jsfantome's Journal, 02 September 2012

Part of this journey for me...has been to work on my emotional and spiritual health. And while I have made great strides in changing my thoughts about myself - I do NOT wear insecurity well!

Hubby and I have been married for 23 1/2 years. And not always happily married. (but then anyone that says they have been...I usually raise an eyebrow at ;)

We've had our challenges. But honestly have come out the other side of those challenges stronger! Happier! Closer! But with someone who wears their heart on their sleeve (so to speak)... even the smallest of things can deeply wound a woman.

So...yesterday, hubby and I spent the day at the Beach! It was glorious. Beautiful weather, beautiful scenery... just wonderful. And then old me started to creep in... judging and evaluating the women around me...the women that walked by. What they looked like. Were they bigger than me. Smaller than me. Were they 'catching' the attention of this man I love? (NO, they were not...as he was sleeping on the blanket next to me)...but my brain power pushed on to make sure MY insecurities came rushing back in full force.

By the time we left the beach (6 hours later) - after a full day of fun in the sand, sun and waves... I felt 'less than'. Like I didn't measure up. After all of my hard work, weight lost, trips to the gym...there IS ALWAYS going to be beautiful women that look better than I do. I will never again in my life sport a two piece or bikini. Too many wrinkles and stretch marks from three beautiful children. And my thighs... oh, Lord... don't get me started!

My poor husband didn't stand a chance.

We got to the car, and I sat down...opened the window from the day's heat build up...and little did I realize that my emotional build up was going to produce a flood ... of tears!

I'm 49 years old. When in the world am I going to accept me for me? When am I going to 'out-grow' this? Am I ever going to feel like I am beautiful on the outside - like I am on the inside? (and actually, I didn't feel very beautiful on the inside while sitting there crying.)

Hubby and I have never been 'unfaithful' to one another. But he has had some issues in the past (that he has faithfully dealt with) - that used to include allowing himself the habit of 'looking'. And more than that...admiring and lusting at the visual of a beautiful, curvy, sexy 'woman'... be it a picture, a video, or in real life.

All the while, I am home w/ the kids, and my war scared abs from childbirth... thinking that I am all he wants or will ever need in life. Marriages around us dropping like flies! And some of those men - left for other (more beautiful, more sexy, better body women)... And I was just clueless.

After I realized - and after we made our feelings known to each other - he made the choice to stop his behavior and change his habits. I was unwilling to stay married or subject myself to constant comparison, even if it was just in my own head.

We've been thru counseling together. He's been through treatment independently. And he's come out the other side with a deep regret for the hurt he 'unknowingly' caused me. We have spiritually reconnected in a far more healthy way - and honestly, I couldn't be prouder of him NOW, than I ever have been before.

I just felt weak. Weary from the years of efforts. And lack of motivation to get these last 10 or so lbs off. They came off before!!! Why can't I keep things going? And why do I get these 'insecure' thoughts in my head...they make me want to give up! They make me feel like 'what's the use!!'

I know better. I DO! REALLY! This IS the battle of emotional eating. Take LIFE and add STRESS... and you will end up with an extra 10 lbs you can't get rid of!

So glad today is Sunday. I need to spend some time talking w/ God about these things today. But thanks for hearing me out here in my journal. I just needed to exhale. (I do that alot ;)

Much Love!


That is what we are here for. 
02 Sep 12 by member: BuffyBear
Paula we all have these feelings...we sabatoge our selves with them.. Your not alone...If you see a beautiful woman and think you don't add up..she is thinking the same...and the ads on tv..well you know they are doctored with a computer..they are just ads...not even Cindy Crawford looks like Cindy in the mornings..You are a lovely woman and don't you forget it...now smile for me girl...thats it...you have a great smile....Hugs...:O) 
02 Sep 12 by member: BHA
Honey, that is just what the devil wants you to feel, insecure. Rise Up My Friend, and remember Who you are in Christ!!!! A Child Of The KING!!!! Much Love, Shari 
02 Sep 12 by member: Shari22
remember you are the one he married not those beautiful cold women. You are theone his children call mother and love. here is a smple test for young people and yes count yourself as one of those young people. we all feel things that dn;t make sense.How Can I Boost My Self-Confidence? Yes No When you look in the mirror, □ □ do you like what you see? Do you feel that you have □ □ praiseworthy skills? Are you able to stand up to peer pressure? □ □ Can you accept valid criticism? □ □ Can you handle unfair remarks □ □ others make about you? Do you feel loved? □ □ Do you take care of your health? □ □ Are you happy for others when they succeed? □ □ Do you generally view yourself as successful? □ □ Then take the tme to really look at each step and honestly look at what you have been doing. It makes a real eyeopener if you list the things you have done. Start wih your children and how you have thier love and what you have done to help them. You are worth something. Then realize that though no marriage is perfect you and your husband are together and he was asleep not staring at the women in bikinis. he does not need them he needs you. here are some thoughts from your Bible I hope they help you. Put the ones that you feel work where you can find them. On the frig or near the front door on the mirror in the car and anyplace else you think of. The Bible is a powerful force only if you use it daily. Low self esteeem is so common today you are never alone. Saten loves to see people wallow in thier own emotional vat of depression and low self esteem. We have to work hard to get out of hat vat we are stewing in. We are the only ones who can make that difference. It takes prayer and working at it. Give of Yourself Key scripture. “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”—Acts 20:35. What it means. When you help others, you help yourself. How? “Generosity will be rewarded,” states a Bible proverb. “Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return.” (Proverbs 11:25, Contemporary English Version) There’s no denying it—your sense of well-being soars when you help others! “I think of what I can do for others and try to fill a need for someone in my congregation. Giving love and attention to others makes me feel better.”—Breanna. “The Christian ministry is rewarding because it forces you to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others.”—Javon. Caution: Don’t help others solely for the purpose of getting something in return. (Matthew 6:2-4) Giving with the wrong motive falls flat. It is usually seen for just what it is—a false front!—1 Thessalonians 2:5, 6. Your turn. Think of someone you have helped in the past. Who was that person, and what did you do for him or her? ․․․․․ How did you feel afterward? ․․․․․ Think of someone else you could help, and write down how you can assist that one. ․․․․․ Make Friends Key scripture. “A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.”—Proverbs 17:17. What it means. A good friend can be a tremendous support during times of adversity. (1 Samuel 18:1; 19:2) Even the thought that someone cares can lift your spirits. (1 Corinthians 16:17, 18) So draw close to those who have a positive influence on you. “Real friends won’t let you stay down.”—Donnell. “Sometimes the most important thing is knowing that someone sincerely cares. That can make you feel valuable.”—Heather. Caution: Make sure your friends bring out the real you—not a persona that you create just to fit in. (Proverbs 13:20; 18:24; 1 Corinthians 15:33) Engaging in unwise acts just to impress others will leave you feeling degraded and used.—Romans 6:21. Your turn. Below, fill in the name of a friend who might boost your self-confidence in a healthy way. ․․․․․ Why not make arrangements to spend some time with the person you named above?—Note: The person doesn’t have to be in your age group. Bounce Back From Your Mistakes Key scripture. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”—Romans 3:23. What it means. There’s no getting around it—you’re imperfect. That means there will be times when you will say or even do the wrong thing. (Romans 7:21-23; James 3:2) While you can’t avoid making mistakes, you can control how you react to them. The Bible says: “Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up.”—Proverbs 24:16, CEV. we have to overcome it.  
02 Sep 12 by member: bemoreland
Betty, Shari, Bren, and Buffy... thank you! I am moved beyond words. Your love for me...as a sister, a friend, a companion in this journey...WOW! I totally appreciate you ladies!!! Much Love. 
03 Sep 12 by member: jsfantome


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