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14 August 2008

VACATION! Only 7 more hours of work….dinner at mom#2's place and then off on a plane tomorrow at noon! Can't wait! A much needed week off!

Looking forward to getting away with the hubby, exploring the island, bike riding, meeting people, checking out arts and crafts (we always buy some kind of artwork/craft, and a Christmas ornament on our travels). Not sure if we will have internet capability or not while we are there…so I may not be able to get online until we get back. I did take a peek at the scale this morning, and I'm back into the 160's again (at 169.4)….so we'll see what this week will bring. We plan on biking all over the island, so that should offset some of the eating.

Our 1 year anniversary is on Monday, hard to believe its been a year already!!! With the fertility stuff going on this year, seems like it flew by so quickly! One of the women (actually her daughter-in-law) at work makes these amazing shortbread cookies, and decorates them (her site is: justcookiesbyjenny put a dot com after that). She made up a dozen heart cookies and champagne glasses, I'll make sure to take a photo and post it when we return :)

Have a GREAT week! I look forward to getting caught up with everyone's journals when we return!

11 August 2008

Well, I knew it was a matter of time, as I've had such a great looking ski slope since March…but…this morning, I recorded my first gain. My emotional eating won out on Friday night and Saturday. Its only a 1.6 gain for this week…and I know I can lose it, but still I'm disappointed with myself. The food for hubby's dad's birthday was AMAZING. Soooo yummy! I even had seconds of the BBQ ribs (so tender), and had this citrus cake that his sister made that was to die for! The shirts turned out fantastic, and everyone loved them. It was fun seeing everyone's creativity. We also swam almost the entire time (which is probably why my gain wasn't more!), weather was gorgeous!

Went to the fertility doc's this morning, and got some information on donor eggs, put a call into the donor egg center…and are waiting to hear back from them now to get the next steps needed. It apparently averages 4 months, so we are trying to act as quickly as possible, so I can start this before my 40th b-day in March so insurance will pay for some of the costs.

Soooo can't wait until Friday for our vacation! We plan on doing a lot of biking…and with a few exceptions of eating out, we should be relatively healthy as we are renting a house with a kitchen. =) I was doing some searching on Prince Edward Island….and it turns out that this year is the 100 year anniversary of the release of the Anne of Green Gables stories….LOVE that series! Definitely going to have to go check out that area of the island =) =)

Been watching the Olympics, which always gets me motivated to be more active. So envious of their endurance, and shape! =)

Have a great Monday everyone! I'll try and get caught up on journals today (wasn't able to when we got back last night). So much to do at work, and it’s a short week for us with vacation on Friday! =)

11 August 2008

Weigh-in: 170.4 lb lost so far: 37.6 lb still to go: 20.4 lb Diet followed poorly
   add comment gaining 1.6 lb a week

08 August 2008

ARGH!!!! I can feel the self sabotage coming on for this weekend already. =( I woke up and weighed myself this morning because hubby and I are heading off to Philly today for the weekend, so needed to weigh myself for the B.E.A.C.H. challenge. I have been EXCELLENT this week….I mean, I have overcome a lot of obstacles food wise, but I'm showing a slight gain this morning for last weeks weigh in for the challenge. Grrrrrrr! We fly in tonight, and are scheduled to go to Thai food (my ultimate weakness in food choices). Tomorrow should be okay, as we'll be by the pool…just not sure about what food will be there, but hubby's sister knows we have been dieting….soooooo. Argh! Just discouraged to have to report I'm at 169.7 this morning (up from the challenge weigh in of 169.1) so a gain of .6. Boooo!

I'm going to add something to my BEACH for this week…I'm going to vow to go to the gym with the hubby EVERY morning next week until we leave for vacation on Friday!

I'm off to pack…..and hope to catch up with all your journals on Sunday when we get back.

06 August 2008

Yesterday was a bit rough. We had yet ANOTHER baby shower here at work for a friend. I went, and volunteered to cut the cake, so I could focus on that instead of all the other things going on. Of course other co-workers that don't know what I'm going through came up to me and said they can't wait for when they can throw a baby shower for me, and when was that going to happen. Ugh. I think I should get a 10+++ for my day yesterday with all those challenges! Hahaha The cake looked AMAZING (was chocolate, with this filling that looked like a whoopie pie)! Didn't have any of it…..the party favors were adorable….but…they didn't have the fat/calories/etc listed, so I opted not to have anything. I resisted everything, smiled…and went back to my desk after and heated up my SmartOne. We meet with the fertility doctor on Monday to find out our next steps with donor egg, so we'll see what that brings.

Last night I went out and bought a ton of T-shirts, and iron on sheets to make up some gag gifts for hubby's dad's birthday celebration this weekend. So far they are turning out pretty awesome! We took a photo of him and are ironing it on. I'm making 14 of them total for everyone that is going to be there, with all of them saying something different like "The daughter-in-law, "the Grandchild", etc. Should be pretty funny…and he'll be embarrassed for sure.

Has anyone been to Prince Edward Island? Hubby and I have never been, but are going next week…and didn't know if there were any recommendations on things/places to visit while we are there. I'll be going to go see the Anne of Green Gables exhibit by myself while hubby golfs (I wouldn't put him through that torture, heheh).

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