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27 May 2013

Weigh-in: 246.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 71.0 lb Diet followed N/A

01 January 2012

07 December 2011

I've been in a bit of a funk the last few days and have gotten off track a bit. This is the perfect example of my biggest struggle...the impact of my emotions on my overall success...when I am down...I want to eat and hide at home...Luckily, I haven't gone too far off course, in fact, I went the opposite and ate even less...neither is healthy and I know that. I am hoping that my planned excursion to my "Happy Place" this weekend will help turn my mood around. There is something about the desert around Moab that always helps me find myself again.

Variety has been one of my challenges as well...if you were to look at my food diary, you would see a lot of the same things over and over again. I have to get more creative with my menu to keep boredom from setting in. I also need to change up my exercise routines. A dear dear friend who is supporting me through this journey purchased Sweating to the Oldies for me and I can't wait to begin using the videos. What I like is that they are designed for people like me. You don't have to already be in shape to benefit from them, unlike my last experiment in video exercise...I could not follow them at all.

Anyway...I hope to get back on track...I am still committed to loosing the weight, I just need to refocus a bit...

29 November 2011

Still feeling pretty good! I am up to an hour on the bike a day...true, I am breaking it up doing 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 minutes after work...but I am doing it!
I need to spend some time creating a more diverse menu as I am finding myself getting bored with the foods I have been eating, which is leading me to crave foods that I know are not good for me.

The support I have received from friends and family continues to amaze me, even though it shouldn't. I have always been blessed with amazing people in my life and for that I am truly grateful.

I was hoping to get out of town this weekend and visit my "Happy Place" Canyonlands National Park. I was all set to go and then I checked the forecast. We are supposed to start getting snow on Thursday and it's slated to run through the weekend. While it is only a 3 hour drive under normal circumstances, it could easily double that in snow. So instead, I will stay in town and perhaps convince some friends that we need to go snow shoeing! The snow isn't going to keep me inside if I can help it.

27 November 2011

I am feeling so good this morning!
Weighed in and I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! Talk about a motivator, particularly when you throw a holiday in the mix. I know that the weight loss will slow, and that's ok. The important thing is that I am staying true to my goal. I am not following a particular diet plan, rather simply watching what I eat more than ever before and avoiding boxed foods. Having to prepare each meal has allowed me to look at what goes into each meal and is allowing me to make better decisions. The other big chane is that I am consciously exercising EVERYDAY! That's a first for me. I have never made exercise a priority. Case in point, last night after I spent the day putting up Christmas decorations and making my first pork roast, and changed into my pj's getting ready for bed, I realized that I had not been on the bike. So, I made myself get up and ride the bike for 30 minutes in my pj's. I know that I had probably burned off the equivalent in calories throughout the day, but the act of conscious exercise is an important part of my day and one that I will not sacrafice.

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