Transformation Butterfly's Journal

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14 January 2016

14 January 2016

Weigh-in: 190.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 50.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 1.3 lb a week

12 January 2016

I am a chocoholic and I was on the wagon for 2 years until September of last year. I told my friend that starting 2016 my home was a sugar free zone. I took a day off work last week to take care of some personal items. My friend called and asked if I would accompany her while she went shopping for new furniture. I agreed and accompanied her very successful day, before I left she told me that she left a bag of groceries in my car for me. I figured that she had given me a bag of canned vegetables as she is a vegan. Imagine my surprise when I arrived home and opened the bag to find cake mixes, cookies, chocolate and brownie mix.

How could someone be so thoughtless to put a bag full of fat filled items in my car, especially when I had previously told her that I had removed these items from my apartment. I support my friends in whatever they choose to do in their lives, but I really don't get this situation at all.

I really need some feedback on this situation.

08 January 2016

08 January 2016

Eight days into a new year!

How is everyone doing?

I really got a boost yesterday to stay focused and on the workout routine. I was on the computer yesterday during my lunch break and came across a web story with pictures of celebrities that loss the weight in 2015.
I was blown away with the before and after photos (not a movie star watcher, twitter fan or any other idolizing of the rich and famous here in the US. I feel they are just people like the rest of us put in the spot lite some of their own choosing others taken advantage of for the almighty $) because it showed how people can change their bodies, out look on life and general health when they stick to workout and healthy eating habits.

After reviewing these photos I went out and purchased another 1.5 liter bottle of water as I realized, that I don't consume much water while I am at work and having a liter bottle sitting on my desk motivates me to drink it before the end of the day. (Weird that when I am home I can drink 4 liter bottles of water a day.) By the way doing this stopped me from craving something sugary to eat at 3:00.

I believe that we all have the power within us to get healthy. Our bodies are a temple and we have abused and neglected out temples for way to long.
It's time now to clean up our temples and make them a place we want to dwell in. I also believe that while we are on this highway of weight loss we need to read encouraging stories of others that have been where we are now and have crossed the finish line. This is the reason I love coming onto the FAT SECRET website and checking in with my FAT SECRET family.

Stay motivated and share what motivates you today.

I can't wait to read the journals of what motivates you to stay the course.
Please journal today about this.

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