Joined August 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
176.0 lb
Lost so far: 16.8 lb

Current Weight
159.2 lb
Performance: losing 2.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
150.0 lb
Still to go: 9.2 lb

farvman's Weight History

farvman's Latest Member Challenges

  Drink More WATER! Trying for at least 64oz.
status: Completed
ended: 28 Feb 11
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  Lose 10Lbs from the New Year to Valentine's Day
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ended: 12 Feb 11
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farvman's Latest Posts

Workout Music
For running, which I hate, any of Kanye's faster stuff.
For lifting, Godsmack's self-titled album.
posted 30 Dec 2010, 16:45
Protein Powder
Also try to get something with fiber in it; keeps you full for longer. Syntha-6 is the best tasting I've found. Whey is a fast uptake protein, so it's great before and after workouts with some fast uptake carbs like dextrose. Casein is a slow protein, so taking some before bed (or just eating some cottage cheese or greek yogurt) will keep your metabolism accelerated for a longer period while you sleep, and give your body some building blocks for muscle sparing/development if you're into weight training. Mixed proteins (non-isolates) usually taste the best, and whey tastes the worst, but supplementing with any protein shake is a good move in any respect.
posted 21 Dec 2010, 17:11
Hello everyone!! This is Day One for me.
The only way you can find your true daily intake for maintenance is by weighing yourself and doing a 1 week (or more) average. Calculators are all estimates. This site did come pretty close to mine, but I had to enter low activity when in reality I work out at least an hour a day, 5 days a week.

If you have the time/patience/dedication, find your own RDI! 1850 may work for a while, but if you're doing really well and then your weight loss stalls, work out your true RDI, or change up your macronutrient intake, or change up your exercise routine. Good luck!
posted 21 Dec 2010, 10:46
Hello everyone!! This is Day One for me.
Welcome to FS, and good luck! Just having a visual of your intake makes such a difference in changing your eating habits. I used to do it old school with a memo pad and a nutrition book, but FS takes all the work out of the calorie journal. Like other posters, I also find the metabolic rate estimates to be on the high side.

It sounds like a pain, but try the following every few months:
-Weigh yourself Sunday morning as soon as you get out of bed
-Track your calories on FS and be super super accurate, i.e. use a measuring cup and a food scale
-Weigh youself the next Sunday morning as soon as you get out of bed
-Average your calories for the week (Add Sunday morning thru Saturday night and divide by 7)
-If your weight stayed the same, this number is the number of calories you need per day, at your activity level, to maintain your weight. If you gained a pound, subtract 500 to get your magic number. If you lost a pound, add 500.
-Subtract 500-700 from that number, and this becomes your daily intake to lose about 1 lb per week. Try not to cut more than 700/day from your magic number. You may see some quick weight loss, but it will stall after a few weeks as your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows.

And to repeat what has already been posted: drink lots of water, exercise whenever you get the chance, keep your protein and fiber intake up, and always eat breakfast.

Again, welcome and good luck!
posted 20 Dec 2010, 20:44
soy protein shakes
It's excess calories (with the right amount of protein) + intense training that cause you to gain muscle mass -- not protein alone. It's like when people ask me how I lose weight while still eating butter, mayonnaise, and cheese. I tell them that I could eat two sticks of butter a day and still lose weight, since weight gain and weight loss in most cases is just a matter of caloric excess or caloric deficit. To maintain my weight, I need to take in 2400 kcal/day, and two sticks of butter is only 1600. Not that I'd recommend that diet, and I would be losing muscle as well as fat, and my body would be going through some abnormal chemical changes, but I would still lose weight.

Protein is just another macronutrient, like carbs and fat. Protein and carbs = 4 kcal/gm, fat 9. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are used to build new muscle cells when you break down your existing ones with intense exercise, especially weight training. With a caloric deficit and a meager protein intake, you will lose weight from both muscle and fat loss. With a caloric deficit and a high protein intake, you can spare muscle while losing fat.

Here's what I do:

-Weigh myself Sunday morning immediately upon waking.
-Eat normally and track calories and protein
using Fatsecret. (That means accurately, weighing and measuring food, etc., and even entering snacks or tastes of food, no matter how small; no cheating!)
-Weigh myself the next Sunday morning immediately upon waking.
-Average out daily intake for the week. (Add up Sunday through Saturday and divide by 7).
-If my weight stayed the same, this is the number of calories I need per day to maintain my weight at my current activity level (X). If I gained a pound, I subtract 500 from this number to get X. If I lost a pound, I add 500 to get X.
-Basically, to lose a pound a week, I would increase my activity level to burn an extra 500kcal/day or cut my intake by 500kcal/day.
-Since I'm currently trying to lose weight while doing intense weight training, I cut 250-500 kcal from X while keeping my protein intake at or above 1gm per pound of bodyweight per day.

I have found in the past that cutting my calories or increasing my activity level without keeping my protein intake high, my biceps and quadriceps measurements would shrink, and the amount of weight on my 1 rep max deadlift would drop. The protein intake makes all the difference in sparing or building muscle while losing fat.

Did anyone besides me follow that? lol

As for the soy shakes, I used to drink them because they tasted a heck of a lot better than whey, and I never had a problem. There were some researchers who claimed that they caused excess female hormone production in men, but I think that was recently rebuffed. I've always heard that they were better for women though. Soy is also a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids. These are the amino acids essential for protein synthesis at the cellular level which cannot be manufactured by the body. This is why soy is a good substitute for meat.

Wow, that post took much longer than I expected. Feel free to make me clarify anything that I made extremely confusing!
posted 19 Dec 2010, 18:08
farvman has submitted 5 posts

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