Ms Elizabeth's Journal, 20 March 2015

I won the mommy of the year award today! Woohoo! Ok not really. Little man is becoming slightly more independent and he has some strange aversion to going out any door on his side of the jeep. He would much rather crawl through the front seat and go out the passenger side or spalunk under his brothers carseat to get out his door.. whatever. This morning he was contemplating his choices when he spotted my stash of animal crackers in a zip lock baggy sticking out of my purse. It would have been my breakfast because we got up at 6:38 instead of 5:38. Luckily after getting ready for his day in the barn hubby decided to finally ask. "Hey! You going to work today?" To which I replied. "Do I have to? Did we hit it rich and I can stay home from the corporate crapshoot?" Anyways.. the kid stole my crackers.

I get back in the car and start my drive then discover one of my vitamins is missing. You know the fishy oil one that kinda resembles a gummy treat but gives you fish burps all day? Yeah that one. I didn't have time to take them at home so I grabbed them to take with my morning coffee at work. Flash back to little man fishing around in the front seat for my crackers which were right next to the pill. So I had to call the sitter and leave this message.. "Hey.. yeah.. Have you noticed if little man has any drugs with him? It's not a serious drug just a prenatal vitamin. If he does it's ok because once he eats it he will make horrible OMG what is that noises and faces. Come to think of it he may poop more easily too but it may smell like fish. So if you find it there let me know otherwise I will keep looking here. K! Thanks!" Luckily I did find it.. so next I could call her and when she actually did answer I could tell her. Oooh by the way.. peanut might have some prozac in his onsie.. it's ok though... It's a good thing she has a sense of humor. I've only had 4 hours of sleep so my sense of humor is questionable.

Ok it's survey time. I'm starting a new book that seems to collide pretty close to my life. Is it ok to model a character after a co-worker? I mean.. there's a chance she won't read it. If she does read it there is a chance she won't realize the cube lurking, shuffling, strange noise making cube dwelling co-worker is her.. How? I have no clue but it could happen. Love her to pieces but a character needs to be formed using her as inspiration. The temptation is it too strong. It's like the red stapler guy in the movie Office Space. I could write under another name.. still most of the things she does I'm pretty sure are uniquely her.

I also have to start one of those couch to 5K programs... for research and such. Plus I like to put myself through the actual torture for inspiration. How else can you learn things about butt crack chaffing and other strange side affects associated with fitness? Any suggestions on a program or an app or things you think I should avoid that I probably won't just because I'm programmed like that? It's the equivalent of telling a kid don't touch that.. or watching a friend drink something horrible then have them tell you that you have to try it even though they just made that horrible face in front of you but you still try it because you know it involves alcohol.. yeah its like that. I forgot where I was going with this. I think it's nap time though. Hopefully the space bar on my keyboard doesn't leave an imprint this time.

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So seriously, don't ever wear thongs to run a 5k. there actually is such a thing as buttcrack chafing, not that I would know... ok maybe I do.....oh look at the post down below..... 
20 Mar 15 by member: nicholaix
20 Mar 15 by member: micahmanuel
You really should write a book.  
20 Mar 15 by member: MightyFull
One of my new years resolutions is to write something, anything, and actually finish it. It could happen. I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to read it or pay to read it.. maybe I can be a free book on Amazon. They have those right? Then I could say look at me! I wrote something. Only then they might ask how it did.. and then people I know would know about my obsessions like butt crack chafing and fiber farts.. or cabbage scented farts! Never knew you could eat enough cabbage to make your farts smell that way. 
20 Mar 15 by member: Ms Elizabeth
I'd say you could write about the coworker if you change a few things and change her name. Be prepared if the book hits it big though to have to pay her some money. :) I do the C25K app, it's free and it starts you off doing intervals of walking and running, and actually tells you when to walk and when to run. I did the Nike app for a while, and it says that you should run for so long, then walk for so long, but doesn't give you prompts so you're just left guessing when the minutes have passed for walking and running. At least it's healthy research you're doing. Good luck!  
20 Mar 15 by member: mars2kids
Would read your book!1 even buy it not check it out of the library!! MIght check with the co-worker first and a question to someone in a legal field to see if she does read it and gets insulted she cannot sue you... Sorry too many horror stories out there and I would not want to see you hurt. You might even need something in writing. I know for copyright issues on designs you have to change a certain % of the design or someone can come after you if you try to sell that design..  
20 Mar 15 by member: wholefoodnut


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