Joined September 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
125.7 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
125.7 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
119.0 lb
Still to go: 6.6 lb

MBricker's Weight History

MBricker's Latest Posts

Pie chart questions
Erictsai, where did you find these percentages? The reason why I ask is that you are the first person on here who seems to have the same opinion on the carb intake as me. I have seen many people on FS advising people on 30% carb intakes and for me this seems completely unrealistic and unattainable.

I realise that everyone's body works different etc but I was always taught that carbs are very important in a healthy diet.

I would love some advise on healthy carbs or good portion control on carbs. I have even read of people suggesting grated cauliflower as a rice replacement, this seems absurd to me!
posted 27 Aug 2013, 07:57
Intake percentage
SHornes I am having much the same problem as you are. I am unsure what my percentages should be and I am not that inclinde to eat a lot of protein as I do not enjoy it much. If I stop eating carbs like multi-grain bread I ultimately end up graving it and eating more than I would have had I allowed myself some in moderation.

I also feel the same with sweet treats. I have a huge sweet tooth and if I put a ban on all I end up craving.

It would be great if we had a good idea of what the percentages should be and what to eat for each that would be the most fully/satisfying.

Hopefully someone can help!
posted 27 Aug 2013, 07:50
Help/Advise on Carbs
Hello! I have used FatSecret on and off for about a year now, and just recently decided to become more dedicated.

I would love some advise, especially regardig carbs. I am fortunate enough to say I have never had a weight problem and have generally been able to eat whatever I like with little to no effect. Dieting has never really been a major concern in my life. I have often tried to cut out foods such as pizza and cake but this generally has no effect, I remain pretty constent, even when eating what I like.

I would now like to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I gym 4 -5 times a week for a minimum of 45 minutes.

For the most part I believe I eat a good healthy diet. I am not concerned about the sweet treats I allow my self every now and then, as I believe they are in moderation and I excerise regualy and hard and treat myself for my hard work.

My only concern is carbs. I cant seem to keep them down and if I do I am absolutely starving throughout the day. They seem to be the only thing that keeps me full for a reasonable period of time. If I skip them, I am very hungry.

Does anyone have a helpful suggestion?

posted 27 Aug 2013, 02:15
MBricker has submitted 3 posts

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