Joined June 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
224.0 lb
Lost so far: 9.0 lb

Current Weight
215.0 lb
Performance: losing 3.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 65.0 lb

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Stomach Exercises
Reverse Crunch

Press the hands into the floor at your
side. Raise your legs so that they are
perpendicular to the ground. Now, lift
your buttocks an inch or two off of the
floor, keeping shoulders to the floor.
Lower slowly, concentrating on the
lower ab region. Repeat 15 times
20 times.

Lay on your back, knees bent. Use your
hands to support the head, thumbs
right behind your ears. Keeping your
right shoulder on the ground, twist the
left side of your body up and over,
pointing your left shoulder toward your
right knee. Lower. Repeat 15 times each side.
Crunch with Alternate Twist
Same position, knees bent, hands
supporting the head. Crunch up; twist
your body to the right; twist your body
to the left; and crunch forward again.
Release, but do not lower your head all
the way to the ground. Repeat this series
of fluid movements 10 times.

Combination: Obliques Crunch

Beginner: Lie on your back with your
knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on
floor. Pull your belly button to your spine.
Place your left hand on your right thigh;
put your right hand behind your head for
support. Contract your tummy and slide
your hand up your leg to the outside of
your right knee, exhaling on the lift. Slowl
y slide down to the starting position.
Finish a set on one side, then switch to
the other side.

Intermediate: Lie on your back with your
knees bent and pulled in toward your
chest, keeping your feet close to your
buns. Place your right hand behind your
head and your left arm on the floor by
your side. Pull your belly button in and
lift toward your left knee. Exhale as you
lift. Slowly return to the starting position.
Finish a set on one side, then switch to
the other side.

Make it harder: Extend your legs toward
the ceiling, rather than keeping them
bent. Even harder? Reach for your toes
with your fingertips as you lift.

Helpful Hints: Rotate the shoulders
toward the opposite knee, NOT the
elbow. Keep elbows relaxed back and
chest “open.” Think of lifting on a
diagonal toward the knee, feeling the

Combination: Full Crunch (This exercise
combines the basic and reverse crunch)

Beginner: Lie on your back with your
knees pulled in toward your chest, feet
hanging close to your buns. Place your
hands behind your head. Pull your belly
button in tightly then contract the lower
abs so that your hips and buns lift off
the floor while you lift your shoulders
from the floor using the upper abs.
Exhale as you lift.

Intermediate: Lie on your back with your
legs extended toward the ceiling. Place
your hands behind your head. Pull your
belly button in tightly then contract the
lower abs so that your hips and buns lift
off the floor while you lift your shoulders
from the floor using the upper abs.
Exhale as you lift.

Make it harder: Extend arms into diving
position overhead.

Helpful Hints: If you feel any strain in
your lower back, pull your legs closer to
your chest. The closer your legs are to
parallel to the floor, the harder the
exercise is for your back.

Combination: Negative Crunch

Beginner: Sit on the floor with your legs
bent, feet flat. Extend your arms out in
front of you at shoulder height. Pull
your tummy in tight and slowly lower
your back toward the floor, rounding
your back as you go. Only go about
halfway to the floor. Then exhale,
contract your abs, and return to starting

Intermediate: To make this more
challenging, walk your feet further away
from your body.
Make it harder: Change the rhythm of
your movement: lower for 2 and contract
for 2 … lower for 3 and contract for 1 …
lower for 1 and contract for 3.

Helpful Hints: Keep the small of your
back rounded and only go as far as you
can without losing your abdominal
contraction. When returning to sitting
position, don’t go too high. You should
feel tension in your abs throughout this

Basic Crunch

Beginner: Lie on your back with your
knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on
the floor, hands behind your head. Pull
your belly button to your spine and
slowly squeeze your abs as your head
and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift
straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing
up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat.

Intermediate: Lie on your back with your
knees bent and pulled in toward your
chest, feet hanging close to your buns.
Pull your belly button to your spine and
slowly squeeze your abs as your head
and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift
straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing
up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat.

Make It Harder: Rather than placing hands
behind your head, extend your arms as
if you’re diving into a swimming pool,
keeping forearms close to your ears.
Focus on relaxing the shoulders to keep
tension out of your neck. Also, try
varying the speed of your lifting and
lowering motion.

Helpful Hints: Try not to lower
completely to the floor at the bottom of
the movement. Try to clear your
shoulder blades from the floor; be sure
you’re not just lifting your head. Really
focus on pulling your belly button down
toward your spine.

Frog Legs

Beginner: Lie on your back with the
soles of your feet together, letting your
knees fall open to the sides. Place your
hands behind your head to support your
neck. Pull your belly button to your
spine and slowly squeeze your abs as
your head and shoulders come up off the
floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling,
chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the
floor and repeat.

Intermediate: Lie on your back with your
knees bent and pulled in toward your
chest. Cross your ankles and let your
knees fall open to the sides. Place your
hands behind your head to support your
neck. Pull your belly button to your
spine and slowly squeeze your abs as
your head and shoulders come up off the
floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling,
chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the
floor and repeat.

Make It Harder: Extend your arms as if
you’re diving, keeping forearms close to
your ears. Focus on relaxing the
shoulders to keep tension out of your
neck. Also, try varying the speed of your
lifting and lowering motion.

Helpful Hints: This exercise works the
upper part of the rectus abdominis and
into the lower segment. Be sure to
really pull your belly button in tightly to
protect your back and don’t lower all the
way to the floor at the bottom.

Beginner: Lie on your back with your
knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on
the floor, hands behind your head. Pull
your belly button to your spine and lift
shoulders and head off the floor, just a
few inches. You should feel a
contraction in the abdominals. Now lift
straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing
up and slowly return to your starting
position - do not go all the way to the

Intermediate: Lie on your back with your
knees bent and pulled in toward your
chest, feet hanging close to your buns.
Pull your belly button to your spine and
lift shoulders and head off the floor,
just a few inches. You should feel a
contraction in the abdominals. Now lift
straight toward the ceiling, chin
pointing up and slowly return to your
starting position - do not go all the way
to the floor.

Make It Harder: Lie on your back with
your knees bent and walk your feet
away from your buns until your legs are
almost fully extended - be sure to keep
a slight bend in the knee. If you feel any
pain in your lower back, bring your feet
in closer to your buns. This leg position
gets the lower abs, too.

Helpful Hints: Be sure to really pull your
belly button in tightly to protect your
back and don’t lower all the way to the
floor at the bottom.Very Happy GOOD LUCK!!!!
posted 22 Jun 2009, 13:28
Slimmer4Life has submitted 1 post

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