redwinelover's Journal, 15 June 2011

Been tied up with the bedroom. lol... now THAT sounded far more interesting than it's been! Okay, let me rephrase that - I've been quite busy doing things to change the decor of the bedroom. Better?

THOUGHT we had picked out two nice colors - one for the fireplace wall, and another for the rest. WRONG! So glad the guy convinced us to buy two sample jars instead of blowing $100 on paint! The fireplace wall is okay, but we'll probably go deeper brown. The other walls we'll probably do a light tan or darker off white. So it's off to Home Depot again to get a couple more samples.

I tiled the top and sides of the hearth in the bedroom side. I'll do the same on the bathroom side once my husband fixes the part I tore out thinking a total re-do of the hearth design on the bathroom side (a year and a half ago!). So far I love the look of it - sort of that fake stone look to the tiles with a glass tile mosaic border. Eventually we'll carry that tile and border on through the bathroom. I'd really like to remodel the bathroom first, but it'll cost some money. I'd love a bigger shower and a smaller, corner style bathtub in there, but to do so, we'd have to put a smaller window on that wall. Which would be fine, aesthetically speaking, as it would be the same size as the one on the adjoining wall anyway. But cost... the window, and then filling in the wall on the outside of the house (inside would be easy) and having it stucco'd and all. Hmmm... don't know. And the shower enclosure might be pretty expensive, too, so not sure about the whole plan. It would be lovely, but maybe out of reach for now. At least with home prices still dropping - don't want to dump a lot of money into the house.

I haven't been working out, hoping the climbing up and down the ladder and washing the walls, and taking tiles up and down the stairs to cut them is burning some calories. Weight is up.... what else is new?

I apologize to my friends that still bother reading my drivel as I know I've been neglecting everyone. Again, I will try to become more consistent with this.

Things are going pretty well, though. Would love to have this done before my Fraxel procedure on the 28th. Getting nervous about that as I know just how painful that is! This time I'm also having my neck and decollete, as well as my face. Lord, I hope the pain pills I'm going to take this time just knock me out! This procedure really should be done under a light general or twilight sleep. But oh well... the price of beauty, huh?


I love hearing about other people's decorating ideas. I am a firm believer in test pots: my favourite paint shop offers refund for the selected colour. I am very relieved that I still like my selected shade of grey(!) when seen in bulk on the kitchen walls especially as the same colour is on the units that are supposed to be arriving today...  
15 Jun 11 by member: Ruby_Jewell
Just googled before and after photos of ladies who have had Fraxel and the results look great, however I imagine it's a bit like getting a root canal, having to lie still while someone does extremely painful Things... But what do they say? No pain, no gain? I'm sure the long term results will be more than worth the short term agony. 
15 Jun 11 by member: Ruby_Jewell
OOOOOOO, redecorating. How fun. I've had about enough with this addition though. I can't wait for it to be done. Hope you had a great day.:) 
15 Jun 11 by member: LauPug1
Hi Ruby! I'll keep checking FB or FS to see more results of your kitchen makeover. Grey is a nice neutral, it just doesn't seem to go with our furnishings here. I think whatever colors make us feel good are the ones we should go with, right? And still loving the color you've chosen is a great sign. Besides, when you have a massive amount of one color, it really opens things up for accessories! :D Let me know if your cabinets arrived. Can't wait to see the progression pictures. Oh, don't know if you knew this, but I actually had the Fraxel re:pair procedure done in Feb. It's supposedly one of those "one and done" procedures - good for ten years. But since I have so many smoker's lines (quit for the last time over a year and a half ago) especially, and those are the hardest to treat, I'm having it done a second time. Better drugs this time, but wow. It really hurt. Excruciating pain as the topical anesthetic was wearing off quickly, as well. Squeezed some kind of balls in both hands, and once in a while, the nurse's hands! Poor girl. My complaint with the before and after pictures? Most taken between 6 - 8 weeks after the procedure. That's when your skin looks the best - redness gone, any visible swelling gone, but there is a lot of micro-swelling that fill in all the lines and wrinkles. If the clock could stop there, it'd be awesome! But I will say, it's done a lot of the tone and texture and some tightening of my skin, and reduced the wrinkles. Not nearly as dramatically as the before and after pictures, though. I wish! :D Have a great day, Ruby 
16 Jun 11 by member: redwinelover
Hi LauPug1! Well I feel like a terrible friend. I just went back to April trying to see what addition you're having done and couldn't find it. It sounds like the remodel from hell, though, if it started THAT long ago! Is it a kitchen? A bathroom? I know those two can be such a pain in the butt. We actually remodeled our bathroom in our old house years and years ago and it was the only bathroom we had. Nothing like having a free-standing porta-potty in the hallway! Good luck with yours. Post pictures on your journal if you can. Take care! 
16 Jun 11 by member: redwinelover
Hey, D...just stopped by to see how things were in your part of the world and I see you are busy, busy, busy. It has been like that for a while around here also, and I haven't been able to keep up with my buddies the way I like either, so fully understand. Hope the bedroom turns out as awesome as it sounds. Hugs and love ya, my friend!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3 
16 Jun 11 by member: ctlss
Hi ya RWL, I love to redo a room makes it nice to look at..I also love earth tones as they don't seem to pop off the wall at ya..Your colors sound so nice..In our bathroom we painted the top half and nice tan and the bottom a nice wine color..with a chair rail to split the wall in semi half..we did tile on the sinks with a touch of the two colors in the white with gray swirls in the tile..Husband did a great job.. You really don't need to do extra exercise when your doing all that.. have a great evening.....Bren 
16 Jun 11 by member: BHA
Hi ctlss. I love it when I'm actually busy. :D Tried to take a picture of the fireplace all tonight and it looks orange! the paint is a medium brown... sure doesn't look it on my cell phone picture! Going well, though. Don't know how all that stuff I've been buying at the thrift stores will look in there now. Hmmm... we'll have to see. Hope all is well with you, my dear friend! Love ya! 
17 Jun 11 by member: redwinelover
Bren, hi! Yep, love the room redo feeling! Your bathroom sounds really nice. Love a WINE color! lol... bet it looks lovely. If mine comes out, I'll post pictures (that hopefully more accurately reflect the actual colors) as I'm the one doing the tiling. And the patching/priming and painting. :D My husband did cut several of the tiles for me, though :) 
17 Jun 11 by member: redwinelover
Tied up in the bedroom lol...sure sounds like you are an active participant in life and enjoying some upcoming Summer days RWL...TOWANDA!!!!!!! 
21 Jun 11 by member: Lisa Online
Come backkkkkkkkkkk! 
24 Jun 11 by member: Junebug7210
Hi RWL. how's that beautiful bedroom coming along?? Can't wait for pics have a great rest of your weekend.....Bren 
25 Jun 11 by member: BHA
Oh my: it's the 28th in AZ and you should be preparing for / having / recovering from your Fraxel procedure? Hope it will / is / did go[ing] well and you're not suffering too much; it will all be worth it... Thinking of you.  
28 Jun 11 by member: Ruby_Jewell
Hey RWL...Where areeeeeeeeeeee you? 
28 Jun 11 by member: pixidaisy


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