constancenj's Journal, 29 October 2009

Thanks Halloween candy. Ugh. I love you and I hate you. Haha! I'm contemplating changing my diet to low-fat, because I just found out I have "silent reflux" which is pretty similar to acid reflux except it affects the vocal chords and throat more than the esophagus like acid reflux does.
Since I'm a singer I wanted to get a look at my vocal chords because I've been having issues going from my lower register to my higher register. So I went to an ENT and got to SEE my VOCAL CHORDS! It was a pretty cool thing. I found out at the appointment that I have this silent reflux and was given medication, but along with it, I have to drastically change my diet.
I'm not supposed to have:
*Chocolate (worst restriction EVER)
*Anything with tomatoes (I love tomatoes, too. :( )
*Spicy Foods
*Fatty and Fried foods
*Carbonated Beverages and Any Caffeine, including coffee and tea
*Alcohol (we'll mark a big YEAH RIGHT next to this one)
*Smoking (good thing I don't. Now I just have to throw out Jakes.)
*Mint products
*Gum and hard candy

and the list goes on...
I feel like I'm pretty much screwed. I eat at least one of these things on a daily basis.
And considering I haven't been doing very well with my diet lately, it's going to be even harder. I know what I'm not supposed to have, and I'm trying to look at the fat content in things more now, so.... I don't know, hopefully I can improve. I have to do this for 6 months. SIX!! How can I stay away from chocolate for that long? I'm pretty sure that part is impossible.
182.0 lb Lost so far: 24.0 lb.    Still to go: 42.0 lb.    Diet followed poorly.
gaining 1.8 lb a week



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