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15 December 2014

Office holiday potluck today...and I'm reasonably surprised at what is offered. I made sure I had a healthy, protein-packed choice by bringing in some turkey chili. However, a few of the other offerings are good choices, too. Of course, there are the cookies and cheese cakes, but thankfully all of those I have no troubles avoiding.

We made it a wonderful weekend this past weekend. Finally got out as a family to get a Christmas tree. The lot was pretty picked over, but our needs are very simple with our small house. Kids took over the decorating...I love it! Sure the ornaments are all crowded to where the stool would help them reach, but it's beautiful to this mom's eyes.

I have to say this has been my most responsible Christmas when it comes to all things food. I can certainly see that the changes I've made over the past year have STUCK and my body actually doesn't tolerate it when I indulge. Very happy with how things are working out.

Oh there is still a lot to do before Santa comes next week, but I'm taking it all a day at a time. We're doing our best to just find things to do as a family that don't cost much...time together is such a wonderful gift!

Hope all is well with you as you start off another week!

11 December 2014

08 December 2014

03 December 2014

Doing well this week. The overwhelming feeling I had last week about the promotion is subsiding. Now that I'm getting into a groove, I'm enjoying the fast pace of my days. It's already Wednesday and I really need it to be more like Monday if I hope to get all of my work done. Oh boredom here!

I found out yesterday afternoon that one of the local charities is doing a 5K this weekend (not well advertised...but it's their 1st year). How awesome it feels to just say, "Yeah! I'm gonna do that!" as my fitness level is willing to accommodate. I call my husband to see if he wanted to join me and he said he would. It will be a fun...yes, a 5K is now FUN!

My parents are hosting my kiddos for the night this Friday so that we may attend a Christmas party. (Hence why we'll BOTH be able to run the event on Saturday as the kids will still be at their house). He and I haven't had much time just the two of us so it will be nice to enjoy a party and a morning run together.

So far I'm handling the holidays pretty well when it comes to food. I've found no need to overindulge. Sure I take part in the treats of the season, but I don't feel the need to overdo it. I'll remind myself that my stomach doesn't do well when I eat "junk" anymore...feels worse than a hangover! That thought keeps me from taking too much.

Workouts are going good. I'm still dealing with some mobility issues in my shoulder, but it seems to be coming around. I'll be taking the rest of the week off of workouts due to lunch hour errands...but it's probably a good thing to give the body a little rest before the run on Saturday.

Blessings to you all...hope all is well!

01 December 2014

As I didn't manage to get out to run a local "Turkey Trot" on Thanksgiving, I found myself NEEDING to get out for a run on Friday morning. My husband was sleeping in and my parents were able to help out with the kids so I said, "I'm outta here" and headed out for a 4-mile run on my good ol' loop that I used to run when I lived at home.

Now, I knew it was cold out [about 5 degrees F] so I opted to NOT go outside until I was ready to run. I suited up in the foyer and ran out the door.

About 1 mile in, I couldn't feel my fingertips so I tucked them into the palm of my gloves. About 2 miles in...I was wishing I'd set up an escape plan as it was freaking cold! But, at that point, being halfway in meant it's just as long to go back as it is to go on I ran.

Never took the chance to stop for a walk or slow it down as it was COLD! Honestly, it was the toughest 4 miles I'd ever run.

I got in the house and pretty much just collapsed on the floor and said, "That was stupid. But I finished it." And then looked at my watch...I'd done the 4 miles in about 36 minutes.

As my old racing buddies used to tell me, "If you want the [race] over with, just go faster." I guess that's what I did.

I'm nursing some mobility issues in my shoulder. It's frustrating but I'll keep it rested. We took the kids swimming yesterday and I tried a few laps in the pool. It actually seemed to help.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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