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14 December 2014

I have been a vegetarian for exactly 1 Year TODAY!!! :D How exciting is that? It's been fairly easy too! Have I missed meat? Sure. I'm vegetarian because I feel no other living being should have to die so that I can live. YES, I know I step on bugs, etc., and my favorite that most people say when they find out I'm vegetarian is "bacon". Sure I miss it, but it's also REALLY BAD FOR YOU. I just can't contribute to a life being taken. My choice. I'm not judging anyone else for their choices.

I'm also healthier (I think). I had to go to the doctor to get a wellness check up for my health insurance. I've only read the results online, but I think I'm reading them right and they are all looking good to me. I'm not a doctor, but I play one in my mind. Here are my results (any medical professionals out there can tell me if I'm reading it wrong). The first number will be my results from May 2011 the second number is my current result.

Cholesterol Total 214 down to 164
Triglycerides 159 down to 66
HDL Cholesterol 64 up to 65 (that's good, right???)
LDL cholesterol 118 down to 86

My doctor wanted me to go on meds, at 38. I said um, no. This was all done with a change in eating.

These next numbers, I have no idea. They're all in the standard range except the Chloride.

Calcium 8.4 to 8.2 not good
Glucose 94 to 87 that's good right?
BUN huh?? 12 to 15
Creatinine 0.95 to 0.66
Sodium 137 to 141
Potassium 4.5 to 4.1
Chloride 107 to 110 does this mean I'm dehydrated?
CO2 24.2 to 25

Anyone want to translate this for me?

08 December 2014

Weigh-in: 180.6 lb lost so far: 33.4 lb still to go: 40.6 lb Diet followed poorly
   (24 comments) gaining 2.7 lb a week

29 November 2014

28 November 2014

...and breathe. Welcome to the flip side. Happy post tofurky day! I was so busy this past week even the girlfriend was getting annoyed with me for not texting her. I hope this reassures you, my FS family that I was not intentionally neglecting you. Today is the first day I've sat on my couch with my cat. She says hi.

My Uncle died last Thursday. I think I'm supposed to be sad here, but I'm not. It just was. Even though we lived in the same town I hadn't really spent any time with him since 1993 at best guess. I was sad for his wife, I think. They were married 4 months short of 70 years (my grandparents were married 72 years, my parents have been married 52, my sisters are all pushing 30, I'm a family treasure). I can't say as he was necessarily good to his family, WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY without being disrespectful of the dead, I didn't see anybody crying. It was a nice time to reconnect with family I hadn't seen in decades (because I'm old enough to remember in decades). It made me long for the days when I was a kid and we went to family reunions. It's weird being the middle generation.

My mom told me she didn't like how at Thanksgiving dinner the women went off to one corner to read ads and the men watched football. She said that wasn't Thanksgiving. I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said Thanksgiving. Oh,Ok that clears that I had her and Dad bring over all the pictures they could find. They have boxes and boxes of pictures that aren't marked. "who is this baby?" "I have no idea" "Who is this?" "MOM THAT'S ME!!!YOU KNOW, YOUR DAUGHTER???" "Oh" "who is this?" "MOM THAT'S YOU!!!!" "Oh I don't look like that anymore" "Mom that picture is 40 years old" It was magical.

My body is being so strange. I wake up and I weigh 174. I eat something and I weigh 179. I don't understand what it is doing. I'd like to reach the 160's, but my body has other plans. Hopefully someday soon it lets me know what that plan is. I've never seen such giant fluctuations in a day. I feel my body is being dishonest.

Got my hair trimmed. I didn't lose 5 lbs like last time. Boo! My hairdresser did use some curly hair shtuff on my hair and I actually went from looking like Medusa in an electrical storm to a woolly haired sheep. Trust me it's an improvement. I think.
Weigh-in: 176.8 lb lost so far: 37.2 lb still to go: 36.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (3 comments) gaining 0.1 lb a week

18 November 2014

This will probably be my last post before the government comes to get me. My phone pocket Googled P X D H and it came up with something that I'm pretty sure is a secret formula for imported latex. Uncle Sam's coming for me! I know too much!

When last we met I was busy shoving food in my pie hole even though I don't like pie. I decided to find something to keep my hands busy. I succeed. Now I'm too busy. Tonight is the first night I've just had a chance to sit, and I'm beat. I was watching someone sell me wigs on HSN for about 15 minutes before I realized what I was watching. I made myself a scarf which I really needed. It's awesome! I was going to make my mom one for Christmas (I actually considered being a stinker for about 5 seconds, but she would kill me. She liked my bright multi-colored scarf. I was thinking she would like a rainbow scarf...maybe not). Then the girlfriend decided we (me) were going to make one for her grandma. Of course then I came up with a whole list of people to make one for (let me know if you want me to add your name to the list). This is a typical ADHD hyper-focus incident. Very bad. I also have 2 projects I'm working on for work (should be doing that right now actually). It's a really short month so I'm about to get my butt kicked starting tomorrow. One of those "oh crap! I only have 7 working days left this month! Of course then I have a whole bunch of Christmas projects (sorry Northernmusician I have a lot in common with your wife. It's a disease).

Needless to say, food has been a bit "oh look, it's late, I should probably eat something today". I've been making a lot of soups. I love soup in the winter. In the summer I completely forget why I like soup.'s not actually winter yet is it? Ok, when the north pole decides to disprove global warming, I love soup. Most of the year my job is GREAT! Then it gets polar. The majority of the time I'm working in a store foyer, next to the door, with the motion sensor, I haven't figured out how to be invisible yet, it's awesome. I noticed there is an opening for my job in Maui. I wonder if they would give me a 500% raise to move there...Right,, I've made cream of broccoli, tomato, and corn chowder. I really want to make butternut squash, but I need to figure out how to get it past the girlfriend without her realizing what she is eating. She turns her nose up at foods I make until she eats it, then she loves it. Gosh I'm tired I hope this journal makes sense.

I've also been taking better care of my skin. It's SO DRY AND COLD AND DRY! I'm freaking out with the crepey appearance of my skin you could say it's creepy! Thank you! I'm here until I pass out. Tip your server. GOD I'M TIRED! I've been using TONS of lotion, and face lotion or cream, whatever it is. I also got some COQ10 pills. I hope that helps. I'm getting my hair cut Thursday. I hope it's another 5 lbs hair cut like last time. That would be neat. If anyone wants to come clean my house I can pay you in scarves.

LONG story short my diet tip for this week, keep your hands busy and soup. Ok, remember if you don't hear from me for a while, keep your eye out for black SUV's following you. You know too much now too. I'm sorry.
Weigh-in: 176.6 lb lost so far: 37.4 lb still to go: 36.6 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (10 comments) losing 3.5 lb a week

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