Want2BFit's Journal, 20 October 2009

Okay, I've finally committed myself to the Meat and Egg fast, two days down and I've made it to hump day, so exciting! Usually when I plan on doing something I either jinx myself or bail out, so I figured I wouldn't mention it until I actually did one day on it. Two days down and two to go, I plan on doing it until I feel like doing something else, lol. My friends 25th Bday dinner is Friday and I haven't seen my friends since my bday @ the end of August so i'm not going to really stress myself while out, so it's up in the air how strict I am. I've been sticking to my diet and exercise routine so I'll be fine. Usually when I eat 'bad' food or off plan I eat it earlier in the day, but since it'll be a late dinner and perhaps drinks that kind of puts a bump in the plan.

I ordered this really cute jacket and I hope it comes in tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it b/c it hits a little above the waist, and I have the dreaded Apple body type so I hope it doesn't look bad ::fingers crossed:: The best part about losing weight is that you get to get new clothes and I love shopping so this is great for me; my wallet not so much lol.


What's the meat and egg fast? 
21 Oct 09 by member: DLAndrews
hey, the m+e fast is pretty much just eating meat and eggs to get into Ketosis. Both meat and eggs have little to no carbs and since its all protein it keeps you fuller longer. Depending on how many calories you have I guess I'd liken it to a Protein Sparing Modified Fast or Stillman's. Some do it for 3-5 days, others do it until they hit their goal weight, but its strict and vitamin deficient so if you were to do it for a prolonged period of time you'd definitely need to take a multivitamin. I hope that helps! 
21 Oct 09 by member: Want2BFit


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