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22 July 2014

Woke up this morning singing MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This".

MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This

I'm not sure why that song was in my head, but it made for an amusing 4-minute dance party this morning to get the muscles moving! It's such a great way to start the day!

Then, I went for my 3 mile hike around my little mountain town, down to the playground to attempt some pull ups (I'm almost there!) and then back home. Right now, I'm taking a breather from the heat for a few minutes and then it's time for my P90X Cardio workout. Oh, and FYI: for those of you who think P90X might be too advanced or rigorous for you, they're in the process of releasing a new version called P90 which is suitable for ALL fitness levels, even if you've never been one to exercise. Looks like they'll be releasing it this fall. Just thought I'd mention it for those who might be interested.

Also found out today that I've been eating recalled nectarines and plums for the last 3 days! Fortunately, I feel just "peachy" (sorry for the pun) and my experience as a microbiology university lab instructor has trained me well in food decontamination protocols. It pays to be a super science nerd sometimes, after all!

Speaking of washing produce, I have my weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) delivery of farm fresh, organic veggies arriving again this afternoon! I LOVE my CSA! This week, it's a delivery of garlic scapes, string beans, sugar snap peas, spring onions, salad greens, leeks, curly kale, cucumbers and a monstrous pile of zucchini! I'm reaching the threshold on my zucchini storage right now. I have to figure out what to do with them pronto! There's only so many nights a week I can make zucchini "noodles" with my spiralizer!

I am also determined to find time today to get through another chapter of my personal trainer manual for my CPT exam. I guess it all comes down to time management and priorities, just like most things in life. Speaking of time management, I better stop typing and get back to sweating! It's workout time again, Folks!

Have a fantastic day!

21 July 2014

Happy Monday, Everyone! Today, I woke up singing Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves!

I highly recommend playing the song and having a 3 minute dance party in your living room!!

I woke up feeling fantastic and can't wait to take on Week 3 of P90X! The workouts are already getting easier to complete! I'm loving every minute of it!

Also, I found out recently that Kaiser Permanente, the Nation's largest HMO, is now advocating and asking all of their 117,000 physicians to prescribe a whole-food, plant-based diet for ALL of the employees and patients!

If you're on the fence about which eating style may be best for your overall health, please take a look at their online PDF guide about how to transition to this remarkable way of nourishing and healing your body.

Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition Guide

Eating this way has completely transformed my life. (Take a look at my profile to see the list of problems I had before I started eating this way!) The websites and books referenced at the end of their guide have pretty much saved my life!

Have a fabulous week, Folks! I know I will! :)

20 July 2014

18 July 2014

Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to weigh myself until the end of the month, but my curiosity finally got the better of me. 150.1 lbs. I think that's the lowest I've been since I was 25 (and my 40th birthday is in October). P90X is working! Yippee!!

Today's P90X workouts are legs & back and "ab ripper" (That name always sounds so gruesome to me. It makes me think of Jack The Ripper.)

I also really need to take more time out of my day to study for my CPT exam because I'm no where near as prepared as I need to be. Only 56% pass this test, so I better be prepared!

I also need to find some time to make some pickled garlic scapes this weekend. I have a mountain of scapes and need to do something with them soon! It's nearly impossible to find a pickling recipe that doesn't use nightshades (chili peppers, etc) and/or tons of sugar.

Ok, folks... I'm off on my daily hike around my little mountain town. Have a fantastic Friday!
Weigh-in: 150.1 lb lost so far: 55.9 lb still to go: 25.1 lb Diet followed 100%
   (2 comments) losing 1.4 lb a week

17 July 2014

I woke up this morning singing this:

James Brown - I Feel Good

It pretty much sums up how my week is going! Life is good here. P90X is continuing to kick my butt everyday, but I am loving it! I feel strong, resilient, and motivated to do everything in my power to live an optimally healthy life.

Went on my daily morning walk. It was 3 miles today, with a pitstop at a playground where I was almost able to do a pull-up (something I've never been able to do!). I think, by the time I reach my goal weight, I will be able to do a pull-up. In fact, I'm making that another goal, right now! 12 lbs from now, I WILL BE ABLE TO DO A PULL UP!

Today is P90X Yoga. Ugh. Last week, it was BRUTAL and probably the hardest of all of my workouts last week, so I can't say I've been looking forward to doing it again so soon. But I'm optimistic that it will be a little easier this time.

Hope you are all having a great week!
Ciao for now!

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