ruby128's Journal, 21 December 2010

I have fallen off the wagon and everywhere I look is junk food. Every day at work- cookies, homemade candy, etc. Ate at Bob Evans yesterday, and had their colonial drsg on my salad. Daughter had a birthday and I ate ice cream cake. I don't even like ice cream cake. had turkey and light yogurt for breakfast and having taco salad for lunch at work. I am tryng not to beat myself up but then I just give myself too much leeway. I lose it in the winter. Looking for comfort food.


It's perfectly normal, not fun, but normal...when you kick yourself out of ketosis, and put higher carb foods back in your system...along come the return of cravings w/ a vengence. Big deep breath, take control back - and lower your carbs back down to a clean induction level. You'll be back on track by the weekend, and oh what a great gift to yourself to catch this now, and not let this spiral out of control. Then focus on the stress, and other issues causing you to look to comfort yourself thru old food. Good luck to know you can do've come this far...don't give up now! 
21 Dec 10 by member: jsfantome
I am off the wagon too. You are like me. You know what to eat and what not to eat... sometimes it's just hard to say no and sometimes we eat junk we don't even want and don't understand why? Well don't beat yourself up. You have lost over 80 lbs before and you can do it again. I know I want Atkins to be my lifestyle but the Holidays are so hard. Just today I was brought a sack of seasoned pretzles, another bag of no bake cookies, pretzles with caramel and chocolate on top, chocolate covered pretzles (white and regular chocolate) and something else... I think they may be homemade peanut butter cups... oh and there is peanut brittle in there too. There are brownies & chocholate chip cookies on the filing cabinet by the fax machine, donuts by the coffee maker, and I even have a home made cheese log in the fridge! LOL! Kudos to the strong, brave, souls who make it through this holiday unscathed! Oh I forgot to mention I was also given this bannana pineapple bread... hmmmm... I LOVE Bannana Nut Bread so maybe this will be good. If I don't like it I will give it to my dad. He eats everything. When my grandma comes for Christmas and makes discusting things like fig cobbler.... he eats it. Good Luck Ruby, We can do this, it will just be alot easier New Years Day! 
21 Dec 10 by member: amanda123


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