pokeybean's Journal, 12 April 2018

I wonder if there are people who realize that some individuals that used to follow purely CICO to lose weight, and it DIDN'T WORK FOR THEM!? Even with only eating perceived "healthy foods" people rave on about?

Guess what? That mantra does not and WILL NOT work for everyone, even if they are perfectly healthy. I have had no health problems, and I have done the CICO with no restrictions other than whole foods. I gained weight, I felt tired all the time, and worst of all I WAS HUNGRY. I can aay that this is the same for so many other people out there as well. Nothing is one size fits all, and CICO alone is NOT one of those things! If you truly eat the right foods, you will be at a calorie deficit, AND not be hungry. For me, eating grains, high carb fruits, and starchy veggies make me MORE hungry and cause me digestion problems. I have tried, and IT DOESN'T WORK FOR ME. Saying that it does and completely shooting down other people who say it doesn't for them because it works for you doesn't make it the right thing for EVERYONE.

This stuff pops up on my feed and I dont ask for it. I follow people who are supportive no matter what diet they're on. I want to look at positive posts, not attacks on my damn WOE.

Diet Calendar Entry for 12 April 2018:
1718 kcal Fat: 115.94g | Prot: 111.18g | Carb: 25.59g.   Lunch: Private Selection Hot Capicola, Newman's Own Citrus Splash Dressing, Full Circle Organic Baby Spinach, Eat Smart Broccoli Slaw, Fiorucci Hot Capocollo, Mezzetta Deli-Sliced Mild Pepper Rings, Red Apple Cheese Apple Smoked Gouda Cheese, Royal Hawaiian Orchards Sea Salt Macadamias, Blackberries. Dinner: Chicken Wing (Skin Eaten). Snacks/Other: Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Spray Juice, Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey (1 oz). more...

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I Support You - hang in there. 
12 Apr 18 by member: HCB
Yep, everyone is different! 
12 Apr 18 by member: LSG417
Thank you. I just hope people don't take this as me attacking their diets or anything If it works for you then I'm all for it. Just tired of people telling me that MINE doesn't work.  
12 Apr 18 by member: pokeybean
If you need a diet plan hit me up @beast_dony 
12 Apr 18 by member: beast_dony
Everyone is different. Plus those "healthy" grain foods trigger me into eating more. Nope, I do much better on low carb and loads of veggies with fat on them. No matter what diet you are on as long as it works for you, way to go!  
12 Apr 18 by member: RoseFlorida
Wish I had known the things we both know now when I was your age! I wouldn't be in the health/weight situation I'm currently facing! Hang in there; you are on the track that I've found is the only one so far that actually has any lasting results for me, regarding weight, and that helps me feel better as well. And, you are spot-on that different things work for different people. 
12 Apr 18 by member: Fizzlescraps
I think it's human nature sometimes to push their beliefs on others, but that doesn't make it right. You do what works for you, I'll do what works for me and both of us will have success. Ignore the noise. Well said Pokeybean.  
12 Apr 18 by member: teskandar
I also agree with you. Everyone is different. I seldom go over my calorIe limit. But when I have sugar , white flower, white rice or pitatoes, I gain. You have to see what works for you. I have a son in law that ticks me off. He can eat all day, doesn't matter what, and is like a string bean. How i envy him!  
12 Apr 18 by member: Fishingwidow
You're right. Everyone is different. I would love to do keto but I know I would not be able to do that. That's why I count calories. But I will support and have anyone's back that does keto. So what you have to and what works for you. Nobody but you knows your body and what works for you. We are all here to get healthy. I wish you the best on your journ2. 
12 Apr 18 by member: Proudmomma412
You are so right! What works for one person doesn't work for another. There is no standard body, we are all unique, so we have to do some experimenting to see what works for us. I'm glad you're finding what works for you! 
12 Apr 18 by member: mars2kids
Well said. Everyone is different. I starved my body for 2+ years. I lost weight because my CI<CO, but at what cost? Brittle nails, poor health, joint inflammation, crappy attitude. If I hear one more thing about a "peer-reviewed study" to support a point made, I may scream. Just be supportive of each other as we journey. That is all we need here!  
12 Apr 18 by member: RiverRes
The Calorie Model works for a lot of people. A lot of those people think it's settled science. Those folks are wrong, don't worry about a bunch of psycho CICO zealots, I just assume some of them are super excited to share that they discovered, "the secret" that everyone that paid attention in 7th grade Health class was already aware of, some of them enjoy fat-shaming and fat-taunting because they're basically crappy people, and the rest of them are just too dumb to realize that there's a whole host of other variables besides the flawed calculation of potential energy that is a, "calorie", just a made-up word that really doesn't mean anything.  
12 Apr 18 by member: @philrmcknight
WOE is personal and specific to each individual - good post. 
12 Apr 18 by member: tahoebrun
I have come to accept that there is not a WOE to loose weight that doesn't have some form of CICO as a component. Intermittent fasting is simply periods of nothing in and every calorie burned out. Even all meat diets don't work with unlimited eating. I have accepted that that most everyone has their own way of CICO eating that is best for them and there's nothing wrong with that... 
12 Apr 18 by member: John10251
I have the same acceptance that John10251 has. 
15 Apr 18 by member: abbadabba
My background is in nutrition. I spent my entire 40s weighing and eating only whole foods and keeping my calories at 1500. I gained 9 lbs every year. I was 215 lbs 14 months ago when I discovered low carb, then keto and intermittent fasting. I lost almost all my excess weight in six months. I will be 50 this year and am 138.8 lbs. 110 lbs of lean body mass. I am happier and healthier than I have been in 20 years. CICO did not work for me and I was 100% disciplined. If it works for others great, but anyone ignorant enough to insist it is The Only Answer for everyone is not worth my time. 
15 Apr 18 by member: 2426girl
I agree with you, 2426girl, I don't get those among us that feel that calories are a, "drop the mic" issue. Me: "I lost 250 pounds on keto" CICO Warrior: "Calories are King!" Me: "No, calories are fairy farts." CICO Warrior: "Calories IS SCIENCE!!!1!". It's like, why the devil do they care? I never counted a single calorie during the year that I lost all my weight, calories are simply one more unnecessary thing to stress out about.  
15 Apr 18 by member: @philrmcknight
If one eats very little, once a day; there is not any need to count calories to maintain a calorie deficit. I don't play GOD and judge other people because someone sins differently than I. I accept that we all have flaws. I commend everyone who is on their journey to improve themselves. Everyone has to find their own way. I don't bully people who think slightly different than I. I choose to focus on similarities that work. I personally consider nutrition very important; especially for an aging population but everyone has a choice. I choose not to be obsessed with the way someone else is eating. I'm reminded of the old saying, "What you eat does not make me fat."  
21 Apr 18 by member: John10251
Agree John live and let live. I try to support everyone on their journey, you never know what burdens they are already carrying you don't need to add to it. Hang in there Pokey, your doing great. 
21 Apr 18 by member: 8Patty
Ya don’t have to count anything at all as long as you portion meals, especially add exercise to the mix & weight loss will happen, easiest way is just minimizing what someone eats weekly. Even if people cut most of their food/drink portions in half or even more especially if they ate out st restaurants & fast food, they’d still reduce their caloric amounts much more so. That’s literally it, smaller portions, less crappy unfilling “empty calorie” foods like processed stuff & sodas, eat more whole quality food sources, such as fiber rich/nutrient dense, drink more water. Do all that you’ll not just have an easier time losing weight, you’ll have a much better time feeling full, overall better health physically/mentally, plus being fuller off more filling foods (such as higher protein sources) will help insure you don’t feel hungry/eat more. pretty simple, no reason for things to be overly complicated but many unfortunately do so. As far as calorie counting goes, if someone wants to do it or has reasons why they should, when it’s done properly it’ll work, but if someone is counting calories & they’re not feeling full & eating more (such as the above post) well that won’t help with weight loss obviously. But does someone have to count calories? Nope! Not at all. For example the 2 most popular “woe’s/diets” on here are fasting and/or keto. Fasting helps because going several hours or even days ensures people will eat less. Already eliminating the chance of consuming more calories/foods, they don’t have to worry about that anymore! Boom done! Keto helps as well because it eliminates the cravings for higher carb sources (thus eliminating chances of extra calories eaten) upping the fat+protein (so higher filling macros=less chance being hungry/eating more) & Eating more fiber rich veggies/fruit which also have water content contributing to feeling fuller. So! it really ends up as the individuals choice of how they want to lose (or gain) weight. That’s why there is no such thing as a “best” diet plan. Everyone has their own individual needs/goals/preferences. As long as you’re happy and healthy with what you do to achieve your goals that’s the #1 way to do it! 👍🏻 
21 Apr 18 by member: DEADPOOL12345


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