Joined September 2017
Weight History

Start Weight
175.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
175.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
165.0 lb
Still to go: 10.0 lb
1. 6-foot, 175lbs
2. Mesomorph Body Type
3. Bust: 33" -- Waist: 28.5" -- Hips: 39"
4. Exercise Daily (4-5 days intense; 2-3 days moderate/light)

1. Stronger focus on toning glutes + abs; Moderate focus on toning other areas
2. Slimming thighs
3. Improve Cardio

My weight has fluctuated several times over the last decade & I'm finally taking control. Although I am a person of extremes, I'm working hard to keep myself in check to prevent either falling off the wagon or slipping into detrimental diet habits. I'm currently doing high-protein/low-carb and exercise almost daily.

Willing to help anyone in need with research or advice & equally open to any advice/critiques/suggestions.

Samrisko's Weight History

Samrisko's Latest Posts

Advice on High-Protein/Low Carb for Muscle Gain
Thank you! I've been doing a lot of researching and fortunately know a couple of people that are extremely active, so between the advice I'm gaining here & finding elsewhere I'm getting closer to a more appropriate diet Smile

I'm checkout out the link you attached now!
posted 21 Nov 2017, 12:37
Advice on High-Protein/Low Carb for Muscle Gain

It takes a lot of effort just to get up to about 60g of protein. It seems like every way I can get it into my diet with a normal meal also adds a lot of carbs as well. The only way I can seem to get my protein count up is with protein powders & greek yogurt. I love beans, but they have more carbs than protein. I'd love to see a nutritionist or dietician, but it's not an option in my rural area.

Also, when I was doing research for my last article I found a lot of sources saying that high-protein/low-carb is okay, but not the best choice because you forego a lot of vitamins and minerals by cutting out certain foods. So I'm really lost...I have no idea what to do for my diet. I avoid breads & pastas while trying to eat enough veggies, healthy fats, and meat. I'll have really good days, but can't eat the same thing every day.

Concerning exercise, when I say "intense" I mean I start with cardio to get my heart rate up & try to maintain it for the 1-2 hours that I spend at the gym. I've tried to put myself on a schedule (leg day, arm day, etc.). But once I get started & my adrenaline jumps up, I just do a little bit of everything. Some days I get so much energy I have to make myself stop so I'll be able to walk the next morning lol

For example, yesterday was a typical gym day for me. I started on an Arc Trainer machine for 25 minutes of a "glute camp" program. Then I immediately ran 4 laps around the track, then walked 2 to catch my breath. Then alternating between vertical crunches, other ab exercises, and leg exercises. Then walked some more to stretch out those muscles. Then ran some more. Then back to alternating between ab & leg exercises, then more walking. I do all of it as fast-paced as I can without losing my form and when I feel my heart rate starting to settle, I go run again. No matter what I'm doing, I try to keep a sweat going.

There are no personal trainers or anything at the gym, so I don't have that kind of guidance. I try to just do what I feel like my body needs and enjoy the endorphin rush. I'm really just starting from scratch and have no idea what I need to do.

And thanks for the advice on the pictures! I took some this morning & am excited to do it again in a month. Although I don't feel like I can see very obvious changes from the last 3 months, I can feel it at the gym. I can do things now that I couldn't do 2 months ago (and higher reps).
posted 15 Nov 2017, 10:22
Asterisks on my calendar?
Oh okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up!
posted 03 Nov 2017, 08:54
Asterisks on my calendar?
I was reviewing my calendar overview and noticed that some days my total calories eaten (food) or burned (exercise) have asterisks next to them. It doesn't show me anything special when I click on it.

What do they mean?
posted 02 Nov 2017, 21:53
Ideas needed
I'm doing a low-carb/high-protein diet. Most evenings I am not hungry enough for a full dinner, so I end up making what is essentially a homemade snack tray. I'll munch on stuff like turkey pepperoni, cottage cheese, olives, cucumber, red cabbage (raw), carrots + hummus, and so on.

As for lunch, I work at a family auto garage that's on the same property as our house. So I have fallen in love with my slow cooker. Tomorrow, I'm bringing the cooker to the shop and will cook Great Northern Beans, Red Kidney Beans, and Chicken Breasts (seasonings to be determined). Of course, I'll make some cornbread muffins for my dad to eat with it, but I will probably put raw veggies on the side for mine.

Slow cooker, convection oven, and food processor are my best friends in the kitchen! They make life 100x easier!
posted 25 Oct 2017, 13:58
Samrisko has submitted 5 posts

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