miteslur's Journal, 02 January 2008

I watched Dr. Phil's show today! I think God gave me Dr. Phil as a personal blessing. LOL
The show was on how to acheive your new year resolutions. The first person to talk to Dr. Phil was a gal who is about 200lbs over weight. She has a terrible addiction to McDonalds. Dr. Phil figured out that if she just stopped eating at McDonalds, she'd lose her 200lbs. That's all she'd have to do! He said his nutritionist figured out that she consumes about 6000 calories a DAY!
He mentioned some thngs that I've recently learned from his audio book, Ultimate Weight Solution. I need to finish listening to that as I haven't complete all 7 keys.
The one thing he said, that really struck home, is that anyone CAN lose weight, if they want it bad enough. If I want it, I need to make my world support my goals and live the life of a healthy person. If I continue to live the life of an obese person, I will continue to be obese. I need to become a different person from the one who became obese. I need to set myself up for success, not failure! My home, my emotions, my friends, everything I surround myself with, needs to support my goal of becoming a healthy person.
I'm with ya DR. PHIL! Baby steps!
Here's to a NEW ME for the NEW YEAR!
I can do this and I WILL DO THIS!
Now...gotta get to bed so I can get up and START MY NEW YEAR RIGHT!


lol I was gonna ask you if you taped it today! I am "there", too! It "is time"... weird how it feels so different than other times, and yet it "felt" like it was time then, too. Wonder why I got bored with the other times and yet this time I see it as life time and changes is the only option, I may not fail, it's not an option. Yea!! Glad you saw it too! OH.... btw.... took my bp tonight, and it was 133/88... better! But still not below 85, but better.  
02 Jan 08 by member: bullytrouble
Your journal was really inspiring to me today! I have no doubt that you'll be able to make healthy choices for yourself...all those baby steps will add up to first a few pounds, and then several pounds...and eventually you'll be seeing your G O A L! 
03 Jan 08 by member: BadAndee
By opning up here, I know you will benefit from the same support you give..... 
03 Jan 08 by member: susieq1941
I was into Dr. Phil years ago, bought his books and knew it was "time" for me. I also had hypnosis tapes for weight loss. I had every book in front of me I needed to lose weight. I thought it was my time for about 3 years while I spiraled out of control. Every Jan. 1st was my year to make changes. But the one thing, the one difference between wishing and doing was one thing for me; telling myself that I don't care who else does what or what they say or what anyone around me does, I am NOT going to put anything bad into my mouth again. I changed my mind and I told myself I am going to only eat healthy, I want this for ME and I will do this no matter what goes on around me! People fight horrible things like accidents, drug addictions and cancer, they go through treatments, surgeries, radiation, detox and hell just for a CHANCE at life. I thought of all the different people I've known, including my own daughter who would LOVE to trade ailments with me. I thought of all the people who have died of heart attacks and strokes, and thought of the people who had strokes that are bed ridden and being taken care of and fed and changed by loved ones and I thought of what they would tell me about taking care of my heart and health before I got like them. They have to go through a daily hell for a chance to live and all I have to do is control what I put up to my mouth! All we have to do to live better, healthy and longer is control what our hand puts into our mouth!!! Then I thought about habits and how easy it is to change them when we must. We can be taught to look both ways before crossing the street until it becomes almost natural. We train ourselves to turn off lights and lock our car doors as we exit them. It is as simple as telling yourself, "we're going to do this" and "doing it". We can talk about it forever, but what makes the difference is changing our mental attitude. One of the biggest differences I see when people change habits (even in parenting classes...I used to teach parenting classes)is that instead of saying what we aren't going to do anymore, it's better to say what we are going to do instead. Instead of saying, "Dont scream" say, I want you to use your quiet voice and tell me what happened". Instead of, "Don't eat junk food anymore" it should be, "Eat fresh veggies and lean meat." Tell yourself what good you're going to do and what you are changing thats good. Don't even mention the former bads other than, "no more bad, only good." When I started SB, I saw quickly that it mostly meant veggies and lean meats so I only focused on that. I didn't focus on the bad things I couldn't have, I thought of all the good things I COULD have. I know it sounds very cliche' as I said, but it really is changing your state of mind into a firm stance. You change your mind and you mean it. Remember that song...I always think of it when I'm doing something new (see, doing something new, not ending something bad): "IF YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL YOUR TRYIN' JUST GIVE UP THE STATE OF MIND YOUR IN. IF YOU WANNA BE SOMEBODY ELSE, IF YOU'RE TIRED OF FIGHTING BATTLES WITHIN YOURSELF, IF YOU WANNA BE SOMEBODY ELSE, CHANGE YOUR MIND...CHANGE YOUR MIND." You can do it. New years it always a great starting place, but keep forward and don't look back now. Whats your first goal? Tell me what that is and I'll make some kind of special deal with you. Now I'm anxious to hear it...what's your first goal? Yippee, you can do this! 
03 Jan 08 by member: ImLuuvd
hee hee You put it all into black and white, girlfriend! I couldn't of said it any better. This morning my first thought was "I want a lattee"...then I followed it with "You need to do what it takes to become a new person. A healthy person. Pick something else." I didn't even feel bad or deprived. I totally get what Dr. Phil meant by saying we need to change who we are. If we stay the same, we will have the same results. I chose a cold green tea instead of my latte. =) My goal, 'ey! Boy, I'm gonna have to think about that. I will, though! And, I'll let you know. I suppose it should be a short term goal! 
03 Jan 08 by member: miteslur
Yep, sound's like you have the new attitude/mind change I'm referring to. You go.....go get 'em! And let me know your first goal, yes short term goal. 
03 Jan 08 by member: ImLuuvd
I'm gonna have to say my very first goal for THIS WEEK is to get rid of all the "unfriendly" foods I have in my house. Several people gave us candy and chocolate over the holidays. I have a weakness for chocolate. So, I want to go through my cubbards and toss anything that I shouldn't have in my house. Gotta create an environment that will support the new lifestyle I want to have. 
03 Jan 08 by member: miteslur
I would say either bag them up and tell your kids to please go give it to their friends.... or just toss them out. I just tossed a WHOLE pumpkin pie in the trash, it sat untouched on my counter for over a week! Toss it over taking a bite, ok? Great goal, let me know how it goes! 
03 Jan 08 by member: ImLuuvd
I tell my husband, "If you don't take these(cookies, goodies, whatever) to work with you I am throwing them in the trash." And if he forgets, which, ususally he doesn't, I follow through. At least, when I am being good... 
03 Jan 08 by member: Lotus
I couldn't agree more, Imluuvd. I have made this change. When my hubby offers me something that is not on the diet , I tell himi "no, thanks, but I am happy losing weight, I'd like to keep it going that way." and smile. He's happy that I'm losing weight, so he usually happily says "oh, yeah,.. sorry!" lol I have decided that if it doesn't support my goal of becoming healthy and losing weight, then I don't want anything to do with it. Unless it's a special occasion, I'll indulge in a drink or two, but that's usually it. :) Because.... I AM WORTH IT! I DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY... I CHOSE TO BE HEALTHY!! If I question if it's worth it, I try to avoid it, if I have to have some, I have bite and walk away from it. :) You CAN DO THIS!! I know ya can! 
03 Jan 08 by member: bullytrouble

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