Joined June 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
112.6 lb
Lost so far: 0.6 lb

Current Weight
112.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.0 lb a week

Goal Weight
99.0 lb
Still to go: 13.0 lb
I'm a starving artist, but I intentionally limit my caloric intake to maintain a svelte appearance. My one true career love...writing. I'm essentially a weirdo...looks are deceiving...I'm intelligent, attractive (ok, guys tell me I'm hot, but humility goes much farther), overeducated and desperately frustrated with the work scene. Why aren't there colonies for writers who weren't born with a silver spoon? A petty little thing stands between me and an intense writing career - money. Oh, how ironic and cursed the lot of us are. I'm working on a novel but life keeps intruding, bills keep demanding my indentured servitude. How to overcome, triumph...not to worry...the tale isn't finished yet.

JulofDenial's Weight History

JulofDenial's Latest Member Challenges

  100 Squats a Day Challenge
status: Completed
ended: 02 Sep 13
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  Stronger gluts. squat challenge
status: Completed
ended: 19 Aug 13
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last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.3 lb a week Down
only visible to followers
last weighin: gaining 0.8 lb a week Up

JulofDenial's Cookbook

cals: 370kcal | fat: 30.29g | carbs: 4.54g | prot: 18.95g
White Castle Hamburger Pie
A high fat and protein, low carb delectable pie suitable for a low carb lifestyle.
view complete cookbook

JulofDenial's Latest Posts

Eliminating Sugar - Where do you draw the line?
Hooray for you, Jeri and Christine! It is all about healthier choices and learning what works best for our bodies along the healthy spectrum of food. We all want to be able to enjoy food without restrictions and a healthy, natural or whole foods diet has proven the most advantageous in terms of taste, weight-loss, and health benefits. Combined with intense exercise 4-5 days a week, we should find success without fail. The beauty of natural fruits and veggies is that you can eat far more in volume than you could processed foods because the fiber in fruit passes much of the fruit through quickly and slows the absorption of carbs. It takes far less fruit and veggies to fill you up than it would take processed foods, and that translates to far fewer calories.
posted 18 Sep 2014, 00:29
Eliminating Sugar - Where do you draw the line?
It's a lie and a myth that people get fat from eating carbs. The carbs / sugar / fat / protein from PROCESSED foods is why people gain enormous amounts of weight. I've been gorging on fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds since November 2013, not even a year yet, and I now weigh 97.0 lbs. All of my adult life, whenever I wanted to lose weight, I went back to the basis.... fruits and vegetables. I even used to call myself a fruitarian before the term ever became popular. Fruits and veggies to me back then were "diet food", and as soon as I went back to processed foods, I was back to where I started. Fructose DOES NOT lead to weight gain folks. Keep the lies, stay fat. Embrace and live the truth to set yourself free.

jwsplatjw wrote:
Try and consider the evolutionary reason why sugar is so good. It makes us fat, it allows us to survive when there is no food. If we look back in time to when we only got sugar from fruits and they only came one time a year. We would eat as much as we could to store as many of the calories as possible to survive when other food sources became unavailable. But now everything is available all of the time. The discovery of sugarcane was huge to our global existence. It caused major social changes and major economic changes. It was fashionable in the 17th century to have black sugar rotted teeth because it showed you could afford the luxury. Sugar and carbohydrates are not required for life. Our livers convert about 50% of all protein we eat into glucose. So the truth is even eating fruits will result in fat gain. That said, you need to find a balance. I find I can cut sugar out entirely for five or six days before I am overwhelmed by the cravings. But then it doesn't take much to slake that hunger for something sweet, a little milk or a teaspoon full of maple syrup will kill the craving and as long as I follow that with a proper meal the wheels don't come off and my genetic programming to eat all of the sugar I can doesn't kick in.
posted 17 Sep 2014, 12:53
Eliminating Sugar - Where do you draw the line?
Fructose (fruit sugar) is very different from sucrose (table sugar). The former is very healthy; the latter damaging to the body in large quantities (soda, candy, cereal, etc.) Fruit is the perfect sugar fix. It causes no addiction and no cellular damage. If you've got a big sweet tooth, definitely try out fresh Medjool dates, sun-dried figs, and dried currants. Once you try them, you will wonder where the heck had they been all your natural lives. Then imagine making a smoothie blending the dates with bananas, plus a little bit of coconut sugar and a drop of vanilla. That's crack-dessert right there.
posted 15 Sep 2014, 05:05
Diet Pop...Your Opinion, Please!!!
Finally, somebody mentioned alcohol, lol!!! I'm wondering if anybody could recommend a low calorie drink that complements whiskey. I can't stomach whiskey straight. I prefer it diluted with a low-calorie drink. I've always had whiskey with diet Pepsi and it's a delicious combo to me. Any ideas you've actually tried would be appreciated!
posted 21 Jul 2013, 01:34
Exercising Online
I'll vouch for YouTube, Netflix and your local library (though the selection might be limited). Leslie Sansone videos are a great place to start. I'll vouch for that too! Once you learn the basic moves, you can turn down the volume and play music of your own choosing. I actually get a better workout with those tapes. I up the ante by working my upper body with 5 lb. weights in each hand while I work out.
posted 04 Jun 2012, 05:58
JulofDenial has submitted 5 posts

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