Ms Elizabeth's Journal, 27 March 2013

Little man froze all my greek yogurts. Do you think they're still edible if I put them back in the fridge? I suppose I could eat them frozen but frozen yogurt for breakfast just seems.. wrong. I get the feeling this is going to be an ongoing thing since my newest demon spawn aka little man has figured out how to open the fridge. He won't walk, he won't talk, BUT he will open the fridge and the freezer and laugh like a maniac every time he puts something from one side to the other.

Yoga did not happen. Well it sorta happened. I did twist my body into unusual poses while I tried to reach toys under the every possible location, attempted to fold clothes one handed with a 20 lb lil man on one hip while he attempted to wipe his nose on every single thing I tried to fold, dusted for the first time since little man was born, and tried to clean a hampster cage that belongs to what I am now convinced is a cannibal. It wanted to eat me. I know it did. All because hubby decided last night to tell me we have a house guest coming tonight. Maybe... maybe tomorrow. All this for a guest who probably won't notice how nicely my furniture shines now. Wait.. no it doesn't. Grubby hands already touched every surface. Crap.

The good news is when you're cleaning your bathroom, finding gross things in the couch, and being attacked by dust bunnies hopped up on dog hair that exist under every surface you lose your appetite. I successfully avoided eating or drinking or licking anything I shouldn't lick. Woohoo! Now I just have to figure out how to fit a workout in there somewhere and I will be a buff chicky before you know it. I think I have some buffness.. I just need to find it. Carrying all those calf pails and squats have to be doing something!


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Anyone that shows up with one days notice to a home with a baby in it should not expect shiny surfaces...just sayin'.  
27 Mar 13 by member: CollyMP
Completely edible! I freeze them on purppose, and yes have eaten it in the morning! Just let them thaw a bit and stir them up. Yogurt can be frozen, just make sure you thaw in fridge and mix real well. As for lil man it's only the beginning... houseguest?? 
27 Mar 13 by member: thynes
Kids! That is too funny. :-) Family driving us crazy must be in the air. My daughter just texted me and DROVE me crazy. Her B-day (18th!) was March 8th. Her Mom had a party on March 9th & for the first time invited E and I. It went well. Now, our extended family wanted to see her but she said she could only do March 31st for breakfast. That that is the only day she would be able to fit us in. I said, "OK but we would have to get you Saturday sometime because we wouldn't have time to do it in the morning." She said fine. Fast forward to today. I get a text that says "The party is for me so I can't come Sat. Can you get me in the morning?!?! What! She does not live around the corner. The B-day party on Sat is for her at her Mom's again. Can't we have 12-16 hours of you time! Half of which you sleep. GRRRRAAAAAWWWWWWWW So irritated! So now, she is going to ask her BF (which her Mom let move in almost a year ago!!!!) to come with her. Fine, except he is gluten free and now I have to cook a WHOLE OTHER meal just for him. So irritated!  
27 Mar 13 by member: jessabridge4444
Company and house guests...hmmmmm....ONLY time my house gets really cleaned. :) 
27 Mar 13 by member: Neptunebch
Teenagers sound fun. I thought little man and 9 yr old were complicated. lol I dread the days of boyfriends. 
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
I've heard about freezing Greek yogurt, but haven't ever done it myself - I've heard the texture can change for the worst, but if you just stir it like crazy like thynes suggested, I would think you'd be fine! Not gonna lie, it gave me a little chuckle to picture your little man moving stuff from the fridge to freezer.... :) Great job cleaning! I need to get my act together this weekend and do some spring cleaning - my house is a disaster zone.. 
27 Mar 13 by member: erika2633
Housecleaning counts as a workout especially when doing it with a little man attached to your hip! Good job on staying away from the oreos! 
27 Mar 13 by member: aggie95
Thynes - For once it's actually a house guest I look forward to! It's hubbies best friend who he does row crops with in the summer. Only problem is our house seems to fill up with half the farmers in the area when he visits. Half the time I don't know if I need to make a meal for 10 or they all go out to the bar for wings. How bad do you think a salad from a pizza joint is? I have the local pizza place on speed dial right now.  
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
I refuse to spring clean until it stops snowing! I have to admit to smiling when I pictured my "little guy" (who is 15, towers over me, has a deep voice like a radio announcer, and has grown enormous flippers on the ends of his legs) doing the same thing many MANY years ago! 
27 Mar 13 by member: CollyMP
I think a salad is a salad... Most of the time. I wanna come hang ot with all the farmers :-(. Bad timing I guess lol! 
27 Mar 13 by member: thynes
They're all at the house from May-June then again from Sept-Oct. And sometimes inbetween. If we get the rest of the penpack poured this summer I will give you a yell. Then you can watch farmers/carpenters play around with cement with their shirts off. Or when the hoof trimmer guy comes! He reeeeks from the smell of the hooves. Hooves smell nasty when they're getting trimmed. But he's super cute and you can watch him work from the hot tub which is safely away from the smell.  
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
If you're really lucky you can meet the amish gynocologist. I don't think he's amish or a gynocologist. He's usually drunk as a fish and fun to listen to though. 
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
DFW I think we will have a great time ;-) Amish Gyno... omg I'm dying just thinking about it! I'll bring Maddie and she can see another side of life! I'll even pay you daughter to "babysit" if she can tear her away from that adorable redhead! Maddie loooove babies and toddlers! 
27 Mar 13 by member: thynes
That's only if you can tear her away from the kittens and baby cows. lol 
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
Haha at little man moving everything! I have heard about freezing greek yogurt, but I didn't dig too much, it had me thinking it was like a throw it in for a few hours then eat it right away, but who knows. Worth a try! Enjoy the house guest (s)! Salad from the pizza joint is probably ok if you order it "no fries, no cheese, no dressing, no croutons" - although supposedly the fries on the salad is a Pittsburgh thing. They're on every grilled chicken salad around here!! 
27 Mar 13 by member: Bkeller1023
Fries on a salad?? I think it's a Pittsburg thing. I've been everywhere from chicago to syracuse and never seen it done. Now I want to try it though! 
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth
Good luck with the houseguest! At least you got the cleaning done and sounds like it was a workout in itself. The yogurt should be okay if you put it in the frige, but like others have said make sure you stir it up before you eat it. At least if you eat a salad from a pizza place you're not eating the pizza, it has to be better, as long as it's not covered in dressing. 
27 Mar 13 by member: mars2kids
Hey, go buy a child proof product for the refridgerator! They have lots to choose from, just search google. You might need some for other things like stove and doors now that he has become a little man monster"-) The joy of a child! 
27 Mar 13 by member: Lizzygracemusic
I can just see DFW, exhausted trying to work one of those Lizzy lol!! I know I've been there when I couldn't. 
27 Mar 13 by member: thynes
I was just picturing the hubby cursing up a storm trying to figure it out. LMAO I probably won't be able to either. I keep forgetting the cabinet ones are on the one under the sink. Every time I need a cleaning product you hear a giant bang and me yelling because now my hand hurts. lol 
27 Mar 13 by member: Ms Elizabeth


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