Joined November 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
156.0 lb
Lost so far: 23.7 lb

Current Weight
132.3 lb
Performance: losing 0.6 lb a week

Goal Weight
125.0 lb
Still to go: 7.3 lb

mkallie's Weight History

mkallie's Latest Posts

Ouch, I am so sore!
Yeah, I agree -- it's easy to push too far and too hard getting started and end up undermining yourself, but as long as you can keep up and aren't getting any "bad" pains, I think it's OK. I'm actually on an off day today. My recent usual schedule, in the past month, goes something like, 6 am strength train, lunch walk, after work run 3 days a week. On the other days I don't strength train in the morning, but usually replace the run with a cardio/strength class at night. I've found that generally you know when you need to take a break. If you're excited to go, go, but if you find yourself dreading it, it might be a sign that you're trying too hard.
posted 18 Aug 2011, 18:27
Needing Support/Motivation
You just gotta keep trying... I sort of did that a few times -- lost a bunch of weight in HS because I didn't want to be ugly, gained a lot of weight in early college because... well, it's college. The I lost it, then got stressed out and gained it, etc. etc. Right now I'm losing, and almost down to my HS weight. I'd say I'm even more in shape now than I used to be! I'm hoping I won't ever gain it back, but I might... but even if I do, I'm going to try and lose it again. You know why? Because I want to be healthy when I'm older. You have age as a huge advantage now. You lost it once, and you can lose it again. And since you gained it back you learned something about what throws you off balance. Next time, you can be smarter, anticipate the stress, and come up with a better plan to fight it! You can do it -- you did it already! Whenever I find myself having to start, I realize I just need a couple good days to get back in the groove. The first couple days are the hardest, and then it all comes back. So work hard and try and get your couple of good days in, see a little success and I bet you'll be more motivated. Good luck!
posted 18 Aug 2011, 18:22
Ah, the dreaded plateau, I wonder... Are you finally here to see me?
I agree -- exercise makes a HUGE difference. I was plateaued for about a year (my own fault) and when I started strength training seriously a couple days a week it really just started moving again. I've lost 7 lb in 3 weeks so far. If you can afford to work with a trainer, I'd recommend that, if only for a little while. They can help you figure out where you're going wrong with exercise and help make it right.
posted 18 Aug 2011, 18:16
Too much or not enough. Where's the middle ground?
My highest weight was around 160 lb, and last year I dropped a little and got to around 140. That went pretty smoothly and I didn't notice it happening. Mostly, I had started running and the weight just melted off.

Now I'm trying to knock off the last 15 lb to get to my goal weight around 125. I've ramped up my fitness to the point where I usually do at least an hour of walking and a half hour to 40 minutes of running daily, then strength training twice a week. The strength training has been hugely helpful (either that, or the trainer I'm working with is just awesome, which may be), but I finally read my materials and went on my diet, which was 1450 cal/day.

Ok, easy. Well.

It seems like I can either eat with abandon and not track a single calorie, or else I'm almost paralyzed and don't want to eat anything. I'm up to 1225 today, or will be when I finish eating this thing, and I feel like I've pigged out. This is high for what I've been eating this week, too -- mostly, I've hovered around 1000. I've heard that super low cal diets aren't actually as unhealthy as people think they are (based on actual academic research studies that show they can be helpful) so I'm not too worried about how little I've been eating... I'm just feeling weird from a psychological standpoint, like it's either all or nothing. I'm so excited about my good results that I'm terrified to eat because I don't want to gain weight. But looking ahead, I don't know how I'm ever going to get to a healthy level. Has anyone else been through this?
posted 18 Aug 2011, 18:13
mkallie has submitted 4 posts

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