Transformation Butterfly's Journal

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03 January 2016

Weigh-in: 188.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 48.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (3 comments) losing 2.8 lb a week

02 January 2016

I guess I am transforming more than my waist line. I went out and bought new kitchen towels and floor mats today. (Colors red & yellow accents only not too much.)

Feng Shui: The kitchen is the source of your finances and de-cluttering the kitchen counters helps the chi energy move around the kitchen. (Also makes kitchen look nice and organized)
Stove: Represents Fire Source
Refrigerator: Represents Steel Source
Sink: Represents Water Source
The idea is to keep the sources balanced not too much in any one source.

(I guess by know you can figure that I have gotten into Feng Shui principles. Hey if it works then I am all for it.)

I have to admit that walking into my kitchen now makes me smile as it was mostly white. White walls, white cabinets, white appliances,white tiles. My landlord loves the color white. (Okay easy to decorate and constant maintenance to keep clean.)

Great idea since I will be spending more time in now cooking from scratch again.

Found a home made recipe for Soy Sauce online today easy and quick:

1 1/2 Cups of Water
4 Tbs. Beef Bullion
4 Tsp. Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tsp. Molasses
1/4 Tsp. Ground Ginger
1 pinch of White Pepper
1 pinch of Garlic Powder

Bring to a rapid boil and stir constantly while boiling, let it reduce to half and the contents of the pot and push to another burn and let sit until ready to use. (I had enough left over to put into glass jar in fridge for use at a later date. I will never buy Soy Sauce from the store again.)

01 January 2016

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the first day of a new year. They say those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Well I plan on succeeding this year to reach my goal weight. I spent an hour today setting up my workout pyramid to track my workout progress. I then proceeded to pack up the Christmas Tree and all of the Christmas decor. I then proceeded to move all the furniture and vacuum the entire apartment.

Feng Shui practice move furniture to move the chi energy.
I moved my exercise bike from my bedroom to the living room. This way I see it coming and going from my apartment no more excuses to climb into bed and sleep instead of working out. It's also closer to the kitchen and will prevent me from going into the kitchen to graze.

I also took photographs in a workout outfit that does not fit well at all.
These photos will be attached to my pyramid progress chart and refrigerator to keep me on track. (Sorry FAT SECRET FAMILY not brave enough to post these photos on the site.)

I have been drinking 100 oz. of water for the last two days and I can tell you increasing my water intake has also increased my trips to the bathroom.

Tomorrow morning begins my workout routine at 4:00 am so my journal will be short tonight. I am sending loving thoughts and positive energy to all of the FAT SECRET FAMILY to make 2016 the best weight loss year ever.

"Let go the things that no longer serve you"!

I am planning to let go the extra weight I am carrying how about you.

29 December 2015

Good Morning Fat Secret Family
It's 7:00 am and I just came back from walking on the treadmill this morning for 72 minutes total calorie burn 420 calories. I'm just getting back into the treadmill after having a distance relationship with it for the last 5 months. (Thank God my landlord finally repaired it.) Well I told you we are all commuters on the highway to weight loss so I have already pulled out of the parking lot, sped up the on ramp and currently seeking to merge into traffic. I won't lie I felt like a small dump truck when I got on and cranked the speed up to 2.5 but by the end of my work out I was up to 3.0. (Yippee first time I ever made it to speed of 3.0 with a 1.0 incline.)Okay not a big deal for some of my Fat Secret family,but it's a big deal for me.

Okay commuters am I on this highway by myself. Let me hear some shouts from the rest of you guys and girls. We are about to blow this highway up with commuters for the year of 2016.

Dust of those sneakers, pull out that weight set, dig in the closet for those workout DVD's and crank up the tunes and lets get moving.

Okay everyone I have to run to work now so be safe out their and don't try to push to hard. I need all of my Fat Secret buddies healthy and happy no one on the injured list.

See ya later and yes I will be reading journals and responding.

Weigh-in: 190.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 50.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (5 comments) steady weight

27 December 2015

GOOD MORNING FAT SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD MORNING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say this because we are a family of different races, religions, origins, languages and believes but we all came here with one thing in mind and that is to loose weight. (Can I get an Amen from the group today! If you don't want to say Amen, then give me a "That's the fact JACK")

Christmas is now in the review mirror of our weight loss journey and we are driving onto the on ramp of the highway "2016". Some will continue on the highway to reach the final destination of their weight loss goal. Some will take the next exit and head in another direction. That's fine because they know they can always do a U-turn and get back on the highway with the family driving in this caravan to weight loss.

Anyone looking at my weight history on this site can see I have dropped out for awhile and my current weight shows the error of my ways. I like a lot of others here dropped the bad habits and sugar for awhile. I admit I ate some junk food I had not eaten in years and slid right off into an oil slick of fat but I am gaining traction again and I am back into the slow lane of this highway of weight loss.

I am leaving the fat behind in my review mirror and driving into the rising sun of weight loss in the horizon of 2016.

I woke up this morning with a Feng Shui practice on my mind:

"Get rid of the things that no longer serve you"

I guess you could say I took those words literally, because I went into my kitchen and filled up a trash bag of things that DO NOT serve me and my weight loss goals. I took all the baking sheets, mixers, cake pans and packed them all way as sweets are my down fall. (NO need to through out cake mixes, baking chocolate, or any other ingredients to make sweet treats as I baked everything and gave it all away to local charities for Christmas.) I then proceeded to the refrigerator and threw out all containers with only 1/4 of a product left in it. You know what I mean that bottle of salad dressing that you stopped using, because you found something you liked better. That bottle of ketchup that has been in your refrigerator for the last 7 months that was left over after a summer cook out. Some of us have things in the refrigerator in containers that you can't even recognize anymore. I gave the refrigerator a deep cleaning surprised it only took me 15 minutes to get rid of everything and scrub it out so it's now empty but baking soda clean. (Smile) No I have 4 days to fill it up with healthy and nutrient laden foods that can assist me on my weight loss journey.

Feng Shui principle #2
"Get rid of anything that is almost gone, broken or damaged as it shows lack."

I purchased a new printer for myself for Christmas as my old printer decided to cross over to the electronic grave yard in November. I tossed it out a few minutes ago and just watched the recycling truck take it away.

By the way if you have a cellphone that you are no longer in need of because you either received a new phone or purchased a new phone consider giving to Cell Phones for Soldiers. Click on the link below:

Now, I have also given you a charitable idea to go forward into 2016 and still sharing the Christmas spirit with someone who could use our emotional support and the support of their family. Please go to the website and read the information for yourself.

Next on the agenda for today clean sweep project:
I went from room to room with a trash bag tossing everything that had accumulated over the last year that no longer served me.

Those magazines that I never got around to reading, I packed them all in a box and will take them to a local nursing home as they are always wanting reading material for the elderly patients that like to read. (Yes, Virgina people still like to read and hold a book or magazine in their hands.)

I also have a tradition with my son for every new thing you received for Christmas you have to get rid of three old items.


A new video game = 3 video games that he has to trade into game stop
New Clothing= 3 articles of clothing in good condition that has not been worn within the last year. Packed up and donated to either the Salvation Army or Goodwill on Monday morning.
New Cooking Utensil= 2 utensils that are no longer needed but are in good condition. I donate to the local church bazaar for their annual fundrasing drive. (No clutter in the garage.)

New Toys= Old toys that are in good condition and working are taken to a local day care they are always willing to take toys to keep kids entertained.

New Books= Old books donated to local library for literacy programs.

Remember you can always help someone else and this helps keep you motivated. My mother raised us that "Charity begins at home and it starts with you."

"Be the change you wish to see in this world"

Okay I off to walking on treadmill, riding my bike and Yoga today.
See you tomorrow.

Weigh-in: 190.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 50.0 lb Diet followed N/A
   (7 comments) gaining 0.5 lb a week

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