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05 February 2010

Yesterday, 4th Feb 2010, I had my third physio and I came away beaming. I was worried that I wouldn't be moved on a level as there's still a bit of lag when I do leg raises, however, this was not an issue. In fact my physio told me 'your problem is you're too good'. I couldn't stop smiling.

I also got told that my flexibility and balance is as good as or equal to the average joe who hasn't had surgery, but obviously I want to get it back to what it was before - I've been told to take it carefully though, so no standing on gym balls just yet.

I have gon from being 2-3 weeks behind on my first physio appointment due to what I was told to do on discharge, to being 1-2 weeks behind in my second apppointment andI'm now 1-2 weeks ahead!!! There is even a chance I can go back to training after the 4 month vuknerability period, just avoiding kicking anyone - I went to the gym last night after uni to celebrate.

I can now do a lot more, but I still can't swim or cycle anywhere, however, I can use the cross trainer, increase the resistence on the exercise bike, put an incline on the treadmill and best of all, I can start using weights, my gym ball and my bosu I got for Xmas.

I can now do the first thing I couldn't do pre-surgery due to the instability in my knee - I can use the cross trainer with both my arms and legs, instead of having to hold on to the bits at the side. I was smiling the whole time I was on there. People must have thought I was some strange folk!

I'm away this weekend, but after such good news my training regime (on a lesser scale) starts up on Monday =)

If I continue like this, Cyborg better watch out in a couple of years - I'll be coming for the belt!

26 January 2010

Today I faced my BIGGEST temptation to date since having my surgery.

One of my old instuctors tells me he's getting some guys together to go to Belguim in May to do a 4-day knife training course. He thinks with my fire, determination and ability to soak up techniques I would be able to achieve the level 10 ranking which would mean a black belt.


I'm suppose to be out of action until August/September. GOD! It's a hard decision. I need to talk to my therapist to see if it's i anyway achievable.

As much as I hate to admit it I think I'm gonna have to musta up the will power to say no. It could jepodise my recovery or even re-rupture my ACL - and I don't want to go down that road again!

At the end of the day I've gotta think long term. Other chances like this could come up again in the future but as it stands do I really want to jeopardise my chances of going toe-to-toe in the future?

25 January 2010

21 January 2010

Second Physio Appointment

Today I had my second physio appointment, I'm still not where I should be as I was not give sufficient exercises upon discharge, however, I am making considerable progress and my physio seems to be happy with my achievements.

I was unable to reach 0 degrees extension and 120 degrees flexion like I was hoping to, but I have no doubt I'll be right where I need to be come my net physio appointment =)

Unfortunately I was not gien the thumbs up to be able to swim yet like I was hoping to, but I am now allowed to use an exercise bike with minimal resistance - at least that's something!

I have also found a fast and effective way of getting about on crutches, it is a lot quicker than trying to walk and also gives me a little bit of an arm workout and raising my heart rate slightly at the same time =)

Last night on the Biggest Loser: USA Sugar Ray came up with a good acronym:

Overcome &

Lastly, I started reading 'Becoming The Natural' the Randy Couture biography. It's really interesting and I'm loving it, but there's one sentence that stands out and I can relate to whole heartedly.

"In some way, shape, or form,I had felt I was never good enough until I started fighting."

20 January 2010

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