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22 September 2011

Wanted to record my weight today as I believe it's been such a long time since I saw 126. No fasting, actually eating food like a "real" person for the most part. I don't know what's different - maybe fewer snacks, although I've been eating every few hours. So technically, many are snacks. For instance, I'll eat a piece of string cheese, a hand full of dry roasted almonds, some grape tomatoes and a few strawberries on a plate for a "meal" or snack.

Been working out fairly consistently again - waist back to 26 1/2. Would like to see it an inch smaller, but that's probably not gonna happen. I'm seeing more definition in my abs, though. I really think this Piloxing workout is doing it. Although there is an abs segment on the dvd, you also end up using your core nearly the entire workout, anyway. It's pretty cool to do something like upper cuts and feel it coming from your core.

My husband is doing fairly well, but still having the night sweats and bouts of coughing. I'm assuming that will stay with him for a long time. I'd read the pneumonia could cause that anyway, but add on Valley Fever and who knows how long it will persist. He's definitely tired of feeling exhausted most of the time, but I see his stamina slowly returning. It's easier for me to see it than for him to feel it, I guess. It's progress, and considering how it could have been, I'll take it. I do wonder if we'll be able to hike for a while, though. I can't imagine he'd make it to the park and back, let alone a 5 - 10 mile desert hike.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Weigh-in: 126.0 lb lost so far: 49.0 lb still to go: 1.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (3 comments) losing 5.6 lb a week

21 September 2011

Five days with the same weight? New record for me! :D It's probably just a glitch, but it'd be nice to think I might figure out how to maintain. I'm great at gaining and I've learned to lose, it's the staying the same that has eluded me most of my life.

My husband is getting better - slowly, but surely. He's just so weak, tired and winded with any effort. But he's been to work this week and not shortened days, either. Monday I fully expected him to pass out when he got home and he stayed awake until probably 11:00. Good sign.

The weather is changing - I'm starting to fall in love with AZ once again. About time! Seems like the longest summer ever. Love the fall here, love spring, winter is okay...detest the summer months (about 4 1/2 of them)

Hope everyone is fine and feeling good about themselves.
Weigh-in: 126.8 lb lost so far: 48.2 lb still to go: 1.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) steady weight

16 September 2011

Happily surprised with my weigh-in this morning (pleasantly surprised didn't seem to cover it). I knew I wasn't over-eating, but also haven't been quite back to my regular exercise routine yet, either.

Today is a good day! Although we found out yesterday that my husband has Valley Fever in addition to pneumonia, at least it explains a lot of things. He really looks like he's turned a corner and may finally be on the path to good health. I'm fairly certain it'll be along road, but just getting a couple of good meds in him and a decent night's sleep has helped. He looks better, too. I just hope and pray he won't be one that suffers for months and months and hit with it again and again. One of my daughter's friends had Valley Fever and was really hit hard. She ended up being on the anti-fungal meds for a year. My husband just started a three month course of them. If the improvement over a couple of days ago to now is any indication, the three month course may do the trick. He's missed two weeks of work - unheard of for him. He's working from the bed, though, but I still think that's a good sign.

I've got more to talk about, but think I'll hold off until tomorrow. I really do want to get back into journaling and recording food intake, and to pay more attention to my buddies lives and to try to give input or understanding as needed.
Weigh-in: 126.8 lb lost so far: 48.2 lb still to go: 1.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (9 comments) losing 0.2 lb a week

11 September 2011

09 September 2011

An actual weight without previous fasting, etc. Maybe stress can make you lose a little. Thought I felt a little thinner this morning so jumped on. Been a stressful week. My husband has pneumonia and is should have been getting better - but he seems worse. Went back to the doctor yesterday, he put him on a different antibiotic and is still not completely convinced he doesn't have meningitis, as well. If his fever hasn't broken by his Sat. afternoon appointment, we're pretty sure they'll want to do the lumbar puncture and probably also admit him to treat the pneumonia. So my recovery from surgery? Lasted 2 days! Oh well, at least it was an easy one and I was in shape and healthy prior. I'm sure that helped a lot. But buddies? Please pray for my husband to recover quickly and that I don't get whatever my husband has, as well. That would not be good.
Weigh-in: 127.0 lb lost so far: 48.0 lb still to go: 2.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (6 comments) losing 1.4 lb a week

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