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23 April 2010

I joined a group on here for 30-somethings who are trying to lose 10-25 pounds. I'm hoping that reading their forum will be an extra source of motivation. I read Andra's blog from, and find it inspiring: she's lost 100 pounds in a truly healthy way! But...that's hard for me to relate to, even though I'm very impressed. Her blog is truly interesting, whereas if I had a blog like that, it would be really boring, with no dramatic before/after photos or anything. My "after" will look like me last year, before I gained 10 pounds.

What could be duller to read about than someone struggling with such a small amount? It's only just barely enough for me to notice or care, since I think everyone's weight fluctuates a couple of pounds depending on water retention and so forth. I've gone up a size and my Ann Taylor pants don't fit, which is a Code Red alarm in my mind, but not exactly thrilling for anyone else to be rooting for me. (My husband's reaction: "you've gained weight? Really? Huh. Well, you're hot.") So, joining a group who are my age and losing a fairly small amount will hopefully be a good way to remember that even though I'm not doing anything wildly transformative, my goal is still important to me and therefore worth the effort. :)

22 April 2010

The weekends are going to be the tricky part! I don't even need to fill in my food during the week after Monday, because it's exactly the same Monday-Thursday--oh, it'll be a different flavor of Luna Bar, and either hummus or tuna on my bagel for lunch, a different Amy's or Ethnic Gourmet frozen dinner (I don't cook, period, but a nice side effect is knowing my dinner calories at a glance!). However, with these minor variables, my week-day food is planned out and easy to implement: small meals and snacks to keep my blood sugar and metabolism on track.

But Friday dinner through Sunday I'm eating out with my husband, and anything goes! We love trying all the interesting restaurants in our town, and he eats whatever he wants because he's a serious athlete who burns a ton of calories. He thinks nothing of jogging 10 miles, weight-lifting/body-building, and he's training for a half-marathon. This is great for me because he's super-hot, LOL. But I can't eat like he does; my workouts are far more mild-to-moderate. I think logging weekend food and being more aware that I can't just eat like him is going to be the key to getting my weight back where it was a year ago, i.e. before we got married! He's very supportive and I know he won't undermine me; I just have to make a mental note to not let caloric hell break loose on the weekends, ha!

20 April 2010

Another journal entry already! LOL I probably won't list every single thing I eat every single day, nor will I blog every day, but since I just joined this site I'm giving lots of thought to my fitness goals and how to reach them. I think it can be tough to sort out your own personal goals from the general message we get from the media, which is to be as thin as possible--often without regard to health. I'm happy to say that's not my motivation at all.

I've been too thin and I know how that looks and what number it is on the scale (110), and it's not my goal. That's my mom's weight, but she is shorter than I, has a slim "boyish" body type, and eats a lot of Lean Pockets! So I don't compare myself with her or anyone else. I'm not "overweight" in a clinical sense, but I know my own body and when I look and feel my best. So that's my goal--getting back to my best, and doing it in a healthy, loving way.

Too often we're given the message to hate our bodies or feel guilty for what we eat. I love my body; it's whole and healthy. And I refuse to say I'm being "bad" when I have a treat--eating a brownie is not robbing a bank! However, I want to be mindful and not eat junk just because it's there, instead of nourishing myself. I've tended to just ignore this recent weight gain, but it seems to be here to stay unless I send it packing. So, it's a little weird to see, laid out in black and white, how many calories I've had, etc., but I think it's actually quite empowering to know exactly what I'm dealing with--like shining a big flashlight into a dark corner and seeing there's nothing to be ashamed of here, but plenty to be mindful and conscious about!

20 April 2010

20 April 2010

Weigh-in: 131.0 lb lost so far: 1.0 lb still to go: 11.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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