Joined August 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
146.0 lb
Lost so far: 6.0 lb

Current Weight
140.0 lb
Performance: losing 1.2 lb a week

Goal Weight
105.0 lb
Still to go: 35.0 lb

Camilalulu's Weight History


last weighin: losing 4.9 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 0.8 lb a week Down

Camilalulu's Latest Posts

Hi JoAnn and Katie...Since I'm new to the site I didn't know how to get back to my post until! It's nice meeting both of you!! Thanks for the tips JoAnn!! I'm still going strong with my diet and I started P90X! I feel like this lifestyle change has been very overwhelming and I've been so emotional. But its getting better everyday! My motivation right now is seeing my boyfriend Paul Sept.10th!!! I want him to look and me and just think I look drop dead gorgeous!!! (He tells me he thinks I'm beautiful everyday) so I know its something I need to do for myself mainly...Thats why my other motivation is that I feel the most proud of myself that I ever have!!! Its a huge success so keep it up ladies!!
posted 20 Aug 2010, 22:48
Help...Haven't lost weight in 10 days...What's going on?!
Thank you so much everyone!! I learned a lot and will keep all of your advice in mind!!! I feel a lot better too!!!!
posted 20 Aug 2010, 22:35
I feel proud of myself and you should as well!!!
Hi everyone!! I'm 25 and for the first time in my life I'm taking control. I've gone through such a rough patch the last couple of years and often felt like I wasn't in control of anything in my life. I recently realized that the one thing that is in my control is my body and mind. Once I realized that I had the control I decided to take charge. I am determined now more than ever to lose weight and have the body that I've always wanted. I feel really proud of myself and you guys should too...Weightloss is a tough battle that many don't understand! But simply being on this site proves that we are determined and taking control!! Good Luck to everyone!! If you need someone to talk to for motivation and support I'm here!!!
posted 20 Aug 2010, 20:14
Help...Haven't lost weight in 10 days...What's going on?!
Hey everyone,

I'm sooo frustrated. For the first time ever I have made a true commitment to myself that I would finally lose the weight and get in shape!! I was on vacation for a few months and gained 22lbs!! When I got back home July 14th I started eating healthy (4x/day) and keeping track of every single calorie and exercise on August 2nd when I found this website. At first I lost 13 lbs quite quickly by eating healthy and no exercise. Than I introuduced exercise (I started P90X) with my stern diet. Within the last 10 days I gained 4 lbs and than lost the 4 lbs, so I'm currently at the same weight that I was 10 days ago...What the heck is going on?! I'm working my butt off...I'm feeling a bummed. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help, any advice?!
posted 20 Aug 2010, 19:58
Hi JoAnne,

My name is Camila Ponce...I too am 25 years old...It seems as though we are going through something similar...I recently graduated as well and all of a sudden at 25 I realized that I am not where I want to be. I always thought that I would be in control of my weight at this stage in my life...But hey we're taking charge now and that's all that matters...Congrats on losting 20lbs in one month...any tips?!...I live in Florida right now and in a month I'm moving to Michigan (my boyfriend and brother live there now)..and I too want to be the sexy perfect little girlfriend...I saw my man almost a month ago and I weighed the most I've ever this month apart from him is really my motivation!! Thanks for the post...It made me feel better!!
Keep up the great work!!!
posted 03 Aug 2010, 00:07
Camilalulu has submitted 5 posts

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