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12 May 2011

Lost a pound! Yay! That doesn't sound like much, but it's a big deal to me because I've been kind of stuck at 183 these past 2 weeks. Actually, I even gained 4.5 the other weigh-in before teetering back to 183 last week. Ugh. So one pound? It's a mini-victory for me.

Angel wants to feature me in a newsletter she wants to do for her FITT program. I really don't know if I like the attention that's going to get me, but I don't want to say no to her because I really think she needs all the exposure she can get. I even offered to help her with it. But I really would like everyone in FITT to be featured on it because this thing about "just me" is uncomfortable. But oh well.

Pat's still in the hospital. I hope they find out exactly what's wrong with her soon. She doesn't have a gall bladder anymore, but her body made stones that it lodged in her bile duct, so she's in a lot of pain right now. She had been vomiting all week.

It's just me and the dogs while she's in the hospital, so I wake up and Izzy's between my legs, and Gatsby's squeezed in beside me. I always think I'm dreaming of having hot flashes, but no, it's the dogs LOL When Pat's home, they usually sleep with her in her room, but right now I think they just want a warm body to lay next to.

12 May 2011

Weigh-in: 182.0 lb lost so far: 58.0 lb still to go: 42.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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11 May 2011

Yesterday was the definition of "overwhelming," but not insurmountable.

I use the word "overwhelming" because during my summative meeting with my principal yesterday morning, she asked me what had changed in me since last year. I could have begun with myself. I could have eloquently gone over all the physical and mental changes I had undergone, all the struggle I have had to face to continue losing weight and to believe that I was really changing physically. I could have told her how, because I was physically healthier, I was happier and energetic. Last year she said I was on autopilot -- just going through the motions of teaching, not really doing anything extra. I could have told her that this year, I was on TURBO. I don't think I've ever come to work this year not wanting to be here. I enjoy being here. I could have said all those things.

I tried to. Then I cried, and I don't think she really understood that at the moment I sat across her and she asked me that question, I realized that last year, she forced me to re-evaluate my priorities in life. She was right. I was on autopilot, and I needed to push the reset button and get myself together. And there I was, unable to explain all that to her, and I think she understands a small part of that... but when asked, I couldn't possibly explain myself.

She gave me EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. What a far cry from last year, when she almost put me below PROFICIENT. It was like someone whacked me. Yesterday, I thanked her for that because she refused to let me slack.

Sounds like Angel, right? Because if I could, I'd slack, but these two women won't let me. Dang it. Thank goodness they don't. If they did, I don't think I'd be happy at all.

09 May 2011

I'm better this week in terms of eating better and exercising. Even yesterday, which was supposed to be RECOVERY DAY, I drove to the Nimitz track and walked 2.5 miles while talking long distance to my Mom. She asked me if I have lost a lot of weight, and I told her I could fit in some size 12 clothes. I also told her that Pat took my blood pressure the day before, and it was 128/62 -- a little low, but my mom said at least it's not high like hers.

I really wish sometimes I could just go home and be with my mother. If I didn't have bills to pay, or Pat and the dogs to worry about, I really think I'd get all my stuff packed and leave for Guam. My mother is not getting any younger, and I really think she needs more help than she lets on.

My sister wants me to take another vacation in Guam in the summer of 2012. I want to, but what I worry about the most is gaining weight while I'm there. The diet on Guam isn't exactly good for anybody.

I hope I lose weight by this Thursday. We weigh in again, and Ms. Cortez is trailing too close behind me. Ai ai ai.

07 May 2011

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