prepared for college life. At this rate I'm afraid we may need a uhaul to get her there but she gets dropped off next week. I'm honestly not sure how her brothers and I are going to handle her not being home. She's been mini-mom for so long (big age difference between the tiny humans and the tiny adult).

The good part about falling apart is I'm currently on a scared straight program. I don't know if this is my hit bottom moment but getting healthier is a top priority for me.

16 August 2022

I think life is trying to send me a message. On Sunday I got stung by a bee on my good ear. It stung a little but no big deal. I've been stung 3 times this year. Bees like me.

I woke up the next day to half my face twice the size it should be.. umm.. yeah. I had the MRI scheduled for Monday. I had to reschedule. Now the MRI is Thursday and life seems to be getting more and more precarious by the day. Yesterday I called in sick and spent the day in bed for the most part because I was hiding and had ice packs wrapped around my head. I did get a glimpse at what my face would look like if I gained more weight so I have that in my head now. I should have taken a picture but I didn't want photographic proof of that.

Today I have no neck. None. All the swelling is apparently slowly creeping down my body and it's currently in my neck. My face is still puffy but my neck is itchy. Does it just keep going down? Will I get an additional cup size from this?? A girl can hope. In the middle of all of this I've applied for life insurance because life is apparently telling me that life is hazardous to my health. Meanwhile I'm trying to not freak out my daughter because she goes away to college next week. Only problem is the insurance sent my MRI approval to her instead of me. Not sure how that happens. I'm pretending it's perfectly normal. I will not say the word tumor until they show it to me on the MRI.. hopefully I don't have random bee sting lumps all over me by then.

Life is an adventure! Mine is currently a freak show. I finished the beginner strength training series on Sunday so now I'm taking it easy and trying to decide what adventure to try next on my healthy me journey/don't die adventure.

12 August 2022

I think I have weak elbows. Is that a thing? I completed day 14 of the beginner strength program. 1 more to go! During the bicep curls I have discovered my elbows want to quit before any of my arm muscles. If it weren't for that whole needing to bend my arm thing as part of the curl I think I could lift way more weight. So... are weak elbows a thing or am I just broken?

This weekend is an adult fun weekend so no workout tomorrow. At least not the strength workout. I really really want to kayak but he says we have to go to a grad party. Do we?? I suppose we do. It would be rude not to. They showed up at my tiny humans grad party but it's supposed to be nice out! Plus we havent managed many kayak or boat days this past month. Maybe we can fit both in if we find the ability to move and my weak elbows don't scream at me tomorrow.

Seriously.. why are my elbows weak? I use them every day while I type for hours and hours at a time. Now I have to look up elbow exercises. Or buy a copper sleeve.. and probably find the Aleve.

11 August 2022

Ever heard advice that you think sounds smart but then you try to pass it along and it becomes a deranged mess? It might just be me. Anyways.. this is one of those deranged messes.

While I was listening to a recent podcast they had the author from "An untethered soul" on. The podcast people drank the kool-aid and absolutely love this author and book. Therefore I want kool-aid. I may have mangled this completely in my head but this is the idea. Plus I suffer from stress. A LOT of stress. I have 3 kids that I'm raising with little to no help, I'm a manager in a toxic work environment, I'm afraid of heights, snakes, and sweat.. etc. Life is hard. We suck it up and move forward.

The idea is our heads are full of past experiences, emotions, trauma, and garbage. Mine is full of all that plus unicorn farts and pixie poop. That stuff affects how we react to things and makes things more than they maybe should be. The trick is to step back from those feelings and have a soft of out of body experience to look at the bigger picture. This may not be the idea of this book at all but this was how the podcast explained it and then I later mangled it in my head. I ordered the book. If I am able to read it I will confirm if this is the idea or not. Anyways... if we take a moment and step away from the situation we can ask ourselves if the voice in our brain is being sane or not so sane. Maybe it went off the rails and its still upset that Tom in kindergarten class gave us a ring that made us think he liked us but really it had cooties and you just declared a cooty ring your favorite treasure ever because obviously Tom is our soulmate but now we just have cooties and Tom sucks.

So when I'm about to cry at work because the legal team just put my work through the woodchipper I paused. I thought took a step back from the situation. I realized I have more important things in my life than work. I let the feeling of frustration pass because I have more important things to put my energy into.

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