Joined February 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
237.0 lb
Lost so far: 23.0 lb

Current Weight
260.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
160.0 lb
Still to go: 100.0 lb

JeweledSunshine's Weight History


last weighin: steady Steady

JeweledSunshine's Latest Posts

Eating out? Think about it!
Hmm, sometimes I do wish I didn't have taste buds, then I would be more interested in my own cooking . . . But since I have them, I am going to enjoy using them from time to time.
posted 24 Sep 2010, 17:21
Are We Just Banging Our Heads Against The Wall?
FatAgain, I might as well have the username "FatStill" because I'm right where you are. I've been heavy all of my life, although some years were less heavy than others.

In the recent past, I decided to start exercising again and began walking 3 miles a day - walking at a pretty good pace. Did that while carrying 5 pound weights in each hand. I did this for 3 months while eating what is considered a "balanced" diet (whole foods and extremely lean/trimmed meat) with about 1500 to 1700 calories a day - wrote down everything that went into my mouth, stopped the coffee with creamer, no dessert. My grocery budget doubled, but I didn't lose a pound. Didn't lose even an inch. The only thing that changed was I was able to lift my couch really easily when I had to vacuum under it . . .

My husband lost about 60 or 70 pounds in the recent past and has kept it off until just lately. I'm pretty well convinced that the "maintenance" phase is a myth. If my husband's exercise level decreases by even just skipping one day, his weight goes up. He has gone from being overweight to being OBSESSED about everything that goes into his mouth - as in he would not accept a tiny bite of turkey that I had cooked because it was over his calorie intake for the day. Is that a better way to be? Well, he's skinny and I want to be (not a bikini model, of course, but I'd rather not be a Muumuu connoisseur, either)so maybe that's what I'll have to do. But I can't drop the calories any further because it makes no difference or makes it worse because apparently my body is really fond of "starvation" mode.

For a portion of the year last year, I was eating 700-800 calories a day (not intentionally, I just wasn't interested in food)and walking 3 miles a day, but no weights. Still didn't lose any weight, did not see any change in the way my clothes fit, nothing.

If I could get some concrete answers, discover that ever-mysterious nutrient combination, from my body about what it wants for fuel, I would GLADLY do exactly that, to the letter. I have done so much testing and comparing results based on adding and removing types of food from my diet that I'm researched-out. I simply don't know what to do anymore. According to my Dr., everything is as fine as frog hair, except for that pesky 100 lbs that I need to lose . . .

So I'm not going to sit here and tell you to quit having a pity party. That's not what you are doing. I encourage you to continue working toward your goals to be healthy and happy and I wish you all the best! Smile
posted 23 Sep 2010, 07:50
working night shifts
Caring, I pretty much do the same thing as Sista - I work 3-11:30 pm. I get home at midnight, then I'm back up at 6 to get the kiddo ready for school. After I get him on the bus at 7:45, I get back home and make a serving of oatmeal (generally about 8 am). Then, around 10:45 - 11 ish, I fix something easy like sauteed spinach, mushrooms and a 4oz filet of grilled salmon. Then, about noon, I generally settle down for a snooze, get up at 1:30,get ready and when it gets close to 2pm, I eat something quick like oatmeal or a couple of applesauce cups. Then I pack 2 cans of green beans (with roasted garlic parmesan sauce) for "supper" and carry along a couple of string cheese sticks or applesauce for my work snack. I generally finish my food at about 10:00 or 10:30 Pm, then I get home, settle down for a bit and go to bed, generally around 12:30 or 1.
posted 01 Mar 2010, 20:18
Frustrated Dieter!
It seems like I always fall into this trap. I can't find a happy medium with the calorie intake.

I just added my first diet calendar entry (I've been doing this eating plan since the first of Feb and writing everything down in a little notebook, but got tired of hauling the little notebook everywhere). According to the diet calendar, I'm only at 45% (944 calories)of my RDI which, according to this site's calculator, is 2100 calories. I'm going to have to do some serious planning to get that much food prepped for me to eat every day. I work nights, so that kinda throws a kink into my eating schedule, but I try to eat something every 3 hours. So far, I have lost 11 pounds, but since mother nature is paying me a visit, I went back up 3 for the time being. My husband tells me that if I don't see any real progress while doing this that he's going to take me to the doctor to have my thyroid checked. (Not because he doesn't love me the way I am, but because he hates to see me working so hard with little or nothing to show for it, lol) Your thyroid is a key factor in metabolism.
posted 01 Mar 2010, 20:10
JeweledSunshine has submitted 4 posts

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